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What is Industry 5.0?


The advantages provided by technology are not only effective in business life or education life. There are many benefits of technology in your home life.

While the existence and effects of Industry 4.0 have been discussed recently, a concept called Industry 5.0 has now emerged.

Industry 5.0, which has been called super smart society since 2017, is unmanned technology.

It would be correct to call Industry 4.0 a cyber revolution. The aim of Industry 4.0 is to make all systems produced during the three revolutions smarter and to create a mechanism that can learn, think and decide.

While the human factor was reduced as much as possible in Industry 4.0, unmanned technology was created in Industry 5.0. So, what is Industry 5.0?

What is Industry 5.0?

It is possible to call this concept, which we frequently encounter as Society 5.0, as the age of unmanned technology.

Industry 5.0 was first introduced at a technology fair in Hannover, Germany. This era, called the super smart society, is the collaboration of society with technology.

Many technological studies such as unmanned aerial vehicles used in defense, autonomous robot systems created using artificial intelligence technology, and human-like robots have contributed to the formation of Industry 5.0.

Of course, adapting to this technology is much more difficult than expected. However, considering the advantages and conveniences they provide, these studies do not seem scary to people.

As technology continues to change and develop day by day, you may have noticed that many concepts that we used to see as just a discourse are now being used.

What are the differences from Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 is a revolution managed by data provided by technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and big data.

Society 5.0 is a revolution that contributes to the formation of super smart societies that increase the welfare of society.

The most important feature that distinguishes Industry 5.0 from Industry 4.0 is; Industry 4.0 places humans at its core by using technology together with people while producing knowledge and intelligence.

However, Industry 5.0 has created information and technology through machines and artificial intelligence, and has been put at the service of people by producing unmanned technologies.

The most important differences that distinguish Society 5.0 from Industry 4.0 are as follows:

  • While Industry 4.0 focuses on how to do a job, Industry 5.0 focuses on how to optimize the human-hour relationship for the job to be done.
  • While the use of automatic machines is frequently preferred in Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0 focuses on optimizing the work efficiency of a knowledgeable, experienced and sufficient workforce by integrating it with smart machines.
  • Regardless of the work done in Industry 4.0, data is transferred to the computer and stored. However, in Industry 5.0, care is taken to create the work that is already done to the advantage of the employees, as they do it through smart machines.

What are Industry 5.0 Professions and Application Areas?

Increasingly developing technology not only raises people’s living standards, but also provides various conveniences in their daily work.

With the development of Industry 5.0, new business areas and a smarter social order began to emerge.

Various new professions such as artificial intelligence engineering, robotic coding, industrial computer programming or engineering have emerged and university education on these professions has started.

It is inevitable that Industry 5.0, which is used both in the defense military field and in many other fields such as education, agriculture and industry, will become increasingly widespread and developed.

Introduction to Robotic Coding: What is it and Why is it Important?

Robotic coding is a field that involves writing code using programming languages ​​to control the movements and functions of robots. 
Today, industrial robots; It has begun to be used more and more frequently in many sectors, especially health, agriculture, energy, defense and security. Therefore, the tendency to focus on software, artificial intelligence and robotics technology has increased in education and training processes. 
Of course, there is also interest in STEM+A, which is one of the best educational approaches to progress in this regard… At this point, a common question comes to the minds of both young people and families: “What is robotic coding?” What’s the use?
What is Robotic Coding?

Robotic coding has become very important today because it brings together engineering and programming.

Codes written in the field of robotic coding determine when, where and how the robot will move.

hus, it also offers a method of using robotic technology efficiently in a way that can produce solutions to existing problems or meet needs. While it is considered a core skill for those aiming for a robotics and automation career, it is also useful for individuals who want to improve their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Why is Robotic Coding Important?

Today, robots have become devices that are used in many sectors and automate work.

Thanks to this technology, repetitive operations can be carried out quickly and accurately, while work accidents and injuries can be prevented.

Also renewable energy etc. Robotics technology and coding are of great importance in solving many common problems of the world and in taking new initiatives in this field.

It is already predicted that robotic coding skills will play an important role in the future labor market.

