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Developer of energy consumption systems: who is it and what does it do?


With the development of residential and industrial infrastructure, the issue of reducing energy costs becomes more relevant than ever. We tell you who and how minimizes energy consumption

Who is an energy systems developer?

An energy systems developer is a specialist who creates software and hardware to manage energy consumption in various infrastructures, such as homes or industrial buildings. An energy systems engineer is also a technical professional whose primary task is to design the most efficient, economical, and reliable energy systems. He knows what tools to use so that the refrigerator or air conditioner consumes the least amount of energy. He also works in large enterprises: hydro, gas and oil companies hire such a specialist to reduce the impact of their production on the environment and use resources more efficiently\.

What does an energy systems developer do?

Because the energy systems engineer’s primary focus is reducing energy consumption while increasing efficiency, he may perform many surveys, site inspections, and pilot studies. It conducts analysis based on data received from sensors, meters and other devices. Develops energy management systems taking into account economic efficiency and environmental safety.

In general, such a specialist is a key player in the field of sustainable development , since proper energy management can reduce the burden on the environment and reduce utility costs. Here are a few other responsibilities that typically fall under the purview of a power system designer:

integration of energy systems with building management systems, vehicle technical support and other systems;
support and development of energy management systems at all stages of the life cycle;
creation of software and hardware solutions for managing the supply of electricity, heat and water within one system;
analysis and optimization of energy consumption;
integration of various control systems, for example, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, lighting, etc.
Skills required in the profession
An energy system designer looks at current energy consumption problems, so in the energy industry, critical thinking can help look at a problem and find the optimal solution.

The energy sector is always at the forefront of advanced technologies, so if such a specialist works in the industry, he must be ready to quickly adapt to various innovations as they appear. Other key skills may also include:

knowledge of electrical engineering, ergonomics, construction;
programming skills;
ability to process large amounts of information;
Analytical mind;
ability to conduct an energy audit and know the basics of 3D modeling;
ability to offer original solutions to complex technical problems.
Do not forget that the developer of energy consumption systems is a specialist who minimizes the consumption of electricity, and this is always a concern for the environment. Therefore, knowledge in the field of ecology will be an advantage.
ey. PowerMeter allows users to monitor household energy consumption anywhere there is an available network.

Where did the profession come from?

The predecessor of these specialists can be called energy specialists. After the construction of the first power station in the 19th century, it was the power engineer who began to control the distribution of electrical energy. With the development of technology, the profession has not disappeared, but some of the functions have been taken over by developers of power consumption systems.

How to become an energy systems designer

You can get secondary vocational education in the following specialties: “Power stations, networks and systems”, “Power supply” and “Relay protection and automation of electric power systems”. It is worth choosing any college that teaches these specialties. For example, Novosibirsk Industrial and Energy College . In universities, this is the direction of “Electrical Power Engineering,” which is available at the capital’s Moscow Power Engineering Institute or the State Electrotechnical University LETI named after V.I. Ulyanov. In addition, you can study this profession remotely through the MBA CITY Business Academy course .

5 big advantages that RPA brings to businesses


In the business world, data-driven business processes and an ever-increasing competitive environment force organizations to be more effective and efficient.

 Businesses that cannot make their business processes efficient enough may fall behind in the competition and face commercial risks. At this point, robotic process automation (RPA) solutions offer significant contributions to businesses.

What is robotic process automation?

RPA, which enables automating repetitive, rule-based and routine tasks in business processes, offers the ability to perform structured tasks without human intervention through software robots. 

These robots, which can work in application interfaces and databases by imitating the use of input devices such as keyboards and mice by employees, can complete the tasks assigned to them much faster than a human.

RPA, which makes business processes more efficient by allowing people to allocate their time to more strategic and creative tasks, can often be integrated into existing systems without requiring complex infrastructure changes. 

Thanks to this feature, businesses can quickly benefit from the advantages of automation technologies.

RPA, which is used in many areas from financial transactions to customer services, from human resources to supply chain management, allows you to reduce costs, reduce errors and make business processes faster by increasing efficiency. 

Therefore, many organizations are adopting RPA as an effective tool to optimize business processes and gain competitive advantage.

Significant benefits that RPA brings to businesses

Productivity increase

RPA speeds up business processes by automating repetitive and rule-based tasks. Automating processes instead of handling them manually helps increase efficiency and complete business processes faster. 

In addition, with the reduction of manual processes, there is a significant decrease in costs.

Directing employees to strategic tasks

RPA’s ability to undertake repetitive tasks creates opportunities for human resources in the business to undertake more complex, creative, and strategic tasks.

