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Robot couriers and concern for the environment: urban delivery trends


AI anticipates customer needs, and robots work in warehouses and deliver orders. We tell you how the market for online delivery of everyday goods is developing and what awaits it in the future

The delivery market is growing

Online ordering of essential goods has become a habit for city dwellers. In 2023, the global food and grocery delivery market reached $1.03 trillion , which is 18% more than a year earlier. Analysts believe that by 2027 the industry’s turnover will exceed $1.65 trillion and 2.5 billion people will use delivery.

Initially, the COVID-19 pandemic was the impetus for active market growth. Back then, consumers ordered food and groceries online out of necessity, but gradually their preferences shifted towards online shopping. The main factor that attracts buyers is convenience. On the Internet you can instantly compare offers from different services and save time on trips to the store.

The delivery market depends on technology—it is their development that is becoming the main trend of the entire industry.

“Smart” algorithms manage processes

The use of AI and machine learning technologies in delivery services is the main trend of 2024. The field of online ordering of groceries and prepared food is one of the most high-tech. AI-based algorithms are used everywhere: they help manage inventory in a warehouse, process orders, build the shortest route to the buyer and thereby increase delivery speed.

Thanks to advanced IT tools, customers receive personalized recommendations. Thus, the American grocery delivery service Instacart, in collaboration with OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, has built an intelligent assistant into its application . It answers user questions related to food and cooking. The assistant tells you which ingredients go well together, what the caloric content of a dish is, or what to buy to cook, for example, lasagna. The platform created by Uber, Uber Eats , the largest food delivery company in the US, DoorDash , and the American wholesale and retail giant Walmart , are planning to implement a similar function .

In addition to digital assistants, companies are actively using recommendation feeds. In them, the user sees related products and individual offers. This is also the result of the algorithms.

Antonina Goryacheva, director of big data analysis at SberMarket:

“The choice is made based on an analysis of each client’s regular purchases, his geographic location, preferences, and browsing history. The personal ranking system shows similar products from other manufacturers, new products and discounts.”

Thus, AI technologies help services build communication with the user. In addition, they allow you to optimize internal processes. Using machine learning, a branch of AI, delivery services process large amounts of data and make fairly accurate forecasts.

Antonina Goryacheva:

“We use algorithms to predict the number of orders in the service. By analyzing supply and demand, AI helps determine how many couriers and collectors need to be deployed to one retail outlet, to one city, within one hour, in order to ensure all potential demand for orders.”

Robots collect and deliver orders

By performing work instead of people, robots help speed up the processes of assembly, accounting and delivery of goods, as well as reduce the number of errors when picking orders. These tasks are especially relevant for large and rapidly growing services. Thus, Amazon is testing humanoid robots in warehouses: they can move and grab objects like humans and help in assembling orders. The company expects that in the future they will be able to replace 450 thousand employees of the company.

In addition to helping in the warehouse, robots are also used in global practice for delivery. They come in two types: ground-based unmanned delivery vehicles (rovers) and air-based ones (drones). Robots help reduce delivery times by optimizing routes and are more environmentally friendly than traditional vehicles. Rovers run on a rechargeable battery, while drones use fuel economically or use alternative types of fuel, such as hydrogen .

Large services are increasingly using robots in the delivery process. While Walmart’s drones deliver orders to customers in Texas, Arizona and Florida, Amazon is preparing to launch aerial drone delivery outside the US in the UK and Italy.

In usa, parcel delivery by drones was planned to be launched in 2024. The operator of the zone for testing drones will be the Urban Air Mobility Control Center , which has entered into 8 agreements with different companies, including VkusVill, usa Post, X5 Group, Dodo Pizza.

In the meantime, groceries and ready-made food are delivered to customers in Moscow, Innopolis, Murino and Sochi by Yandex Food and Yandex Shops rovers . In 2024, the company plans to double its fleet of rovers, to 260 units, and rent them out to supermarket chains and cafes.

Despite the expansion of robots, experts believe that in the near future they are unlikely to completely displace human couriers from the industry.

“When it is necessary to make a decision on the spot based on client feedback or adjust the route, in this situation human resources are extremely important,” says METRO E-commerce Development Manager Pavel Domnin. The expert also adds that in Russia the mass distribution of robots may be hampered by the inaccessibility of some areas.

Director of Lenta online services Sofya Leina notes that the issue is also the high cost of the technology: “The payback of such expensive and complex equipment is possible when the courier’s labor is expensive.”

Delivery becomes more environmentally friendly

Carbon neutrality is one of the ideas of sustainable development that is actively spreading around the world. More and more companies are beginning to follow ESG principles and are working to reduce harmful emissions into the environment.

Buyers also prefer eco-friendly brands. A 2023 study from leading European logistics management technology provider Metapack found that globally, nearly 4 in 5 (79%) shoppers value having sustainable delivery options when ordering online. Compared to 2022, the number of such consumers increased by 5%. However, three quarters of sellers recognize the importance of sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of deliveries.

An important element in the operation of delivery services is the introduction of environmentally friendly transport. For example, the world’s largest pizzeria chain Domino’s Pizza and Uber Eats actively use electric vehicles, and the British food delivery company Deliveroo and the already mentioned DoorDash  use electric bicycles. They reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 90% compared to diesel vans .

In addition to “green” transport, the trend towards the use of eco-packaging and recycling continues. For example, the American supermarket chain Kroger & Co. invites customers to take part in a special program : send plastic packaging for recycling and receive points for doing so, which can be exchanged for donations to charitable organizations.

Russian brands practice an environmentally friendly approach to product packaging. For example, DodoPizza offers to recycle pizza boxes. “Samokat,” according to the head of the brand and marketing communications department of the online retailer Katerina Nechaeva, uses biodegradable packaging and reusable containers. Service packages can also be recycled. Sofia Leina also notes that Lenta strives to minimize packaging and use more returnable containers.

In addition, brands help consumers become more environmentally aware. For example, Samokat in 2023 placed on some products advice on how to recycle each part of the packaging.

Delivery services are changing the urban environment

The development of delivery affects the urban environment. “The spread of fast delivery over short distances has sharply increased the demand for bicycle-scooter infrastructure – paths, parking, charging. In new buildings there are special areas for couriers or parcel machines. Small premises are finding new tenants – mini-darkstores (small warehouse-shops without a sales area – RBC’s note), dark kitchens (kitchens that work for delivery – RBC’s note),” notes Sofya Leina.

For the most part, cities are just beginning to launch delivery vehicle infrastructure pilot programs. In December 2023, New York announced the launch of a project that will allow couriers to charge electric bicycles on the street and leave them in safe parking lots with fast charging. By the way, security is one of the priorities facing the authorities. For example, New Jersey and Washington already have special indoor parking for e-bikes, and in Minneapolis they plan to install a network of protected parking areas by the fall of 2024.

With the spread of drone delivery, an infrastructure will be developed that can ensure flight safety: aerial drone routes and drone ports (this is a take-off and landing platform with special means that help control the take-off, landing and flight of a drone – RBC note). Otherwise, delivering goods, especially in a densely populated city, will be difficult. Although in Chinese Shenzhen (13 million inhabitants) a solution to this problem has already been found. In the city, parcel terminals have been installed near residential or office buildings, where Meituan drones now deliver orders. This makes delivery easier to manage: drones fly along a predetermined route.

What does the future hold for delivery?

Experts believe that predicting the future of the delivery market is difficult: it is influenced by technologies that change very quickly. But in general, as Katerina Nechaeva notes, the general direction of development of the industry is known: “The trend towards process automation draws a clear vector – AI will penetrate deeper and deeper into all areas. The trend towards sustainable development also remains on the agenda, and this trend can be expected to continue for the coming decades.”

Part of the concept of sustainable development is decarbonization, and companies are already actively striving for it. Thus, Uber Eats promised to use only electric cars and electric bicycles by 2040 in order to completely abandon fossil fuels. One of the leaders in the field of express delivery, DHL, predicts in its study that by 2050, all transport in the industry will be powered by electricity or hydrogen, and delivery will be carried out exclusively by drones.

But maybe, on the contrary, the industry will switch not to the air, but to the underground method of transferring goods. This is the opinion of the American startup Pipedream Labs, which is developing delivery systems through a network of pipes running underground. Then orders can be received in 10 minutes and for less than $1. Currently, such technology is being tested only in the Atlanta suburbs, but perhaps in the future it will become a competitor to ground or air delivery.


