The 14 Best WordPress SEO Plugins in 2024 (Free and Paid)


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📢 Too busy to read everything? Here is the best WordPress SEO plugin in 2024:

WP Rocket – The best plugin to improve the speed and performance of your site. Don’t miss this opportunity by clicking here .

There are over 1000 SEO plugins for WordPress . Hundreds of premium plugins promise webmasters better rankings on Google. But which ones are really worth recommending? Which ones are effective? Which tools do you really need and which ones can you do without?

To answer these questions, we have gathered the 15 best WordPress SEO plugins in this comparison , with free plugins and paid plugins. They will help you with the on-page optimization of your WordPress site and will relieve you of a large part of the work.

We have used most for years. Among them, we hope you will find rare gems that you don’t know about. Of course, we have also listed the essentials and safe values ​​like Yoast SEO for example.

🕰️ No time to read everything? Here are the best WordPress SEO plugins (March 2024):

1️⃣ WP Rocket – Improve the performance of your WordPress site.
2️⃣ All in One SEO – Improves on-page SEO, generates sitemaps and offers recommendations to correct them.
3️⃣ Rank Math – A real Swiss army knife that optimizes the SEO of your site as you publish.

Table of Contents

The essential 2024 WordPress plugins to improve SEO

Before installing specific plugins for fine-tuning, you should install a general SEO plugin. The latter adds the most important SEO functions to WordPress such as:

  • Definition of a meta title and a meta description.
  • Creating a Sitemap
  • Definition of meta tags

Now let’s start with…

1) Yoast SEO: the most popular SEO optimization plugin (free and paid)

yoast seo interface


The Yoast SEO plugin is undoubtedly the best known and especially the most used SEO plugin on WordPress.

Its free version offers everything you need to optimize your site and your content for good SEO. To give you an idea, you can manage the SERP preview, write meta-descriptions or even create an XML sitemap.


  • On-page SEO
  • SERP Insights
  • Creation of sitemaps
  • Evaluating Meta Descriptions
  • Meta Title Evaluation
  • Connecting to Bing and Google Webmaster Tools
  • Open Graph and Twitter Card metadata
  • Editing robots.txt and .htaccess files


Free version or paid version

yoast seo price


  • User-friendly interface
  • Intuitive use
  • Update if Google algorithm changes
  • Compatible with WordPress themes and plugins

The inconvenients

  • Useful features reserved for the premium version
  • Security failures
  • Code loaded
  • Lack of monitoring of 404 pages

2) All in One Seo: the best premium of this selection (paid)

allinoneseo interface



More than 2,000,000 site publishers use All in One SEO (AIOSEO). This shows the reputation of this plugin among all those who want to carry out on-page SEO.

With this plugin, you will be able to analyze your entire WordPress site in order to detect errors. Once the analysis is carried out, it will offer you its recommendations to correct them.

It can even automatically generate and submit your sitemap to search engines.

If you want to know more, discover our test & review on All In One SEO .


  • On-page SEO
  • Generates sitemaps for Google, Bing, Yahoo and other engines
  • Submits automatically to maximize web presence
  • Knowledge graph
  • AMP
  • Local SEO


allinoneseo price


  • Quick setup
  • For beginners
  • Accessible through the WordPress dashboard
  • Rapid optimization
  • Audit Checklist
  • Social media integration

The inconvenients

  • Only suitable for WordPress sites
  • High rates
  • Limited test version

3) Rank Math: the Swiss army knife of WordPress SEO plugins (free and paid)

rankmath interface



The Rank Math plugin is a kind of assistant that will help you optimize your site as you write your articles.

To give you an idea, you can optimize your titles, meta descriptions or even display in the SERPs. Enough to properly reference your site.

Special mention for its light and fast code which does not negatively impact the loading of your site!

If you want to know more, discover our test & review on Rank Math .