Instead of dealing with routine tasks, employees can produce more added value in areas such as improving business processes, customer relations and innovation.

Reduced error probability and increased quality

By automating routine and repetitive tasks, RPA minimizes the possibility of human errors by removing the human factor from business processes. Thus, the overall quality level increases along with customer satisfaction.

Fast and flexible application integration

RPA solutions that can be quickly integrated into existing systems help companies quickly adapt to changing business needs. The flexible structure of RPA enables businesses to gain a competitive advantage with its ability to provide solutions suitable for different business processes.

24/7 uninterrupted operation and strategic decision making

Unlike human employees, RPA systems can work at any time, any day of the week. With RPA, automated data analysis and reporting can be provided to managers to provide real-time information for strategic decision-making processes.

İnnova’s RPA solution increases efficiency by automating routine tasks

RPA , the robotic process automation solution developed by İnnova’s expert staff , ensures that specified business processes are completed by digital robots that imitate human actions. 

RPA robots benefit from rule-based artificial intelligence and workflow automation technologies; their tasks result in the ability to interpret, calculate, trigger responses, and interact with the necessary systems.

Innova RPA, which can operate uninterruptedly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, offers businesses the opportunity to complete time-consuming routine tasks in the most efficient way possible. 

Offering businesses the opportunity to benefit from automation technologies without making any infrastructure changes, RPA easily adapts to changes and new tasks with its flexible and scalable structure. 

RPA, which provides institutions with increased speed and efficiency in business processes, also helps increase service quality.

 Thanks to RPA, businesses have the opportunity to increase customer satisfaction by using their resources better.

Innovations from Walmart to Shape the Shopping Experience of the Future


International retail giant Walmart introduces innovative technologies ready to redefine the shopping experiences of the future.

The company has deployed artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) capabilities to improve customer interactions.

These technologies were first introduced at the 2024 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and have recently begun to be used by iOS users.

One of the innovative features, the “GenAI-powered search experience,” was showcased through a football viewing party simulation.

This search tool personalizes the shopping journey by helping consumers easily find products related to the event they are watching.

Another innovation called “Walmart InHome Replenishment,” which integrates AI’s predictive capabilities into Walmart’s existing restocking system, ensures customers’ shopping carts are automatically refilled with required items.

Additionally, an Augmented Reality feature called “Shopping with Friends” has been introduced that allows users to create and discuss outfits with friends online, adding a community dimension to digital commerce.

Walmart’s President and CEO, Doug McMillon, expressed excitement about these technological advances and emphasized the company’s commitment to using technology to better serve customers.

McMillon affirmed its commitment to improving lives through innovation by putting customers and employees at the center of its technology efforts.

Furthering its technology-driven approach, Walmart has announced plans to expand its drone delivery service to more households in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area, marking another step toward the retail landscape of the future.

What is Big Data? Where and How to Use?


There have been many forces that have shaped the world since human history.

Developments such as the invention of fire, steam engines and electricity are the greatest examples of this shaping power. In recent times, the concept of power has evolved in a very different direction.

It has moved from muscle power to mechanization, and from mechanization to data-based.

We are in a data-based era called Industry 4.0, where data is everything. The most important concept of this period is “Big Data”. Let’s consider big data in more detail.

What is Big Data?

Big data is data made meaningful. Data is analyzed, classified, processed, and thus turns into usable information resources in a meaningful form, rather than as a pile of data.

Data becomes Big Data in three stages;

  • Merging: In this stage, data from many sources are brought together.
  • Managing: It is the stage of managing the data. When it comes to big data, there shouldn’t be a few documents that come to your mind. It is millions of data from hundreds of sources. Such a large amount of data needs to be stored. Companies solve this process internally or by using the cloud. Nowadays, there are people who store in both ways.
  • Analyze: Any data that is not analyzed has no meaning. Just storing data does not make it meaningful. For this reason, it is the most important analysis step of big data.

What are the Basic Features of Big Data?

Big data consists of five main components. These can be listed as follows:

  • Volume: The term used for the amount of data. This amount of data increases and decreases depending on the data processed.
  • Velocity: The time it takes to receive and process data is called speed. The higher the speed rating, the more valuable it is. The reason why there are many devices working with real-time speed today is that speed is an important component.
  • Variety: Having more than one data type is an example of diversity. For example, a text and a voice are two data types.
  • Verification: It is a term that has emerged recently and refers to data security. In line with this term, issues such as who can view and process the data and the accuracy of the data are discussed.
  • Value: Data is as valuable as it is meaningful. Valuable data also adds value to the organization. Unnecessary data stacks that do not meet the needs of the institution are worthless.