When it comes to product selection, personal recommendation technologies will become even more advanced. Thus, Deliveroo, in its futuristic study Snack to the Future, suggests that by 2040 there will be personal devices with the BreathTech function, which, based on a person’s breathing, will be able to determine which products are good for his health. Smartphones will transmit the smells of dishes, which will help the client make decisions about ordering. In addition, personal AI will be able to provide advice on food choices based on individual mental, physical and environmental needs.

5 skills every DevOps engineer should have


DevOps engineers focus on tasks such as ensuring effective communication and collaboration between software development and operations teams, implementing automation processes such as continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), and managing infrastructure with code.

 A highly technologically complex role , DevOps engineering requires familiarity with common programming languages ​​such as Node.JS, Python, or batch scripting

Although mastering technical skills is predicted to be key in DevOps engineering, information gathered from real DevOps practitioners reveals that soft skills are often more important.

The most important DevOps capabilities

1-Soft Skills

Social skills, which express individuals’ abilities such as social interaction, communication, leadership, problem solving, and teamwork, also include topics such as emotional intelligence, empathy, solution-oriented thinking, and time management.

Lack of social skills causes the DevOps engineer to fail to establish a proper bond with the agile team. This prevents business processes from being completed as quickly and effectively as expected.

DevOps engineers must fit in with the rest of the development team to be effective. In addition to synchronizing with their development team, DevOps engineers also serve as an important point of contact for external stakeholders trying to access the software platform.

Therefore, DevOps engineers need to be able to convey the technical complexity of the cloud environment in a non-technical way so that stakeholders can understand it. 


The technology landscape of modern cloud platforms includes file system services, multiple database services, backend APIs, server or serverless architectures, frontend services, machine learning models, hybrid environments, virtual private networks, various real-time streaming services, and much more.

 While it’s impossible to know everything about all of these, DevOps engineers need to know how to connect them all into a single functional software platform to create a powerful network. 

3-Software tests

Leveraging automation is inevitable in the project lifecycle, which includes planning, estimating, developing, testing and releasing. Being successful in this type of setup requires intense focus on test automation. 

Thanks to automated testing, faster deployments enable users to provide feedback to developers in a shorter time.

Creating effective test scenarios to cover all critical processes is of great importance for DevOps engineers. Even if business analysts or quality assurance managers are not part of the team, they can take part in helping DevOps engineers in this regard. However, it is the responsibility of the DevOps engineer to convert this process into code to automate it.

4-CI/CD and infrastructure as code

Defining infrastructure as code is among the main tasks of DevOps engineers. In this process, all input from the development team is connected with real infrastructure environments. A usable software is then created that can be deployed repeatedly across different environments.

A successful agile team needs to implement infrastructure as code and deploy it into continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. DevOps engineers play an active role in the realization of this process.

5-Container use

In large-scale projects, fast copying is critical for the rapid progress of business processes. Containerized environments are needed to create hundreds of copies of the same environment at the same time. 

However, for DevOps engineers, the skill of using containers requires a difficult learning curve. 

The output always remains the same on the container server, which is a template that can be applied whenever needed. This feature, which DevOps engineers can create for the team, also needs to be learned using different tools.

 Implementing container orchestration tools such as Kubernetes or Docker Swarm and automatically managing container deployment, scaling, and recovery are among the DevOps engineer’s responsibilities.

Apple Vision Pro AR glasses: why is everyone joking about “Black Mirror”

In February, sales of Apple Vision Pro began – virtual reality glasses or, as the company itself calls them, a spatial computer. Technology of the future or a gadget for geeks? Researched by xutechs.com

What is Apple Vision Pro

Once upon a time, life and work required many things: calendars, calculators, faxes, books, notepads. Gradually, they all fit into one device – a computer, then shrank to the size of a laptop, and then to a smartphone, which you can take with you anywhere.


What if you can not just take a computer with you, but seem to find yourself inside it, connecting virtual space with reality, and interact with programs directly, as if you were in a game? This seems to be exactly what Apple is offering.

Apple Vision Pro is a device that has been in development for over ten years. After years of rumors, it was unveiled at WWDC23  – Apple Worldwide Developers Conference, a global conference for developers on Apple platforms in 2023. This device was the company’s attempt to enter a fundamentally different market. This is the first major new product the company has released since the launch of the Apple Watch in 2015. Apple began accepting pre-orders for the Vision Pro on January 19, 2024, and full sales began on February 2. The price of a device with a memory capacity of 256 GB is $3499 , or approximately 317 thousand rubles.  (However, prices for this helmet in Russia reach up to half a million, since it is not officially sold in the country). Apple hopes that the Apple Vision Pro will be a revolutionary product, and even claims that the Vision Pro is “the most advanced personal electronic device ever.”

What is Apple Vision Pro? Interesting question. On the one hand, Apple proclaimed the era of spatial computing (“spatial computing”) and presented its new device as a spatial computer (“spatial computer”) – a device that organically (in theory) unites the virtual and physical worlds: displays the real world and at the same time At the same time, it allows you to embed virtual objects into it so that they look real.

On the other hand, it seems that Apple simply wants to create a separate niche for its product and stand out from companies that create similar gadgets: Playstation, Meta (recognized as an extremist organization in Russia and banned) and others. But at its core, the Apple Vision Pro is a mixed reality (MR) headset that can display both virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) content.

MR vs VR vs AR

Just in case, let’s remember what the difference is: augmented reality simply superimposes auxiliary objects on the real world – like in the game Pokemon Go. Virtual reality creates its own environment that does not interact with the outside world, just like in virtual reality games. Mixed reality embeds virtual objects into the real world – like Vision Pro flying app tabs, but can also offer completely virtual reality, like Vision Pro walking on the moon. It seems that over time, separating these technologies will become difficult and even impossible.

But still, the term “spatial computer” reflects the essence – the device really uses the physical space around the user as a place for virtual content. You don’t need a desk (or knees) to use the device, and there are no restrictions on the size of the perceived viewing area. Apple Vision Pro can be used in a small space, such as an airplane seat. The new product will also appeal to those who use multiple monitors at the same time, as it can be paired with a MacBook. But overall, Apple is positioning the Vision Pro as a full-fledged computer that can become an alternative to a laptop or PC, and not as an entertainment device.

How it works

Other AR/VR headsets are mostly made of plastic. The Vision Pro, on the other hand, is made of glass and aluminum and feels like a natural extension of Apple’s familiar design. The Vision Pro speakers are located in the side arms and are loud and deliver convincing spatial audio.

On the left side of the headset is a place for the charger. The round charging puck looks like the Apple Watch charging puck, but it locks securely into the headset with a twist gesture. Unexpected fact: Apple Vision Pro is not a wireless headset; the device only runs on an external battery, similar to the average power bank, which it is. The presence of a wire seems a little archaic, but this engineering decision was probably made to reduce the weight of the Apple Vision Pro at least a little. However, this does not seem to have helped: the headset weighs about 600g – quite a lot, if you remember that this is a computer that you will put on your face and spend several hours in it.

View of the main menu (Photo: Apple)

For the new Apple device, they also came up with a new operating system – VisionOS . VisionOS is described by Apple as the first spatial operating system because it can be controlled using gaze direction and hand gestures, without additional controllers. The current version of VisionOS is 1.0.2, with the software released shortly before the launch of Vision Pro. Apple is also testing VisionOS 1.1 update.

This operating system is related to macOS, iOS and iPadOS, so familiar applications are immediately available there. However, some major developers such as Netflix, Spotify and YouTube have not yet released special versions of applications for Vision Pro; these applications can only be used through the Safari browser.

Unfortunately, VisionOS does not yet have a sharing function: two people wearing Vision Pro headsets sitting in the same room will not be able to simultaneously see the same objects floating in space.

Apple Vision Pro processors (Photo: Apple)
Apple Vision Pro is equipped with two chips. The main processor is the M2, the same chip that was first introduced in the 2022 MacBooks. It is responsible for processing content, running the VisionOS operating system, executing computer vision algorithms, and providing graphic content. The second chip, R1, is responsible for all information coming from cameras, sensors and microphones. Apple says it can transfer images to displays within 12 milliseconds, with virtually no human-visible lag.

Separate display for each eye (Photo: Apple)
No latency in video processing is really important. If you thought that Apple Vision Pro could become transparent like glasses, then no. Essentially, you’re not seeing the real world: you’re seeing real-world video captured by the device and transmitted to the high-quality displays inside. All objects, such as tabs, are not superimposed on the real world, but are substituted in a video about the real world. But still, the image delay is minimal and allows you to comfortably use the device – even play ping-pong in it.