  • On-page optimization
  • Meta title optimization
  • Optimizing meta descriptions
  • Redirects
  • Tracking 404 pages
  • SEO for Woocommerce sites


rankmath price


  • Intuitive interface
  • Free version available
  • Quick and easy setup
  • Keyword Tool
  • Site Audit in WP Dashboard
  • Automatic redirects

The inconvenients

  • Reduced AMP SEO
  • Frequent conflicts with other plugins
  • Planned removal of the free version

4) SEOPress: the 100% French WordPress SEO plugin (free and paid)

seopress interface


Presentation of the WordPress SEO plugin

SEOPress is a WordPress SEO plugin that was launched in 2018. Its particularity is to be 100% French, which is rare enough to point out. It was developed by Benjamin Denis.

Today, the reputation of this SEO plugin for WordPress is robust. It is especially the free version which is successful and the number of installations is estimated at more than 200,000.

Another originality of SEO Press: the improvements of the SEO plugin for WordPress are based on user opinions and their comments and wishes.


  • Importing metadata from other plugins
  • Tag management
  • XML sitemap
  • Connection with Google Analytics
  • Keyword analysis
  • Advertising management
  • Google tag manager
  • Google local business (data)
  • Redirects


seopress price


  • Free version and paid version
  • Available in 20 languages
  • Fairly comprehensive WordPress SEO plugin
  • Valuable features in the free version

 The inconvenients

  • Important features (like tracking 404 pages) reserved for the paid version

5) The SEO Framework: the alternative to Yoast SEO (free and paid)

interface the seo framework


The SEO Framework is a free and open source WordPress SEO plugin. It will allow you to create a sitemap and weight your elements, whether they are articles, web pages, or various media. It will also help you write descriptions adapted to search engines and design meta titles.

This WordPress SEO plugin is versatile and powerful enough to constitute a valid free alternative to Yoast SEO, which we told you about above. There are also paid subscriptions.


  • Sitemap creation
  • Creation of meta titles and meta descriptions
  • Stop SEO attacks
  • Discourages the indexing of 404 pages
  • Automatically notify Google and the Bing network of website updates
  • Discourages search engines from indexing feeds and sitemap
  • Directs search engines from comment pages to the article containing these comments.


price the seo framework


  • Quality free version, reasonable prices for paid versions
  • Compatible with many extensions
  • Preconfigured
  • Excellent meta data optimization
  • Friendly and clear panoramic view

The inconvenients

  • Slightly less powerful than Yoast Seo

Plugins specialized on a main functionality:


This plugin has the function of analyzing all the links on your site, whether internal or external, to look for those that are broken. In this way, it helps you fix bad links to improve SEO and user experience.

interface brokenlinkchecker


  • Monitor external links and internal links on all your pages and articles
  • Will detect broken links and give them to you
  • Change the display of broken links
  • Stops engines from following broken links
  • Filter links by URL


Free WordPress SEO Plugin


  • Several possible actions for each link
  • Highly configurable plugin
  • Programmable notifications: on the dashboard or by email

The inconvenients

  • Not applicable: a plugin that fulfills its specific mission well

7) Rel NoFollow: the plugin to better manage the SEO juice of external links (free)

rel nofollow interface


This plugin has the function of assigning the no follow tag to all external links that you indicate in your future articles. Of course, you can choose not to if you need to.

Use for

  • Add the nofollow attribute to an article’s external links


  • Free plugin


  • Free software

The inconvenients

  • Plugin for targeted use, and therefore limited

8) Redirection: the plugin to easily manage your 301s (free)

redirect interface


You can download this Redirection plugin for free from the WordPress plugins list. It allows you to manage redirections, as its name indicates: forced direction from a removed URL to a new one, which prevents visitors from obtaining a 404 error message.

It will also save you from coding 301 redirects in the site’s HTAccess document, since you can manage them through the user interface, directly in the WP dashboard.

Use for

  • 301 redirect
  • Errors on other servers
  • Broken links (404 errors)


Free WP SEO Plugin


  • A free WP SEO plugin
  • Easy to use
  • Useful for redirects
  • Management via WP UI

 The inconvenients

  • Not applicable, a plugin that fulfills the mission for which it was designed

9) Really Simple SSL: to switch your site to HTTPS (free and paid)

really simple ssl interface


The WP Really Simple SSL SEO plugin was developed to help accommodate changes Google is making to the way visitors access websites using its search engine.