Why is Big Data Important?

Data is of irreplaceable importance today. The importance of data cannot be ignored in every sector, from tourism to industry, from education to health. Industry 4.0 and before had a business-oriented order, not a consumer-oriented one.

There was a product produced in line with this order and this product was sold. Production of the product should be increased or decreased in line with demand.

However, today there is great competition in every field, so it has become important not to produce products but to produce the product according to consumer demands.

It has become important to understand the consumer, learn their likes, find their needs and the times they may need them. We can consider it with an example.

Let’s say you want to buy a dress. You only looked at one dress on the website. The system detects this and brings the dress to you.

Let’s say you did a search on diapers, food, and baby clothes. The system detects that you are a parent and shows you more baby products. These examples constitute only a small portion of the big data.

Big Data Technologies and Data Analytics

There are various technologies and tools developed to easily manage the analysis of big data. Some of these tools and technologies are:

  • Hadoop: It is an open source platform for storing and processing big data.
  • Spark: It is a data processing engine that facilitates the processing of big data in real time. It works much faster than the Hadoop platform.
  • NoSQL Databases: Used to store and manage unstructured data.
  • Data Mining and Machine Learning: Methods used in big data analytics include data mining and machine learning. These techniques are used to discover patterns and relationships in data sets.
  • Visual Analytics Tools: These are tools used to understand data analysis visually. Tableau and Power BI are examples of visual analytics tools.

What are the Usage Areas of Big Data?

Big data is used in every field today. There is huge data, from the phones you have to the devices used in the industrial sector.

The simplest example is actually not far away, but inside your homes. When we get into the vehicle, we show you the existence of smart devices that ventilate the house and adjust the temperature before reaching your home.

Examples of usage areas include automatically turning on the light when we enter the house, and smart robot vacuum cleaners mapping and cleaning every area of ​​the house.

Big data has a very important place to make your work easier both in your daily life and in your business life.

As technology gradually develops and expands, it is likely that there will be an increase in its usage areas.

What is Cloud Print, What Does It Do and How to Use It?


Today, when technology is rapidly evolving, various tools that we can use to make our business processes more efficient come to the fore.

One of these tools, “Cloud Print” technology, makes document management and printing processes more effective.

In this article, what is Cloud Print, what does it do and how to use it? You can find the answers to your questions.

Cloud Print Nedir?

Cloud Print is a cloud printing technology. It allows documents to be easily printed from any device over the internet, without being connected to a physical printer.

By syncing your documents with a digital cloud storage service, you can access, share and print them from anywhere and at any time.

Cloud Print is the ideal solution for professionals looking for flexibility and mobility in modern business environments.

It accelerates business processes and strengthens communication between teams by offering remote working opportunities.

This technology increases efficiency in business processes by enabling documents to be printed quickly and reliably.

The benefits of Cloud Print are not limited to these. It also has environmental advantages such as reducing environmental impacts, preventing paper waste and contributing to energy saving.

In this way, it stands out as an important technological innovation in terms of both efficiency and environmental sustainability.

While Cloud Print provides solutions to document management challenges, it also provides a competitive advantage by optimizing business processes.

Therefore, it is an effective tool that businesses can use in their digital transformation processes.

What Does Cloud Print Do? 

Cloud Print has become an indispensable tool in the modern business world with the innovations it brings to business processes. Cloud Print functionality and benefits:

  • Flexible Working Environment:Cloud Print lets you print your documents from anywhere. In this way, you can quickly print your documents and continue your business processes uninterrupted even when you are out of the office.
  • Mobile Printing Convenience:It allows you to print your documents from any device with an internet connection. You can easily print even from mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones or laptops.
  • Collaboration and Sharing:Cloud Print provides the ability to quickly print documents as well as the ability to share and collaborate on documents with multiple people. It strengthens communication between teams.
  • Efficiency and Speed:Being able to quickly print your documents from anywhere speeds up the process and increases efficiency.

These advantages of Cloud Print provide an important solution for business professionals looking for more effective and sustainable ways of working.

This technology combines factors such as flexibility, mobility and environmental sustainability, making business processes smarter and more efficient.

How to Use Cloud Print?