EyeSight (Photo: Apple)
The user’s eyes as seen through Apple Vision Pro are not actually real eyes either. The external EyeSight display shows a digital copy of the headset owner’s eyes to people around him. This feature is designed to let others know whether the headset owner is using augmented reality mode or is fully immersed in VR.

All these functions are provided by a large number of sensors, sensors and cameras located both inside and outside the device. Apple Vision Pro has 12 cameras and five sensors for tracking hand gestures and mapping the external environment. Infrared sensors improve hand tracking in low-light conditions, and lidar detects the size and location of objects in the surrounding space.

Inside the headset there are four infrared cameras to determine the direction of view. Thanks to them, Vision Pro can very accurately determine where the user is looking.

Sensors and eye movement sensors (Photo: Apple)
Correctly determining where the user’s attention is directed is very important for controlling the device. In VisionOS, you can highlight an element, such as an app icon, by looking at it and quickly pressing your index finger and thumb together to launch the app.

This may seem unusual to many users, especially gaze control, because we do many operations on the computer without looking: closing the pop-up notification at the bottom of the screen, launching programs, and much more.

You need to look at the object you are interacting with (Photo: Apple)
Keyboards, mice, trackpads and game controllers can be connected to the Vision Pro via Bluetooth as an alternative navigation method, although they are primarily intended for use with a Mac and for Apple Arcade games.

The future of Apple Vision Pro

The first generation of Apple Vision Pro has only just been released to the market, and already hypotheses are emerging about what plans Apple has in the field of AR/VR in general.

The Apple Vision Pro 2 headset can be reduced in size and weight to make it more comfortable. The next version of the Vision Pro headset is also rumored to have better micro-OLED displays with improved brightness. In the future, Vision Pro could be used to diagnose and treat mental health problems. Apple has already tested using Vision Pro to track a user’s facial expressions to detect depression, anxiety, stress, post-traumatic stress disorder and other problems, but such functionality is not yet available to a wide range of users.

Most likely, the company will also create models similar to the Apple Vision Pro, but cheaper, in order to expand the user base. Perhaps the chips in such devices will be like those in the iPhone, and not like those in the Mac. Apple could also use lower-resolution internal displays and cheaper materials.

According to some predictions , Apple may also be working on augmented reality contact lenses – the lenses are unlikely to have independent processing power and memory and will most likely be connected to the iPhone. However, Apple’s plans to create Vision Pro 2 or develop other similar devices will depend on the success of the first version of Vision Pro.

First impressions of Vision Pro

xutechs.com asked Alexander Babulin from 3DNews to share his impressions of Apple Vision during the first few hours of working with this VR headset and show a video “from inside” the headset.

“I approached Apple Vision Pro with low expectations. There were several reasons for this: quite a lot of experience with other virtual/augmented reality headsets (how will you surprise me?), and overheated expectations of fans, as is the case with Apple, and a lot of conflicting reviews from those who have already used new ones glasses to get acquainted. Therefore, I picked up perhaps the most important Apple gadget since the first iPad calmly, without sweaty palms. And this is good, because this thing is very fragile (and lacks moisture protection, let me remind you! – you can wear it outside, but be careful), and even with a huge slippery screen covering the entire front surface.

But it looks, I must admit, as it should – what cannot be taken away from Apple is its sense of style and perfectionism in the choice of materials. It’s immediately clear that this is a relative of the MacBook and Apple Watch: the familiar color scheme, characteristic shapes, even individual elements are reminiscent of other Apple technology. For example, one of the keys is exactly like the Digital Crown in the Apple Watch. Materials: glass, fabric, plastic that is pleasant to look and feel.

But, of course, there is a downside to this choice of materials: the Apple Vision Pro is ungodly heavy. 650 g is even a little scary to put on your head. But it’s scary in vain, because even despite the basic fastening simply on the back of the head (without additional fixation on the crown, like many other similar devices), the headset does not cause serious discomfort. It’s a little hard at first, but you quickly adapt. And the fierce delight that you experience in the first minutes from just everything helps you adapt.

Yes, I repeat, this is not the first VR device I have dealt with, but in Apple Vision Pro the control is simply organized at a different level. First, setting up the headset requires a few minutes and simple instructions, rather than a lengthy adventure of reading instructions. Secondly, yes, the headset knows where you are looking. It’s hard to believe at first, even knowing in advance that this is how it works.

The interface is organized in the manner of iOS or iPadOS – a desktop with icons and windows, and to switch between them, you just need to look at the desired element. And then make a pinch movement with your hand, and the application opens. Then they pulled the bottom edge of the window and moved it where needed. They pressed their fingers together and changed the size of the window. They opened a second one nearby. The surface of the Moon was placed in the background. And now we are no longer just fiddling with notes and reading the browser, but we feel like a character in a science fiction film, commanding space simply with a glance and magical waves of our hands.

The numbness subsides after half an hour. You get used to the fact that this thing works exactly like this and works quickly, smoothly, well and without glitches. And you begin to wonder why it is really needed. You can watch movies – there are amazing screens with a pixel density of over 3 thousand dots per inch (the current iPad has less than 300). You can play. But there are almost no games with full support for the headset’s capabilities yet. You can type on a virtual keyboard – it’s relatively convenient, by the way, but it’s slow (I got about a couple of characters per second) and there’s no Cyrillic alphabet yet. You can run any applications from the App Store, but in the format of regular flat windows in front of your eyes.

In fact, in about three hours of interaction with Apple Vision Pro, I think I’ve tried more or less everything it has to offer. And this is its main drawback. Like any device that creates a new technological space, it ends up in a bit of a vacuum. But I’ll leave these arguments and just say that Apple really succeeded in its hardware. It can be presented with serious utilitarian complaints: too expensive, too heavy (although after three hours my eyes got tired, but not my neck; and no, I didn’t feel sick at all, although virtual reality helmets usually make me sick), the battery needs to be carried on a string and put away in pocket. But it provides a special experience that other AR or VR headsets don’t provide, and it’s really beautifully executed.”

The Future of Enterprise Cloud Technology: 8 Trends to Watch in 2024


According to Gartner, cloud computing will move from disruptor to business necessity by 2028. Global cloud spending is expected to exceed $1 trillion by 2027.

This is not surprising, given its ability to improve scalability, efficiency and innovation while providing cost-effective solutions to businesses.

However, as cloud technology evolves, many companies are increasingly taking a more deliberate and strategic approach to their transformation journey. They aim to bridge the gap between simply operating on the cloud and generating overall business value.

In this blog, we present the top trends in enterprise cloud computing that promise to deliver greater digital dividends through its automation capabilities and improved performance and customer retention in 2024.

Enterprise Cloud Technology Trends 2024

1. AI as a service

The integration of AI services into cloud solutions will see significant growth in 2024. Cloud infrastructure plays a leading role in making the economic and social benefits of AI accessible to businesses.

Training AI models, including large models like the Large Language Model (LLM) that powers ChatGPT, requires extensive data and vast computing resources.

Instead of building their own AI infrastructure, companies are leveraging AI as a service through cloud platforms and harnessing the power of this transformative technology without the burden of resource constraints.

AI as a Service offers pre-built AI models, tools, and APIs hosted on cloud platforms that help businesses implement AI capabilities without hands-on AI expertise or infrastructure.

2. Serverless Computing & Containerization

Increasingly popular in business, serverless computing allows developers to focus on developing, testing, and deploying code rather than spending time managing their servers and infrastructure.

Unlike traditional cloud services that charge businesses based on the number of servers required to host their infrastructure, the serverless model only charges for the resources they are actively using.

This eliminates additional costs that businesses have to pay for idle servers and ensures optimal resource utilization and a cost-effective approach that aligns with business priorities.

Containerization is an emerging trend in cloud computing that encapsulates applications in self-contained containers that help developers build reliable software across diverse computing environments and deploy applications frequently and with agility.

3. Multi-cloud and hybrid strategies

Multi-cloud and hybrid solutions have already gained popularity among enterprises, adding value to those managing complex, distributed workloads and seeking an optimal balance between scalability, cost efficiency and performance.

The multi-cloud strategy allows organizations to leverage solutions from various cloud service providers and seamlessly integrate them into a single unified platform. This in turn facilitates the rapid deployment and management of applications across multiple clouds, providing optimal flexibility and scalability for businesses.

Additionally, by integrating multi-cloud solutions into their IT strategy, businesses can choose the most cost-effective cloud services and manage them centrally from their unified platform, ending dependency on a supplier or concerns about excessive spending.