Websites with a secure connection (HTTPS) via an SSL certificate dominate the rankings, while Google is not required to display insecure sites at all.

In this context, you have several solutions: you can purchase and configure an SSL certificate through hosting providers, and install the configuration, which is not a task for a beginner. Conversely, you can also use WP Really Simple SSL.

Use for

  • Streamline the SSL process
  • Ensure SSL encryption and implementation of protocols
  • Ensure updates against cyberattacks


  • Free version
  • Premium version


  • Setting up the SSL process in the WP interface
  • Avoid having to code
  • Allows you to have an SSL secure site

The inconvenients

  • Free version too basic

10) Google Site Kit: the simplest way to connect Google services to your site (free)

google sitekit interface


This WordPress SEO plugin was developed by Google. It’s free. Most features can be used directly from the WordPress dashboard, which saves time.

The objective of this tool is to monitor key Google indicators, drawing on data from Google Analytics, Search Console, AdSense and PageSpeed ​​Insights.

Use for

  • Obtain statistics related to your site simply and quickly


Free WordPress plugin


  • Access to KPIs without having to leave the WP management interface

The inconvenients

  • Does not replace other analysis tools

11) Jetpack: the Swiss army knife for site administrators (free and paid)

jetpack interface


Jetpack is a WordPress SEO plugin that stands out for its numerous tools, since it has security functions, allows you to measure the performance of your website, or to design marketing solutions.

It was designed by WordPress to make sites more secure and smoother. It is very useful if you want to increase your traffic.


  • Advanced statistics and analytics for your site
  • Auto-publish blog posts
  • Auto-post to social media
  • Sharing Instagram messages
  • Collection of payment, sale of products
  • Increased traffic with SEO tools
  • Advertising tool


Jetpack’s basic functions are free. We’re talking about site statistics, a high-speed CDN for images, downtime monitoring, and even protection against attacks. Likewise, SEO tools are free.

However, there are paid options.


  • Versatile plugin
  • Free version
  • Inexpensive paid version
  • Mobile feature management
  • Optional CRM plugin

The inconvenients

  • Modules that slow down the site

Plugins to improve site performance:

12) WP Super Cache: loading time optimization (free)

wp super cache interface


The WP Super Cache WordPress SEO plugin aims to optimize the loading time of your site and generate static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog.

Each visitor will benefit from a personalized cache file to speed up their future navigation on your site.


  • Generate static html files to increase site speed


  • Free plugin


  • Lightweight plugin
  • Effective

The inconvenients

  • Not the most complete cache plugin

13) Autoptimize: to improve page loading speed (free)


This WordPress SEO plugin allows you to minify and cache scripts and styles to improve page loading speed. Autoptimize involves site optimization, with different functions carrying CSS and scripts. It can move and postpone scripts in the footer and reduce the weight of HTML code.


  • JavaScript optimization
  • Aggregated JS files
  • Aggregation of inline JS
  • Error handling (optional)
  • CSS code optimization
  • HTML code optimization


  • Free plugin


  • Complete API to adapt the plugin to the needs of your site

The inconvenients

  • Better to compress images manually once and for all than to use the Autoptimize function

14) WP Rocket: the best plugin to improve site performance (paid)

wp rocket interface



Developed in 2013 by J. Buttigieg and JB Marchant-Arvier, WP Rocket is a WordPress SEO plugin which aims to improve the performance of your site. This extension is known and appreciated around the world for its reliability and the quality of the user experience it provides.

If this interests you, discover our test & review on WP Rocket .


  • Compress CSS files
  • Compress HTML code
  • Compress javascript
  • Optimizes the database
  • Allows you to use a cloud delivery network
  • Reduces DNS resolution time
  • File caching
  • Browser caching


wp rocket price


  • Powerful tool to speed up page loading
  • Real optimization of your site
  • Increased page speed
  • Reducing the number of files that slow down your site

The inconvenients

  • A little expensive if you have several sites


Many plugins help improve the SEO and performance of a WordPress site . We’ve rounded up the 15 best in this article. If you have tested one or more of them, do not hesitate to share your experience with us below. Tell us what you thought of it and if you recommend it.


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