
Google Launches Artificial Intelligence Tool for Users to Practice English

Google is testing a new “Speaking Practice” feature in Search that helps users improve their spoken English skills . The company said the feature is available in Argentina, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Mexico...

Webflow vs Framer – Which visual development tool is best for your website?

Webflow vs Framer in brief Webflow is ideal for designing complex websites, while Framer is perfect for creating mobile...

Top 10 digital transformation trends for 2024

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way we do business, with certain technologies enabling work-from-home scenarios. Can you imagine...

Results of 2023 and forecasts for 2024 in the AdTech market

The expert explained how 2023 turned out for the advertising technology industry and what to expect from 2024 About...

The role of digital marketing in business

Digital marketing, which is increasingly important in the business world, allows consumers to be reached faster, directly and...

Module “Odyssey”, or Nova-C: the first US flight to the Moon in 50 years

There are enormous frozen water accumulations at the Moon's South Pole. Odyssey, the first-ever private lunar module, was sent there to investigate this area....

What is antibiotic resistance and why is it dangerous?

WHO predicts that by 2025, first-line antibiotics may lose their effectiveness due to resistant bacteria. Let's figure out why scientists consider this problem a...

Blockchain-based microlending solutions

Blockchain-based micro-lending solutions, developed as an alternative to traditional financial institutions, offer solutions to individuals or institutions in need of low amounts of loans by...

What will be the cloud investment trends in 2024?

In today's technology world, the transformative power of artificial intelligence and automation is becoming the main motivation for cloud investments.  Many IT leaders prioritize the...

Innovations from Walmart to Shape the Shopping Experience of the Future

International retail giant Walmart introduces innovative technologies ready to redefine the shopping experiences of the future. The company has deployed artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented...

Amazon introduced a chatbot for companies based on neural networks

Amazon has unveiled an AI-powered chatbot called Amazon Q, developed by its cloud division. This chatbot is intended to be used for business purposes...