At the same time, the hybrid model integrates existing data centers with elements of public clouds, effectively distributing workload and applications across both environments.

With its ability to store specific resources on-premises while leveraging the cloud for others, many businesses have opted for a hybrid approach in adopting cloud technologies. Hybrid clouds are beneficial, especially for businesses with extensive legacy systems that need to keep sensitive data or applications on their servers while leveraging the benefits of public cloud services.

Additionally, a hybrid cloud eliminates the need for excess resources to keep all data on a single, unified platform, ultimately leading to cost reductions.

4. Edge Computing & IdO

While cloud computing for business has transformed the way businesses store, process and access data by centralizing it in remote data centers, edge computing takes a distinct approach by bringing computing power closer to the location where it is most crucial: right at the edge of the network.

In a traditional cloud setup, data is transmitted to a remote cloud server for processing. At the same time, edge computing creates a compact computing environment close to where data is generated. This eliminates the latency associated with transmitting data back and forth to a remote cloud server and enables real-time data analysis and decision-making.

By 2024, the deployment of advanced networks such as 5G and energy- and memory-efficient processors and algorithms will improve the viability of edge computing to meet growing application demands.

5. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are already reshaping every industry, not to mention cloud computing.

The integration of AI and ML with cloud technology offers the potential to significantly enhance and revolutionize the benefits of cloud computing.

Tech giants like AWS and Google have invested heavily in these technologies, enabling developers to harness the power of AI and ML for different applications.

As more companies shift their operations to the cloud, they have increased their focus on data security.

With AI and ML-based cloud platforms, security measures become more intelligent and adaptive by gaining insights into data access and usage patterns. This helps businesses quickly detect and manage potential security threats.

In cloud computing, businesses often shift resources to handle tasks as needed. AI and ML-based cloud systems study past data to predict what resources businesses might need in the future and adjust the resources themselves to make everything work seamlessly.

With all the disruption AI and ML have already brought, they will drive efficiency and innovation for businesses in the years to come.

6. Cloud Security and Compliance

As businesses move their infrastructure and workloads to the cloud, security threats remain the primary concern for most. According to the Statista report, 27% of businesses face cloud user account compromise attacks, and another 79% say security is their biggest obstacle.

Statistics further show that the public cloud management and security services market grew by $42.4 billion in 2023.

The importance of cloud security is poised to grow in 2024 as more and more companies are investing in cloud security solutions. Data encryption, access control policies, authentication rules and data disaster recovery will increase the demand for cloud computing services.

7. Citizen Developer

A notable trend in cloud computing is the emergence of the citizen developer. In the beginning, coding skills were a prerequisite for developing and deploying applications. However, low-code/no-code tools allow people without a technical background to develop applications that would have traditionally required the expertise of qualified software engineers.

In the coming years, major cloud service providers such as AWS, Google and Microsoft are expected to release tools that allow developers to create complex applications through a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.

OutSystems, QuickBase, Appian, AWS’s HoneyCode, and Microsoft’s Power Platform are already on the list in this space, and we expect to see more and more platforms driving innovation in 2024.

8. Virtual Cloud Desktops (VCDs)

According to Allied Market Research report, the cloud-based VDI market reached $10,514 million in 2023 with a CAGR of 16.5% and is expected to reach $30.63 billion in 2027 with a CAGR of 17 .3%. Virtual desktops, also called Cloud Desktops or Virtual Cloud Infrastructure, are already disrupting the cloud landscape by seamlessly integrating the best of cloud capabilities with the versatility of virtual desktops.

They offer businesses a virtualized desktop environment hosted in the cloud. Virtual disks make it easy to monitor user security from one place, saving IT effort. It allows businesses to access data and applications from anywhere in the world and improves data security and protection through encryption and authentication techniques.

With innovative VDI services such as Click-to-Run solutions already attracting the attention of businesses, this trend has the potential to transform the cloud computing landscape in 2024.

Final Thoughts

Cloud computing is poised to define the future of business technology in 2024 and beyond. Cloud computing technology will certainly continue to evolve with the constant ebb and flow of technology trends. While understanding cloud trends is only one important piece of the puzzle, implementing a winning cloud strategy goes a long way in making the most of these opportunities.

As a seasoned enterprise cloud solutions consulting and implementation partner, Zuci Systems has helped a dozen businesses skillfully navigate cloud technologies and develop an intelligent cloud adoption strategy that works for them.

We help them gain full control over their cloud configurations using proper configurations, observability best practices, and solutions that reduce costs while improving performance.

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📢 Too busy to read everything? Here is the best alternative to AdSense in 2024:

Ezoic – If you are looking to boost your advertising revenue while taking care of the user experience of your site, this is the best option to consider. Thanks to its use of artificial intelligence for the optimization of advertising placements , it offers you a solution that is both innovative and effective, especially if your site generates significant traffic. Don’t miss this opportunity by clicking here .

In 2023, the web advertising market experienced a slight slowdown with a 0.7% drop in advertising revenue compared to the previous year, still totaling 3.844 billion euros .

However, this period saw digital, particularly display and paid search through Google AdSense , remain the dominant choices for advertisers . The forecast trend for 2023 indicated an increase in digital advertising revenue of 5.6% for the year with significant growth since 2019.

These market developments highlight the crucial role of advertising networks for publishers and advertisers. So, in this article, we will present to you the best alternatives to AdSense in terms of advertising networks such as Ezoic , Mediavine and Media.net .

🕰️ No time to read everything? Here are the best advertising agencies in February 2024:

1️⃣ Ezoic – Ideal for optimizing advertising revenue and improving user experience, with easy integration and automated testing tools.
2️⃣ Mediavine – Perfect for high-traffic sites, offering comprehensive ad management and premium customer support, plus continuous optimization to maximize revenue.
3️⃣ Media.net – Leader in contextual advertising, ideal for English-language sites with primarily North American or UK traffic, offering a variety of ad formats and an intuitive interface.

1/ Ezoic: For sites with more than 10k visits

ezoic interface



If you are a publisher looking for an alternative to Google AdSense for your website, Ezoic is surely the best option on the market. Founded in 2010 , Ezoic uses artificial intelligence to optimize the placement of your ads, thereby improving ad visibility while preserving your site’s user experience.

With a 30-day free trial, rapid integration, including on CMS like WordPress , Ezoic offers a risk-free opportunity to test its advanced features and increase your advertising revenue.

If you want to know more, discover our test and review on Ezoic .

Why choose this management?

Perfect for websites with more than 10,000 views per month , Ezoic allows you to optimize your advertising revenue while improving the user experience with automated testing tools .

The strong points

  • Improved user experience
  • More visible ads
  • Test Automation
  • Intuitive interface and reporting tools
  • Integration with major ad networks

2/ Mediavine: Ideal for high-traffic sites

mediavine interface


Mediavine is much more than just an advertising network. This platform revolutionizes the monetization of your website. It is known to boost advertising revenue, sometimes by up to 80% in just 10 days, especially if you come from AdSense.

What sets Mediavine apart is its advanced technology. Its WordPress plugins are innovative. And its commitment to publisher sustainability is unwavering. With over 16 years of experience as a digital publisher, it brings together a community of over 10,000 content creators.

Why choose this management?

If you’re past AdSense and looking to maximize your revenue , Mediavine is the next logical step. It is ideal for sites with a minimum of 50,000 visitors per month , especially if your traffic is mainly based in the United States.

The strong points

  • Strong increase in advertising revenue
  • Intuitive and easy-to-use interface
  • Simple application and installation process
  • Automatic optimization of ad placements
  • Commission ranging from 10 to 25%

3/ Media.net: Leader in contextual advertising

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Are you looking for an advertising agency that really stands out? Media.net , backed by Yahoo and Bing , is a global leader in contextual advertising . It is a platform that offers you precise targeted ads and takes care of optimizing your ROI.

With Media.net, you have access to advanced technology and products adapted to different aspects of online advertising . All this allows you to meet all your needs without having to call on several suppliers.

Why choose this management?

Media.net is ideal if your site offers quality content in English and mainly attracts traffic from the United States, Canada or the United Kingdom. And the best? There are no site size restrictions , making it perfect even for small blogs.

The strong points

  • Ultra-targeted contextual ads
  • No site size restrictions for quality sites
  • High RPM (revenue per thousand impressions)
  • Pay for the number of impressions, with a net 30 payment structure

4/ AdThrive: Maximizing revenue for large sites

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AdThrive is the premium advertising network for you, the ambitious pro blogger. They act as intermediaries between website publishers and advertisers . With their Google certification , they focus on ad placement optimization and comprehensive ad management, promising you an average 75% increase in revenue compared to other major ad providers.