You can follow these steps to use Cloud Print effectively:

  • Upload Documents to the Cloud:As a first step, upload the documents you want to print to a cloud storage service. Transfer your documents to the cloud by integrating with popular cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive.
  • Connect Printer to Cloud:To connect the printer you are using to Cloud Print, select a cloud printing service that your printer is compatible with. By adding the printer to this service, you can print your documents via the cloud.
  • Choose Your Device:Cloud Print gives you the ability to print your documents from any device with an internet connection. By selecting the device you want to print from, you can quickly start printing your documents.
  • Specify Print Settings:Before printing, specify print settings such as page layout, color options, and paper size.
  • Start Printing:After checking your settings, start printing your documents. The printer you choose will receive your documents via the cloud and produce the output quickly.

Cloud Print is a user-friendly tool that allows you to easily print your documents from any device and from anywhere

. By following these steps, you can make your business processes more flexible and efficient.

What is Apple Vision Pro? What are its features?


Constant developments in technology lead to the emergence of many innovative products that make our lives easier.

Among these innovations, Apple stands out with its visionary products. Apple develops devices that attract users’ attention with their high-end features and offer solutions that meet their needs.

In this article, we will examine the product called Apple Vision Pro and discuss its features.

What is Apple Vision Pro? What is it for? 

Apple Vision Pro is a smart device equipped with the latest technology and advanced features, aiming to make users’ daily lives easier.

This innovative product offers users a unique experience by bringing together the real world and the virtual world, thanks to its advanced technology.

Apple Vision Pro is designed in the shape of glasses and is equipped with a transparent screen.

Users can view digital content and information by combining it with the real world on this transparent screen.

For example, while a tourist is visiting a historical place, he can visually view the history and important information of that place through Apple Vision Pro.

One of the most impressive features of these smart glasses is the augmented reality (AR) experience.

Apple Vision Pro uses environmental sensing sensors to monitor your surroundings and provide instant information.

In this way, you can interactively position, move and interact with digital objects in the real world.

The functionality of Apple Vision Pro is not limited to tourist information only. Professional users can also use these smart glasses in business life.

For example, technical service employees can quickly access data on the device during field work and solve problems more effectively.

Healthcare professionals can optimize their treatment processes by instantly tracking patient information through the glasses.

What are the Features of Apple Vision Pro? 

Apple Vision Pro offers you a specially designed interface and ease of use. It turns an ordinary experience into an unforgettable one with its high-resolution screen, vivid colors and details.

Thanks to its powerful processor, it performs all kinds of operations quickly and offers uninterrupted use all day long with its long battery life.

This product also helps you take perfect photos thanks to its smart camera and advanced image processing features.

Advanced artificial intelligence algorithms automatically optimize your photos and make them even more stunning.

In addition, thanks to the high storage capacity of Apple Vision Pro, you can safely store all your memories and access them whenever you want.

Additionally, Apple Vision Pro has a user-friendly interface, providing ease of use. The initial guidance and step-by-step setup process helps users get started quickly. In addition, it has a stylish design.

Users can choose from different color and design options to suit their style.

How to Use Apple Vision Pro? 

Apple Vision Pro is very easy to use. Here are the steps on how to use Apple Vision Pro:

  • Charging the Device: It is important to charge the Apple Vision Pro before first use. Charge the glasses with the charger and cable included in the box of the device.
  • Wearing the Device: Put on the glasses to start using Apple Vision Pro. Make sure the transparent screen is at your eye level.
  • Power Button: Press and hold the button on the glasses to power the device on and off.
  • Startup Settings: On the first use of Apple Vision Pro, a getting started guide will appear providing you with step-by-step guidance. Configure basic settings such as language, time zone, Wi-Fi connection.
  • Basic Controls: Using the Apple Vision Pro generally relies on controlling the screen with touch or voice commands. It is possible to access menus and applications, use gestures or control the device with voice commands.

Using Apple Vision Pro is similar to the smart devices you are used to. Thanks to the features offered by the device and the augmented reality experience, you can access visual content more realistically.

Where is Apple Vision Pro Sold? 

To purchase Apple Vision Pro, you must first make an appointment with Apple. You will be asked to provide your glasses prescription when making your appointment.

Because Apple will design Vision Pro to suit your eyes. After making an appointment, you can try and purchase the device by going to your nearest Apple Store.

For those living in Turkey, it is not yet clear when and in which stores Apple Vision Pro will be available for sale. To get more information on this subject, you can follow Apple’s official website.

Apple Vision Pro exceeds users’ expectations with its powerful processor, impressive visual features and smart camera.

What is Industry 5.0?


The advantages provided by technology are not only effective in business life or education life. There are many benefits of technology in your home life.

While the existence and effects of Industry 4.0 have been discussed recently, a concept called Industry 5.0 has now emerged.