Why choose this management?

If your site has high traffic (more than 100,000 views per month) and quality original content , AdThrive is for you. They are perfect for publishers looking to maximize revenue without worrying about technical ad management.

The strong points

  • Personalized ad management
  • Top-notch customer support
  • High ad profitability, especially for strategic locations
  • Premium program for high-traffic publishers with free SEO audit and personalized customer support

5/ Monumetric: For flexible monetization

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Do you want an advertising alternative that really understands your needs? Monumetric , also known as The Blogger Network , has you covered. Founded in 2012, it is a complete network that helps you achieve your revenue goals while preserving the user experience on your site.

They work with over 2,000 publishers , from small blogs to large sites, and use innovative advertising technologies.

Why choose this management?

If you are looking for a significant increase in your income ( up to 400% for some ), Monumetric is your solution. They are ideal for sites of all sizes, with a low barrier to entry of 10,000 pageviews per month .

The strong points

  • High earning potential
  • Stability of earnings
  • Responsive customer support
  • Continuous optimization
  • Interesting commission ranging from 15 to 30%
  • Advantageous sponsorship program

6/ RevContent: For a targeted advertising content strategy

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RevContent , founded in 2013, is the perfect platform if you want to monetize your site with native advertising . It connects publishers, like you, with advertisers looking to drive traffic. RevContent stands out with its flexible widgets and exclusive collaboration with top publishers, allowing you to create consistent and effective content strategies .

Why choose this management?

It’s the ideal tool if you want an easy-to-access, all-in-one platform on mobile and desktop that helps you create and edit your content hassle-free . RevContent transforms the way you interact with native advertising, humanizing the experience.

The strong points

  • Custom policy creation
  • Complete platform with all the necessary tools
  • Building trust and increasing sales
  • Overall management of content strategy
  • Performance analyzes in detail
  • Exceptional customer support
  • Support for various content formats

7/ Infolinks: Native ads based on intent

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Infolinks , which has been around since 2007, is a heavyweight in the world of text and intent-based native advertising . With its cutting-edge technology, it targets users in real time with ads based on keywords , guaranteeing you optimal results. They promise you increased audience attention with their advertisements that integrate perfectly with your content.

Why choose this management?

Perfect if you’re looking to monetize their site or blog , Infolinks offers a variety of ad formats and easy integration with AdSense.

Additionally, there is no minimum traffic requirement . Infolinks gives you the flexibility and control to maximize your advertising revenue while preserving your site’s user experience.

The strong points

  • Various advertising formats adapted to your content
  • No minimum traffic to join
  • Quick and easy start after registration
  • Advanced semantic analysis technology to target precisely
  • Intuitive and customizable user interface
  • Low minimum payment threshold ($50)
  • Excellent customer support

8/ Skimlinks: For simplified monetization

skimlinks interface


Skimlinks is the solution to opening a new stream of income from your content . Founded over a decade ago, Skimlinks is the largest commercial content monetization platform , automatically connecting you to a global network of 48,500 merchants .

They specialize in turning your product links into affiliate links, allowing you to focus on what matters most, creating content for your audience.

Why choose this management?

If you’re looking to effectively monetize your content without additional effort, this is the ideal tool. It’s easy to use and gives you access to a wide range of affiliate programs .

By joining Skimlinks, you join a community of 60,000 publishers who maximize their income without working overtime. It’s a free, user-friendly platform that makes affiliate marketing simple for everyone.

The strong points

  • Automatic monetization of your content
  • Direct access to thousands of merchants
  • Easy to install and use tool
  • Compatible with AMP and other page formats
  • Detailed monitoring of your results and in-depth analyzes

9/ BuySellAds: For brand advertising partnerships

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BuySellAds is a key platform for publishers looking to maximize their advertising revenue with partnerships with premium brands . Founded with the objective of simplifying monetization for publishers, it offers tools and services to optimize advertising on websites, newsletters or podcasts.

Why choose this management?

If you’re looking to generate significant revenue with a reliable platform and brand partnerships aligned with your content, BuySellAds is for you. They offer reliable payment and accounting support, while providing you with personalized income strategies.

The strong points

  • Quality brand partnerships
  • Easy-to-use platform with performance tracking
  • Simple, non-disruptive ad types for user experience
  • Personalized income strategies to achieve your goals
  • Industry expertise delivering actionable insights for your business

We sincerely hope that you enjoyed this guide to alternative advertising agencies to AdSense!

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As a bonus, you will receive lots of exclusive advice on how to launch your first online business and earn your first euros on the Internet.

Ezoic: Is it worth it in 2024?


Result of our test : 4.8/5

After testing Ezoic , our verdict is clear, it’s a fantastic tool for monetization, offering personalization and revenue optimization that far outperforms standard solutions like AdSense . However, it requires special vigilance to find the right balance between the number of ads and user experience.

Discover Ezoic

In 2024, talking about website monetization often means starting by talking about AdSense . This online advertising giant has long been the reference, almost an obligatory step for those new to monetization. 

It’s simple , it’s accessible , but the world of online advertising continues to evolve. With the number of sites and blogs constantly increasing , the competition to capture advertisers’ attention and maximize revenue is more intense than ever. Alternatives are multiplying , bringing with them new ways to monetize your content. 

In this quest to optimize income, we come across innovative and sometimes more efficient options . This is where Ezoic comes in , an advertising agency which presents itself as a serious competitor to AdSense . 

It brings a breath of fresh air to the ad monetization market , and we will share with you in this test why Ezoic could well be the alternative you are looking for.

🕰️ No time to read everything? Here’s what you need to remember about Ezoic:

👉 Big Data Analytics: Automatically optimizes advertisements on your site using massive data and allowing you to track the impact of your SEO actions.
👉 Humix: Easily embed videos on your site without having to create them, using AI for optimization and performance monitoring.
👉 Leap: Improve your site’s performance by optimizing Core Web Vitals, eliminating unnecessary costs and benefiting from a universal solution for WordPress.


Ezoic Overview

Ezoic allows you to earn income by publishing ads on your website. It adjusts ads with AI for a good revenue-user experience balance. Each visitor sees personalized ads , increasing your earnings. For us, Ezoic has boosted our advertising revenue . It also provides analytics to create more profitable content . In short, it is the ideal tool to monetize your site efficiently and simply.

It is therefore a great alternative to Adsense .

interface ezoic

Who is Ezoic for?

Ezoic is a versatile tool that adapts to various users, each with their own website monetization goals and needs . It offers you tailor-made solutions to optimize your revenue without compromising your visitors’ experience. Here is who Ezoic is particularly aimed at:

  • Independent bloggers : Perfect for you if you want to turn your passion into a source of income. Ezoic helps you increase your earnings while maintaining a quality user experience.
  • News site publishers : If you manage a news site, which generates traffic via Discover or Google news, Ezoic allows you to combine informative content and intelligent monetization, boosting your revenue while maintaining the interest of your readers.
  • Niche site publishers : For you targeting a specific market, Ezoic offers advanced customization, optimizing advertising revenue according to your audience.


Additional features of Ezoic

Let’s now discover the additional features of Ezoic which further enrich your experience and your possibilities with this control room.

Big Data Analytics 

This tool will allow you to optimize your income and offer a better experience to the users of your website . You no longer have to worry about the location, type or size of ads. Ezoic takes care of it for you by using big data to make intelligent decisions . 

You can also track your revenue and connect it to every aspect of your site, from infrastructure to audience engagement . Furthermore, you will be able to objectively evaluate how your actions in terms of SEO and engagement affect your rankings and the behavior of your audience. 

big data analysis ezoic


With this function, you will be able to make the most of the videos on your website . You don’t even have to create your own videos. Humix offers you a complete suite to attract new visitors , increase engagement and generate additional revenue. 

Humix takes care of the optimization thanks to integrated artificial intelligence that adapts to your preferences. You’ll have access to video metrics to track your estimated earnings and play counts over 30 days, making it easier to track your site’s growth through video. 

humix ezoic


This is perfect for optimizing the Core Web Vitals of your website and improving its overall performance. Leap gives you handy diagnostic tools to identify and fix problems at the source, allowing you to improve performance for real users, just like Google does. 

And that’s not all, Leap simplifies your site speed and saves you money by eliminating the need for expensive technologies and plugins . If you use WordPress , it offers you a universal and sophisticated solution that can replace your unnecessary plugins and potentially save you money. 

leap ezoic

Prices for Ezoic

Discover below the flexible prices offered by Ezoic to optimize your advertising revenue and develop your website.