Industry 5.0, which has been called super smart society since 2017, is unmanned technology.

It would be correct to call Industry 4.0 a cyber revolution. The aim of Industry 4.0 is to make all systems produced during the three revolutions smarter and to create a mechanism that can learn, think and decide.

While the human factor was reduced as much as possible in Industry 4.0, unmanned technology was created in Industry 5.0. So, what is Industry 5.0?

What is Industry 5.0?

It is possible to call this concept, which we frequently encounter as Society 5.0, as the age of unmanned technology.

Industry 5.0 was first introduced at a technology fair in Hannover, Germany. This era, called the super smart society, is the collaboration of society with technology.

Many technological studies such as unmanned aerial vehicles used in defense, autonomous robot systems created using artificial intelligence technology, and human-like robots have contributed to the formation of Industry 5.0.

Of course, adapting to this technology is much more difficult than expected. However, considering the advantages and conveniences they provide, these studies do not seem scary to people.

As technology continues to change and develop day by day, you may have noticed that many concepts that we used to see as just a discourse are now being used.

What are the differences from Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 is a revolution managed by data provided by technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and big data.

Society 5.0 is a revolution that contributes to the formation of super smart societies that increase the welfare of society.

The most important feature that distinguishes Industry 5.0 from Industry 4.0 is; Industry 4.0 places humans at its core by using technology together with people while producing knowledge and intelligence.

However, Industry 5.0 has created information and technology through machines and artificial intelligence, and has been put at the service of people by producing unmanned technologies.

The most important differences that distinguish Society 5.0 from Industry 4.0 are as follows:

  • While Industry 4.0 focuses on how to do a job, Industry 5.0 focuses on how to optimize the human-hour relationship for the job to be done.
  • While the use of automatic machines is frequently preferred in Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0 focuses on optimizing the work efficiency of a knowledgeable, experienced and sufficient workforce by integrating it with smart machines.
  • Regardless of the work done in Industry 4.0, data is transferred to the computer and stored. However, in Industry 5.0, care is taken to create the work that is already done to the advantage of the employees, as they do it through smart machines.

What are Industry 5.0 Professions and Application Areas?

Increasingly developing technology not only raises people’s living standards, but also provides various conveniences in their daily work.

With the development of Industry 5.0, new business areas and a smarter social order began to emerge.

Various new professions such as artificial intelligence engineering, robotic coding, industrial computer programming or engineering have emerged and university education on these professions has started.

It is inevitable that Industry 5.0, which is used both in the defense military field and in many other fields such as education, agriculture and industry, will become increasingly widespread and developed.

Introduction to Robotic Coding: What is it and Why is it Important?

Robotic coding is a field that involves writing code using programming languages ​​to control the movements and functions of robots. 
Today, industrial robots; It has begun to be used more and more frequently in many sectors, especially health, agriculture, energy, defense and security. Therefore, the tendency to focus on software, artificial intelligence and robotics technology has increased in education and training processes. 
Of course, there is also interest in STEM+A, which is one of the best educational approaches to progress in this regard… At this point, a common question comes to the minds of both young people and families: “What is robotic coding?” What’s the use?
What is Robotic Coding?

Robotic coding has become very important today because it brings together engineering and programming.

Codes written in the field of robotic coding determine when, where and how the robot will move.

hus, it also offers a method of using robotic technology efficiently in a way that can produce solutions to existing problems or meet needs. While it is considered a core skill for those aiming for a robotics and automation career, it is also useful for individuals who want to improve their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Why is Robotic Coding Important?

Today, robots have become devices that are used in many sectors and automate work.

Thanks to this technology, repetitive operations can be carried out quickly and accurately, while work accidents and injuries can be prevented.

Also renewable energy etc. Robotics technology and coding are of great importance in solving many common problems of the world and in taking new initiatives in this field.

It is already predicted that robotic coding skills will play an important role in the future labor market.

As automation systems become increasingly widespread, employers prioritize candidates with robotic coding skills, and people with these skills are considered more advantageous in the competitive environment in the job market.

However, learning robotic coding skills also plays a serious role in concretely experiencing mathematical and scientific concepts and developing critical thinking skills.

Students can improve both problem-solving and creative thinking skills through robotic coding projects.

It helps learn STEM+A (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, art) skills and experience mathematical and scientific concepts in a concrete way.

For more detailed information, you can check out our article “ The Importance of Robotic Coding for Children and Youth ”.

In Which Professions Is Robotic Coding Used?

Mechanical Engineers:Mechanical engineers play an important role in the design, manufacture and control of the functions of industrial robots. Mechanical engineers help robots become more efficient by programming their movements and functions.

Electrical and Electronics Engineers:Electrical and electronic engineers develop electronic components necessary for the design and production of robotic systems. They help ensure that robots operate correctly and effectively by writing the codes necessary to control robotic systems.

Software Developers:Software developers are involved in writing and developing programming languages ​​used to control the movements and functions of robots. They enable robots to program their movements and functions and develop robotic control systems.

Industrial Automation Experts:Industrial automation experts are experts with the technical knowledge required for the design, installation and maintenance of automation systems. Industrial automation experts help robots program and control their functions.

Those Working in the Field of Agriculture:The agricultural sector is increasingly interested in the use of robotic coding technologies. With the use of robotic technologies, agricultural experts can automate agricultural processes and increase agricultural efficiency.

Health Professionals:The healthcare sector is another sector where robotic technologies are becoming increasingly widespread. Studies on the use of robots in procedures such as surgical procedures, patient care and rehabilitation continue rapidly today.

Education Experts:Robotic coding has an important place in STEM+A education. STEM+A, which stands for science, technology, engineering, mathematics and art, is based on the principle of learning all these disciplines together in an applied way, and robotic coding studies play an important role in this education approach.

Employees in the Field of Industry and Production:Robotic coding technology allows production processes to be automated and increased efficiency. This is very important in reducing costs in industrial production and making production processes safer.

What are Robotic Coding Examples?

Artificial intelligence:Robotic coding is a technology used in the development of artificial intelligence algorithms. During these studies, it is used to write and test programming languages ​​in the development process of artificial intelligence.

Autonomous Vehicles:We can also see robotic coding being used in the development of autonomous vehicles. Autonomous vehicles are vehicles that move on their own. Robotic coding is used to control sensors, navigation systems, and other functions of autonomous vehicles.

Drone Technologies:Another area that benefits from these technologies is drones. These devices are defined as flying robots and are used for different purposes in many sectors today. Thanks to robotic coding, it is possible to control the movements of drones, collect data, control sensors and perform other functions.

Virtual Reality:Virtual reality is one of the most popular technologies today, creating a simulation of the real world. In virtual reality applications, many operations can be done with the help of coding, such as creating and controlling simulations and performing other functions.

How to Learn Robotic Coding?

Robotics coding training can be provided from many sources, depending on the age and opportunities of people who want to specialize in this field.

At this point, we can say that the main educational materials are online lessons and courses. Many websites that host online courses, especially in the field of software and technology, also have content in this field.

Whether it is robotic coding lessons or a different subject that interests you in this field… We are aware that your main need for learning is a quality internet.

From the development process to the learning of all these technologies, the internet is now indispensable in every aspect of life. Of course, in online courses too…

Robotic coding events are an ideal option to learn robotic coding skills, especially for students. Programs such as FIRST® Robotics Competition, VEX Robotics Competition, and RoboCup aim to provide students with skills in designing, building, and programming robots.

Young People Design the Future at FIRST Robotics Competition with TurkNet Speed!

FIRST® Robotics Competition, organized for the first time in 1989 by inventor Dean Kamen , is a competition in which young people can learn robotic coding technology while also gaining the skills to compete with ethical values, work for high-quality production, and be a team within the framework of the concept of “sensitive professionalism”.

It has been held in our country since 2018 with the support of the Fikret Yüksel Foundation, and during this competition, young people can acquire many skills that will strengthen their CVs in the future.

As TurkNet, we are with them in this competition where young people touch the technology of the future, new skills and break the rules! We know that game-changing technologies have developed with the internet and that the internet will carry us into the future.

How to Make Money from Tiktok?


TikTok, which offers users the opportunity to create and share 15-second videos, attracts great attention among young people. TikTok offers its users various ways to make money. In this article, we will focus on TikTok monetization methods and conditions.

What is TikTok?

TikTok is a social media platform that hosts fun and creative content where short videos are shared. Popular among young people, this app allows users to create and share 15-second videos. One of TikTok’s unique features is that users can create original content using a variety of tools such as music, effects, and filters.

The platform offers a wide range of content, from dance videos to funny skits, from creative art projects to entertaining shows. While sharing their videos, users can interact with other users, receive likes and comments, and follow content producers.

What are the TikTok Money Making Methods?