Standard Offer 

With Ezoic’s Standard offer , you can increase your advertising revenue by simply paying a fixed rate of 10% on the revenue generated by advertisements on your website. This plan includes everything you need to continuously monetize your site, including access to Google Ad Manager and Ad Exchange Ad Serving . 

Plus, you can create up to 5 professional videos per month with Flickify . However, it is important to note that the use of NicheIQ is limited in this offer.

If you want to start maximizing your income and growing your website, you can opt for this offer now.

Offer Premium

Ezoic’s Premium offering offers flexible plans with monthly, annual or income-based options. In addition to standard features , it includes exclusive support and services . You’ll have access to new advanced ad reporting, easy integration with the Ezoic Analytics API , and premium advertising partners to increase your revenue.

The Premium plan also includes benefits like free SEO audits , quarterly expert reviews, and permissions for multi-user accounts . With this offer, you can create up to 100 videos per month with Flickify and use NicheIQ without restrictions to optimize your content and maximize your income.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Now, let’s dive in by exploring the pros and cons of Ezoic , to give you a complete picture of what this tool can offer and the things to consider before you get started.


✅ Uses advanced technologies to maximize advertising revenue

✅ Offers a free month trial so you can test their features without obligation

✅ Advanced ad reporting provides valuable data 

✅ Compatible with major ad networks

The inconvenients

❌ Ads can potentially slow down your site

❌ Engagement rate may be lower if there are a lot of ads

In summary: our opinion on Ezoic

We tried Ezoic on a few of our sites , and here’s what we think. On the one hand, Ezoic is great for increasing advertising revenue . Its use of AI to adjust ads is pretty impressive. 

The Standard plan is our favorite, it’s super accessible and offers a good balance between performance and simplicity , perfect for those just starting out in monetization or for growing sites.

But be careful, Ezoic also has its small downsides . For example, on one of our sites where we placed lots of ads, we saw the engagement rate and traffic drop . It reminded us that we have to find the right balance so as not to push away visitors.

However, if you want to monetize your site effectively , Ezoic is a solid option. Just remember to keep an eye on the user experience and adjust ad settings regularly to keep a good balance.

Alternatives to Ezoic

If you are looking for alternatives to Ezoic for monetizing your site, several options are available to you. Each of these platforms offers unique features and can suit different types of sites and needs. Here are three popular alternatives:

  • Mediavine : It is recognized for offering excellent performance in terms of advertising revenue, particularly for sites with high traffic in the lifestyle, food, and travel niches. It stands out with personalized customer service and a friendly user interface.
  • Media.net : This is a good alternative, best known for its specialization in contextual ads, which can be an advantage for sites with specifically targeted content. 
  • AdThrive : It is ideal for premium content publishers with high traffic, especially in the family and lifestyle areas. They offer competitive remuneration rates and personalized support to optimize advertising revenue.

How to use Ezoic correctly?

To take full advantage of Ezoic and boost your site’s revenue , it is crucial to know how to use it correctly. Here is a simple and practical step-by-step guide to mastering Ezoic: 

  1. Registration and configuration : Start by registering on Ezoic. It’s quick and easy. Once registered, connect your site by following the instructions to configure your account.
  2. Site integration : Integrate your site, either through a plugin (if you use a platform like WordPress), or by modifying the DNS. The tool offers a detailed guide to help you in this step.
  3. Ad Placement : Use the Ad Placement tool to define where and how ads will appear on your site. Ezoic’s AI will optimize these placements for better results.
  4. Analysis and tests : Take advantage of Ezoic’s analysis tools to understand the behavior of your visitors and the effectiveness of your ads. It allows you to test different formats and placements to see what works best.
  5. Continuous Optimization : Uses detailed reporting to continuously optimize. The system learns from your site and adjusts to improve performance and revenue over time.
  6. Use advanced features : Explore Ezoic’s advanced features, like site speed optimization, SEO analysis, and video monetization, to get the most out of your site.

Reinvestment of income : Consider the possibilities of reinvesting part of your income generated by Ezoic to improve your site or to create higher quality content.

Top 10 new technological trends for 2024


From mainframes to minicomputers to cloud servers, technology is evolving at breakneck speed. Whatever technology is booming, it certainly brings simplicity, innovation, efficiency and agility into our lives, right? As a result, we are seeing the emergence of newer technologies that have a huge impact on business growth. Businesses that don’t keep up with the latest technology will struggle to stay ahead of the competition and meet their customers’ expectations. 

Which technology trends are generating the most interest in 2024? 

What are the “world-changing technologies” that every business leader should know and prepare for? 

Read through the blog to find answers to these questions and discover the top tech trends gaining momentum in 2024.

 Main new technology trends for 2024

#1 Robotic Process Automation: 

Robotic process automation – latest technology trends

RPA automates business processes such as repetitive tasks, standardized tasks, data processing, even responding to emails, etc.

 Just like us, RPA bots have the ability to understand what’s on a screen, navigate through different systems, make the right keystrokes, extract data, and even perform a wide range of actions predefined. 

This results in increased data collection opportunities, reduced workload, better business results, faster service, etc. 

#2 Metaverse: 

 By revolutionizing the way we live and work, this emerging technology is ready to take you from the real world to the virtual world. A.

 With the help of augmented reality and virtual reality, businesses can create a facsimile version of the real world where people can collaborate, conduct training and demonstrations, and close deals in real-time. This latest technology is gaining ground because of the real-world experience it brings. 

Nike generated 3,100 Ethereum ($8 million) in revenue in just one week by selling its virtual sneakers. 

Accenture has already built a metaverse habitat called Nth Floor, which replicates their real-world office, where employees can waltz into the office space and complete their tasks without needing to be physically present in the workspace. office. 

Tech giants like Facebook (currently called Meta), Microsoft, Google, and Nvidia are already investing heavily in this new technology and experts predict that this technology will add up to $5 trillion in revenue to the industry. the global economy by 2030. 

#3 Telehealth :  

 Although many of the greatest advances in the medical field are due to technology, there is even a little resistance today. The pandemic has shown us how crucial technology is to the medical field. Telehealth is the delivery of health-related services using technology to patients seeking care without having to leave their homes. Mobile health apps, live video conferencing, remote patient monitoring, etc. are examples of telehealth services. 

#4 IA Low-Code et No-Code :

Artificial intelligence has moved from technical jargon to a user-friendly interface with low-code and no-code solutions. The ability to create solutions without the coding expertise or technical know-how has made it the top choice and success among business leaders. The Gartner report states that 50% of small and medium organizations will adopt low-code and no-code solutions by 2024. The above statistic is a testament to the fact that low-code and no-code are here to stay for a considerable period. of time. 

Would you like to get in-depth information on low code and no code solutions? Book a free one-on-one call with service experts here. 

#5 Internet of Behaviors (IOB):   

 IoB is about using data to change behavior. It gathers data from different sources and uses this information to influence user behavior using feedback loops. For example, a taxi service can monitor driver behavior, such as the speed at which they drive, aggressive turns, abrupt breaks, etc. Using this data, driver performance can be evaluated and appropriate measures can be taken. 

#6 Distributed Cloud:   

In this, cloud services are distributed across different physical locations, but the entire operations and governance is managed by the public cloud service provider. When organizations physically bring these services closer together, it facilitates low-latency scenarios, mitigates data costs, and also allows you to comply with local laws. 

#7 Edge Computing :  

It is one of the new technology trends 2024  that enables low latency and high-speed data processing. Edge Computing allows organizations to perform computations closer to data storage systems, improving application performance. The goal of edge computing is to run fewer processes in the cloud and turn them into an edge server or on the user’s computer. Since it increases the speed of the process, it allows you to manage time-sensitive data that is stored in remote areas and has minimal access to the central location. 

#8 Human Augmentation:  

Human augmentation is a broad term that concerns innovations aimed at improving human capabilities and productivity. AR lenses, RFID tags, prosthetics, etc. are examples of human augmentation. This can help improve human cognition and action capabilities. You can achieve this through sensing, actuation technology, AI, fusion and fission. 

#9 Intelligent Composable Business:   </span >

A smart composable business is one that can adapt and reorganize itself based on the current situation. Companies are investing in digital transformation because they want to make rapid business decisions that can be made with the data already available. To achieve this, businesses must have access to information, improve it by collecting more information and responding quickly. This will help businesses make decisions without having to always wait for a “Go for it” from the management team.  