TikTok is a dynamic social media space that popularizes video content and creates a unique culture. There are various ways to make money from TikTok. Here are some of the ways TikTok makes money:

  • Advertising Partnerships: TikTok gives content creators the chance to create advertising content by collaborating with brands. Brands can pay popular content creators to promote their products or services.
  • TikTok Live: TikTok Live is a feature where users can directly interact with their audience. Viewers can support creators by sending them gifts. These gifts allow the content creator to generate income.
  • Receiving Donations: During TikTok Live broadcasts, viewers can donate directly to creators. Users can send money to support the content creators they like.
  • Brand Sponsorships: Popular TikTok users can make sponsorship deals with brands. Brands can reach their target audiences through content producers with large follower bases.
  • Product Placements: Content producers can naturally use brand products in their videos and earn income by collaborating with brands in this way.
  • Affiliate Marketing: TikTok users can earn income by promoting a particular product or service through commissions earned from the sale of that product or service.

These methods provide TikTok users with various sources of income and allow creative content producers to participate more actively on the platform. However, in order to make money successfully, it is important to produce quality and interesting content.

How Much Does TikTok Pay for Views?

The issue of how much money is paid to watch on TikTok does not have a clear answer as there is no specific standard or fixed pay table. TikTok does not pay its users a specific fee per view. Instead, earnings vary depending on a variety of factors.

The amount paid for viewing depends on a number of factors, including geographic location, audience, content quality and engagement. TikTok’s dynamic algorithm and advertising models are important factors that determine users’ earnings. Each content creator may have a different experience, so it is not known exactly how much money Tiktok pays for views.

Minimum Number of Followers Required to Make Money on TikTok?

There is no specific minimum number of followers to make money on TikTok. However, a larger following may be required to use brand sponsorships and some revenue-generating features. Sponsorships usually occur with content producers who have more interaction and reach.

To earn income by receiving gifts from viewers during TikTok live broadcasts, you must comply with certain conditions. These conditions include age, location, compliance with community and service rules.

As TikTok adds various features to enable its users to monetize their content, the requirements and terms may change. Users need to continue producing quality content to gain greater recognition and engagement within the platform.

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What impact will the development of large language models have on the economy and the world?


Companies compete to develop large language models. Is it possible to achieve the development of large language models to the level of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and how they will develop in the future, the expert explains

About the author: Vladimir Vasiliev, academic director of the online master’s program Skillfactory and TSU “Natural Language Analysis in Linguistics and IT.”

What is NLP

Natural Language Processing, or natural language processing, is one of the three main areas of knowledge in data science.

The other two areas are classical machine learning (Machine Learning) and computer vision (Computer Vision). Many people call these areas artificial intelligence, although experts prefer the term Data Science.

All the virtual assistants you know are built using NLP technologies: “Alice”, “Marusya”, “Sber”, “Athena”, “Joy” and many others. And also all the big language models like ChatGPT, Bard, LLaMa or GigaChat.

NLP algorithms process text data that has accumulated during the use of human language. Everything we say, write, type and hear can be converted into text format and processed using NLP algorithms.

Can we now delegate application tasks to large language models (LLMs)?

Modern GPT-like models are a class of Large Language Models based on transformer architecture, which are also called generative neural networks.

The main element of the transformer architecture is the attention mechanism, which allows the model to focus on the most important elements of the text sequence when processing it.

Modern LLMs (Large Language Models) have a large number of parameters. For example, GPT-3 (a model from the GPT family) contains 175 billion parameters, and T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer) contains more than 11 billion parameters. LLM parameters are weights that determine how the model processes input data and generates output data.

These parameters are trained on a large amount of text data so that the model can learn to predict the probability of the next word in a sentence.

The more parameters a model has, the more accurate its predictions will be, but the computing power requirements will also be higher.

Modern large language models will be able to “talk” to you in human language, help you find information from the Internet or write code, and also formulate a plausible answer.

It is not surprising that such unprecedented capabilities of modern LLMs have impressed many users and fueled interest in AI around the world.

However, LLMs rely mainly on the knowledge they were “fed” during their training and use basic logical operations on the available information, so their answer will not always be complete or completely correct.

In addition, the model can answer the same question differently and hallucinate, that is, present information that simply does not correspond to reality as a fact.

For example, ChatGPT, in response to a request about a specific person, can invent a non-existent biography, embellishing it with various false facts.

This behavior of large language models increases the risks of their use in industries where the cost of error is especially high.

Large language models are not yet able to make complex logical conclusions, which an expert in his field can come to by comparing many factors and specific knowledge.

The potential impact of large language models (LLM) on economics and business

In general, the penetration of AI in certain industries where the cost of error is high – for example, in medicine when making a diagnosis or in law when making a decision on a case – is happening more slowly than in fintech or e-commerce.

Businesses from different sectors of the economy have yet to evaluate the potential of using large language models, and data scientists and NLP engineers have yet to answer the question of whether it is possible to achieve the development of large language models (LLM) to the level of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) – a general artificial intelligence that surpasses natural, biological.

In my opinion, since large language models are now rapidly evolving, we will be able to get answers to these questions within 2024-2025.

The technological arms race has already begun. If any country for some reason can be the only one in the world to switch to AGI, the economic balance of power in the world will change dramatically in its favor.

The transition to AGI, from the point of view of the potential for influence on this world, will be comparable to the creation of nuclear weapons.

Even the most conservative estimates indicate not only impending transformations in the labor market and the economy, but also serious social, demographic, political and psychological changes.

According to the World Economic Forum, by 2028, almost a quarter of all jobs will be transformed by AI, digitalization and other economic changes.

The Transition to General AI (AGI): How Large Language Models (LLMs) Will Evolve

The main barriers to the transition to AGI today are the lack of logical thinking and the still low level of domain expertise of large language models.

That is, current models have extensive knowledge about the world, but do not yet know how to use it effectively to solve complex problems that require analysis of facts and critical thinking.

Imagine a schoolchild who found the correct answers to a test and memorized them. He will be able to pass the test with a good grade, but he will not understand the subject. This student will not be able to analyze other information on the topic and will not answer new questions correctly.

It’s the same with a model: if you don’t teach it to understand, look for highly specialized sources of knowledge, double-check information and reason logically, then it won’t do it itself.

For example, a large language model in the field of law can be “fed” by all federal laws, orders, and clarifying letters from departments.

But to solve the problem of a client whose car a tree fell on, information about the laws that govern this situation will not be enough.

It is necessary to solve the final user problem – receiving compensation from the management company and reinstatement of rights.

In the process of working on a case, a lawyer looks not only at laws and regulations – he studies judicial practice, operates with the principles of law, and also analyzes the current social and political situation.

By comparing all the information he has, he can give more accurate recommendations on actions in a given situation based on his expertise and experience.

Expertise is not only acquired from textbooks and books; it often comes from experience in the industry and knowledge of related areas of life and business.

Domain expertise is practical knowledge in a specific area of ​​life or industry. To solve a practical legal problem and achieve financial benefits by reducing the time lawyers typically spend on such tasks, we need to offload a lawyer’s domain expertise to a comprehensive AI solution.

To do this, we will need to strengthen the capabilities of the main large language model by creating mechanisms for interaction with other models, services, systems and software.

To obtain synergy from such interaction in individual industries (domains), we will need to formalize and digitize specific domain knowledge by transferring domain expertise to databases.

Reach a high level of process automation and train AI models using domain data that will effectively solve specific domain problems, helping the main large language model make complex decisions.

Forming an effective approach to such interaction is an attempt to teach a large language model logical thinking.

When something similar is implemented in various areas of life, business sectors and industries, humanity will approach the so-called general AI, or AGI.

This is the challenge that NLP engineers and data scientists are currently facing.

Risks for humans from the transition to AGI and regulation of the AI ​​sector

The transition to AGI can not only have the serious economic and social consequences that we discussed above, but also provoke risks in terms of ethics, security and loss of control over such systems.

In particular, as a result of a paradigm shift in humanity’s attitude towards AI, there is a risk of people’s absolute trust in artificial intelligence and, as a result, people’s significant dependence on AI-based systems when making decisions.

For example, it will be more difficult for doctors, military officers or judges to make decisions independent of AI, since such “independent action” may in the future carry legal consequences for the specialist. It will be bureaucratically easier for individual field specialists to agree with AI.

If developed LLMs fall into the hands of attackers, they can be used for criminal purposes, including polarizing opinions and spreading fake information.

People who get used to believing in the correctness of neural networks’ answers can be influenced and controlled by their opinions.

At the same time, most LLMs are quite vulnerable to cyber attacks in terms of leaks of confidential information and personal data.

To control the development of AI, countries need to develop appropriate laws and regulations. For models to be used in specific industries, standards will be required to guide the development, testing and application of AI.

There will also be a need for codes of ethics and international agreements on the use of AI to ensure that it is consistent with societal values ​​and norms.

Generative networks with transformer architecture have already proven to us that AI can match the capabilities of human intelligence.

But experts are moving to the next level of deeper training of large language models in various areas of life (domains) so that networks can bring a significant economic effect.

If or when we approach AGI, artificial intelligence will not only be comparable to human intelligence, but will surpass it in its capabilities.