#10 Hyper automatisation :  

With this new technological trend 2024, everything can be automated in an organization. Many organizations are using existing processes that are undermining them. These processes create many problems and are also extremely expensive just to maintain them. Advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, RPA, natural language processing, process mining, etc., are applied to maximize the potential of an automated business. 

Conclusion :  

Many organizations are guilty of using technologies with limited applications. They are generally not lean or optimized specifically for the business. You need to accelerate the use of technology in your organization to be agile and efficient. If you don’t invest in the latest technologies that are taking the world by storm, you risk being left behind by your competitors. 

At Zuci, we help you with everything from personalizing your digital experience to integrating business intelligence services. Partner with us to work with some of the best tech minds in the world! 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ )

  1. How to stay on top of the main technology trends?

Organizations need to know “what’s new” in modern technology to transform their business models, launch innovative products/services, increase sales and improve customer experience. But with emerging technologies, it is difficult to keep up with new technological trends. By joining tech communities, subscribing to tech newsletters like TechCrunch, fully billed by Bloomberg, etc., attending tech conferences and seminars, you can easily keep an eye on the latest IT trends.

  • What are other future technology trends to watch out for in 2024?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) 

As Rachel Roumeliotis, Vice President of AI and Marketing; Data Content Strategy explains: “Natural language processing (NLP) is a wing of artificial intelligence that helps machines understand how humans talk, speak and write.

 These systems capture user input and provide them with contextual output. Language translators, smart assistants, chatbots, email filters and optical character recognition (OCR) that we use daily are some examples of the NLP system. 

With some user input, NLP technology can automate your repetitive tasks, offer contextual answers, analyze huge amounts of business data, help you gain insight and make data-driven decisions. 

Blockchain technology 

The growing popularity of blockchain technology can never be overlooked and hence we list it in our article here. The technology, mainly used for cryptocurrencies, has gained momentum in recent years due to its immutability, increased capacity and transparent system.

 Banking and accounting firms primarily use this technology for its high-end security and to generate smart contracts, automate their record and record keeping tasks, and store customer information in a decentralized infrastructure. 

From healthcare to payment companies to supply chain and logistics companies, almost every industry is transforming its digital journey with the help of this technology. 

  1. How can businesses leverage these latest technology trends to drive growth and innovation?

No matter how informed you are about the latest technologies and trends, you need a foolproof plan to harness their potential and skyrocket your business performance. Here are three ways to take advantage of technology trends;

      • Creating the Game Plan: You need a foolproof strategy to understand what should be implemented and what should not be implemented to achieve your technical goals. Consider your IT infrastructures, budget and business challenges when developing the strategy.
      • Finding the Right Tools: You may have some great ideas ready, but if you fail to adopt the right tool, your entire vision for driving business growth may fall through the cracks. Choose the right tool needed to achieve your technical goals.
      • Find the right technical partners: You need a highly skilled workforce to implement, maintain and troubleshoot them as well. Whether it’s hiring a competent in-house team or outsourcing to industry experts, tapping the right talent can go a long way in exploiting new technology trends . to stay ahead of the competition.
  1. How does artificial intelligence (AI) impact various industries?

From production operations and machine maintenance to quality control and data processing, AI is already revolutionizing the way businesses operate. 

AI capabilities are being used by different industries to drive progress. Discover some of the ways AI is driving growth and innovation across different industries.

      • AI in Finance – AI’s ability to analyze and process large amounts of data much faster than humans makes it the most powerful technology for trading and investing. It identifies customers’ buying and selling patterns and helps financial experts predict the future and make informed decisions.
      • AI in Healthcare – From Robotic Assistance From surgical procedures to wearable devices that generate health issues like blood pressure, heart rate, etc., AI is reshaping the way the healthcare industry works today. AI in healthcare detects diseases faster and provides improved patient experience and safety.
      • AI in Marketing – End users, today, prefer a personalized experience and AI has the power to offer them exactly that. AI tools are useful for tracking market trends, customer habits, and predicting future trends. Marketers can leverage this information to develop effective strategies and present the right type of content to improve sales and customer experience.
  1. What is blockchain and how is it changing industries like finance and supply chain?

Blockchain technology has gained momentum due to its decentralized infrastructure and its ability to carry out transactions without any intermediaries.

 Although many industries are adopting this technology to improve the security and efficiency of their business operations, the supply chain and finance industries are fully unlocking its potential. It transforms traditional financial institutes by offering smooth, transparent and secure transactions for their customers.

In the supply chain, organizations can create unique transaction-based tokens for purchase orders, stock units, invoices, etc., which can be shared only with stakeholders. Every token transfer between stakeholders can be recorded and traced by organizations.

Top 10 digital transformation trends for 2024


The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way we do business, with certain technologies enabling work-from-home scenarios. Can you imagine what would have happened without technology? The world would have stopped.

Although many changes will likely continue, we will see even more technologies appear every day. Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos have even traveled to space! Well, so did William Shatner. This is exactly why there is so much excitement about what 2024 has in store.

In this article, we will look at the top 10 digital transformation trends for 2024.

1. Business Process Automation:

Automation will no longer be exclusive to businesses, as many accessible solutions have hit the market. Business process automation is one of the most talked about digital transformation trends and is a must-have for businesses in 2023.

Business process automation can be achieved in various areas, such as marketing, customer support, sales, accounting, finance. , manufacturing, supply chain, etc. In the future ML and AI will help businesses use their business data effectively.

According to Gartner, more than 77% of businesses regularly use automation, application development and AI tools in their daily operations. Artificial intelligence has the ability to automate tasks that are not only monotonous but also high-risk.

2. 5G :

They are the next step in mobile communications. The 5G network will give us incredible speeds, and it is said that it will only take a millisecond to respond to commands. In contrast, 4G took up to 200 milliseconds. 

All online businesses that rely on the Internet of Things will benefit enormously from the widespread use of 5G. 

Businesses will benefit from faster broadband speeds, stable mobile networks, and a more connected future thanks to 5G. The technology will provide greater reliability, better security, wider installation and higher bandwidth.

3. Low-code tools will become mainstream:

Many companies will see a greater shift toward no-code or low-code software in 2023. Although there was widespread concern that developers would lose their jobs if these technologies became widespread, this fear remains unfounded. 

These categories of tools have proven to be a major asset for developers and businesses around the world. Rather than spending time building tools for their daily operations, developers can use the extra time to work on innovative products that can drive significant business growth.

Low-code solutions also give professionals the ability to make smarter decisions. With an easy learning curve, low-code and no-code solutions are ideal for business users who want to create modern applications for themselves or for developers to automate manual processes.

It delivers improved agility, higher productivity, lower costs, better customer experience, faster transformation and effective risk management and governance. 

Businesses that embrace low-code and no-code development will eliminate the complexity of building business applications. They will be better equipped to adapt and respond quickly to changing business conditions.

4. Contactless solutions and digital payments:

One of the biggest trends since 2020 is contactless solutions. From restaurants to manufacturing companies, everyone has had to adopt contactless service delivery to maintain social distancing norms.

 Digital payments are also a great way for businesses to avoid customer contact and for customers to avoid contact with frequently touched surfaces. Consumers and businesses around the world can now access the digital economy. 

Digital payments are one of the key enablers of banks’ digital transformation. A study conducted by RTi indicates that 30% of respondents used contactless payment methods for the first time since the start of Covid-19.

5. Hybrid work:

One of the most common digital transformation trends in 2024 will be the hybrid work environment, as companies expect their employees to work in the office at least a few days per month. Today’s workplaces are changing due to COVID-19 lockdowns.

 The future of work should be highly connected, much more than it is today. Businesses have been forced to adapt and deliver digitally connected experiences to increase productivity, increase retention rates and promote well-being.

These days, there is an increasing emphasis on work-life balance as many employees still work from home or have a hybrid work situation where they also work from home and in the office. Organizations will need to provide a digital and connected experience to ensure their employees perform at their best. A hybrid work model also gives employees great flexibility to work at their own pace.

According to Accenture’s recent report “The Future of Work: A Hybrid Work Model”, 83% of employees prefer to contribute on-site and off-site.

 Since many employees have become accustomed to working from home over the past couple of years, it makes sense to offer them this level of flexibility.

6. Democratization of AI:

AI is one of the most important digital transformations in 2023 and you will see more of its adoption. Democratizing AI means making it accessible to every company and person within the organization.

 It uses AI tools that spot and recognize trends, predict, make decisions, learn and improve. It can be integrated with startups, SMEs and businesses

This trend is driven by companies that have invested heavily in artificial intelligence, including Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, IBM and Google, to expand adoption and access. Previously, developing AI required a lot of resources, including recruiting subject matter experts, computing power, and money.

The democratization of AI will facilitate development by offering user-friendly resources, predefined algorithms, highly intuitive interfaces and cloud computing platforms. 

Developers who have access to these tools will be able to create their own machine learning applications and other complex software.

7. Digital Banking:

New age technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, Internet of Things, robotic process automation and blockchain are going to bring incredible changes in the banking landscape. 

Nowadays, most banking services are available online. There was a time when getting your loan approved took weeks. But today you know the status of your loan application in seconds.

The number of people using online banking is expected to reach 2.5 billion by 2024 . Here are some features banks are implementing due to COVID-19, according to Deloitte’s Digital Banking Maturity Report .

  • 18% of banks have launched contactless payment methods
  • 41% of banks have increased the limit for contactless payments
  • 34% of banks have implemented fully digital processes
  • 25% of banks have introduced in-branch appointment booking
  • 23% of banks have introduced digital identification and verification methods

Several financial institutions have also started offering loans and credit cards online. Even the document verification process is done online. 

The shift to digital banking began well before the pandemic. The pandemic has allowed financial institutions to rethink the way they operate and make digital banking more personal, understanding and empathetic.

8. Environmental Social Governance (ESG) will often make headlines:

ESG criteria are a set of standards applicable to a company’s operations that socially responsible investors will use to measure potential investments. 

The governance factor in ESG refers to the company’s management audits, internal controls, shareholder rights and executive compensation. This can have a significant impact on a company’s financial metrics.

From climate issues to diversity, organizations around the world are prioritizing ESG, and you’ll likely hear more about it in 2023 and beyond. Many investments and commitments have been made in areas such as sustainable product development, climate, diversity and equity.

9. Architecture multicloud :

The reason behind setting up a multi-cloud environment is that a single hosting provider cannot provide all the solutions to the problems that businesses may face online. This is exactly why software and workloads within an organization are used in one or two private or public clouds. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has also created the need to adopt a multi-cloud architecture to reduce business continuity risks. It helps businesses easily manage their work model and enables remote working. 

A multi-cloud strategy is used for a variety of reasons, including disaster recovery, resiliency, security, and data residency requirements.

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to setting up a multi-cloud architecture is the complexity of infrastructure management. To manage a number of cloud environments, businesses will need to look for cloud automation and management solutions. 

This will help them meet agility requirements and experiment with new delivery models. This is a smart investment strategy for businesses of all sizes, not just enterprise-level organizations.

 Multicloud adoption helps businesses achieve greater efficiency, leverage economies of scale, and build a robust virtual infrastructure.

10. Big tech companies will face increased scrutiny from regulators:

Some of the world’s biggest technology companies will face increased scrutiny from regulators and government agencies. 

Court rulings and antitrust legislation are a regular part of these companies’ cases due to their monopolistic practices. Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon are among the companies under constant surveillance. 

These antitrust rulings are expected to force them to change their platforms, their behaviors and how they use customer data. Recently, Apple’s dominance in the US market led to a move that will force them to at least change the way users can download apps.

Conclusion :

The year 2024 will witness tectonic shifts in digital transformation. Businesses looking to thrive in their niches will need to adopt a digital-first mindset or they will struggle. Whatever your industry, digital tools and the right set of technologies will be the foundation of your success. The consequences of the changes you make will be immense.

If you want to embark on the digital transformation of your organization, let us help you achieve these goals for you. Get in touch with the experts at Zuci.

What is a “blue moon” and when will it be in 2024


The second full moon in a month is called a “blue moon.” We tell you what this phenomenon is and when it can be observed


What is a “blue moon”
When will it be in 2024
Does the “blue moon” affect a person?

What is a “blue moon”

A Blue Moon is an astronomical phenomenon in which two full moons can be observed in one calendar month. The term comes from the English idiom once in a Blue Moon – “very rarely” [1] .

What does a “blue moon” look like?

The name of the phenomenon has nothing to do with the change in color of the Earth’s satellite. Most often, a “blue moon” looks like a regular full moon. But sometimes you can observe an optical illusion: small particles of smoke or ash in the air scatter red waves, and then the Moon acquires a blue tint. Smoke from forest fires can scatter light. A blue moon appeared for several years after the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in 1883. Then a huge amount of ash rose into the atmosphere to a height of 80 km [2] .

Why does a “blue moon” appear?

One lunar cycle—the period from new moon to full moon—lasts 29.5 days. Therefore, 12 lunar months pass in 354 days – less than in a calendar year. As a result of this discrepancy, an additional full moon appears every 2.5–3 years.

It is customary to distinguish between a seasonal and calendar “blue moon”. In winter, spring, summer and autumn we usually see three full moons. If the fourth appears, it is a “blue moon”. And the second full moon in a month is the calendar “blue moon”  [3] .When

is the blue moon in 2024?

  • The Blue Moon is expected on August 19, 2024 at 21:25 Moscow time. This will be a seasonal phenomenon. You can check the dates of full moons and find out the exact time of their appearance in your region in the Sky Tonight app or online [4] .

    Next time you will be able to see the seasonal “blue moon”:

  • May 20, 2027 at 1:59 p.m.;
  • August 24, 2029 at 04:51;
  • August 21, 2032 at 04:46.

The calendar “blue moon” is expected:

  • May 31, 2026 at 11:45 am;
  • December 31, 2028 at 19:48;
  • September 30, 2031 at 9:58 p.m.

Does the “blue moon” affect a person?

Folk signs associate the full moon, including the “blue moon,” with a negative effect on the body. It is believed that during this period insomnia appears, and the number of calls from doctors increases sharply. However, numerous studies show that the full moon does not affect humans in any way [5] .

In 2021, a study was conducted in Switzerland in which 2,125 people participated. Using polysomnography, they found out whether people would sleep worse during a full moon. The results showed that the phase of the moon had no effect on the duration and quality of sleep [6] . That same year, American scientists correlated the number of emergency room visits with the phases of the moon. It turned out that during the full moon the clinical load does not change and is comparable to the number of visits on other days [7] .

The neural network discovered the similarity of fingerprints of different fingers of one person

he artificial intelligence model analyzed tens of thousands of fingerprints and found similarities between them. This discovery calls into question the popular idea in forensic science that every print is unique.

What’s the trend?

Machines and computer programs with built-in artificial intelligence are capable of solving many real-world problems. Some of the main advantages of AI are the high speed of processing large amounts of data and saving human resources. Its use can lead to unexpected discoveries, including in areas that seemed completely explored.

Similar fingerprints

Researchers from Columbia University loaded an open database of the US government, which contains 60 thousand fingerprints, into an artificial intelligence model. The samples were compared in pairs: in some cases they belonged to the same person, in others they belonged to different people.

In 77% of cases, the model was able to determine that different fingerprints belong to the same person. This result suggests that the prints may be similar and casts doubt on the idea that they are unique.

The need for verification and real benefits

Columbia University researcher Gabe Go noted that the authors of the scientific work are aware of the potential inaccuracy of the data. They are confident that the AI ​​model works the same for different genders and races. However, for it to be used in real forensics, a more thorough verification is necessary through the analysis of a larger database of fingerprints.

However, Guo is confident that the discovery could improve the solvency of criminal cases: “The immediate application is to help create new leads for wood grouse, when fingerprints left at a crime scene differ from those in the database. This will not only help catch more criminals, but will also make the plight of innocent people easier.

Criticism of the study

After the team verified the results, they submitted them to a reputable forensic journal, but were rejected a few months later. An anonymous expert reviewer stated: “It is well known that every fingerprint is unique and therefore it is impossible to detect similarities even if the fingerprints belong to the same person.” After much hesitation, the article was finally accepted for publication by the scientific journal Science Advances.

Simon Cole, a professor at the University of California, Irvine, who was not involved in the study, said its practical benefits were overstated. He stated : “Forensic scientists are not wrong about fingerprints. The unproven but intuitively true statement that no two fingerprints can be exactly alike is not refuted by the conclusion that one person’s fingerprints are similar.”

The research paper states that the system could be useful at crime scenes where the fingerprints found differ from those listed in the police report. However, Cole noted that this could only happen in rare cases, since fingerprinting already records all ten fingers, and often entire palms.

However, scientists are confident in the benefits of their research, as well as in the effectiveness of their model, so they made the code publicly available.