As automation systems become increasingly widespread, employers prioritize candidates with robotic coding skills, and people with these skills are considered more advantageous in the competitive environment in the job market.

However, learning robotic coding skills also plays a serious role in concretely experiencing mathematical and scientific concepts and developing critical thinking skills.

Students can improve both problem-solving and creative thinking skills through robotic coding projects.

It helps learn STEM+A (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, art) skills and experience mathematical and scientific concepts in a concrete way.

For more detailed information, you can check out our article “ The Importance of Robotic Coding for Children and Youth ”.

In Which Professions Is Robotic Coding Used?

Mechanical Engineers:Mechanical engineers play an important role in the design, manufacture and control of the functions of industrial robots. Mechanical engineers help robots become more efficient by programming their movements and functions.

Electrical and Electronics Engineers:Electrical and electronic engineers develop electronic components necessary for the design and production of robotic systems. They help ensure that robots operate correctly and effectively by writing the codes necessary to control robotic systems.

Software Developers:Software developers are involved in writing and developing programming languages ​​used to control the movements and functions of robots. They enable robots to program their movements and functions and develop robotic control systems.

Industrial Automation Experts:Industrial automation experts are experts with the technical knowledge required for the design, installation and maintenance of automation systems. Industrial automation experts help robots program and control their functions.

Those Working in the Field of Agriculture:The agricultural sector is increasingly interested in the use of robotic coding technologies. With the use of robotic technologies, agricultural experts can automate agricultural processes and increase agricultural efficiency.

Health Professionals:The healthcare sector is another sector where robotic technologies are becoming increasingly widespread. Studies on the use of robots in procedures such as surgical procedures, patient care and rehabilitation continue rapidly today.

Education Experts:Robotic coding has an important place in STEM+A education. STEM+A, which stands for science, technology, engineering, mathematics and art, is based on the principle of learning all these disciplines together in an applied way, and robotic coding studies play an important role in this education approach.

Employees in the Field of Industry and Production:Robotic coding technology allows production processes to be automated and increased efficiency. This is very important in reducing costs in industrial production and making production processes safer.

What are Robotic Coding Examples?

Artificial intelligence:Robotic coding is a technology used in the development of artificial intelligence algorithms. During these studies, it is used to write and test programming languages ​​in the development process of artificial intelligence.

Autonomous Vehicles:We can also see robotic coding being used in the development of autonomous vehicles. Autonomous vehicles are vehicles that move on their own. Robotic coding is used to control sensors, navigation systems, and other functions of autonomous vehicles.

Drone Technologies:Another area that benefits from these technologies is drones. These devices are defined as flying robots and are used for different purposes in many sectors today. Thanks to robotic coding, it is possible to control the movements of drones, collect data, control sensors and perform other functions.

Virtual Reality:Virtual reality is one of the most popular technologies today, creating a simulation of the real world. In virtual reality applications, many operations can be done with the help of coding, such as creating and controlling simulations and performing other functions.

How to Learn Robotic Coding?

Robotics coding training can be provided from many sources, depending on the age and opportunities of people who want to specialize in this field.

At this point, we can say that the main educational materials are online lessons and courses. Many websites that host online courses, especially in the field of software and technology, also have content in this field.

Whether it is robotic coding lessons or a different subject that interests you in this field… We are aware that your main need for learning is a quality internet.

From the development process to the learning of all these technologies, the internet is now indispensable in every aspect of life. Of course, in online courses too…

Robotic coding events are an ideal option to learn robotic coding skills, especially for students. Programs such as FIRST® Robotics Competition, VEX Robotics Competition, and RoboCup aim to provide students with skills in designing, building, and programming robots.

Young People Design the Future at FIRST Robotics Competition with TurkNet Speed!

FIRST® Robotics Competition, organized for the first time in 1989 by inventor Dean Kamen , is a competition in which young people can learn robotic coding technology while also gaining the skills to compete with ethical values, work for high-quality production, and be a team within the framework of the concept of “sensitive professionalism”.

It has been held in our country since 2018 with the support of the Fikret Yüksel Foundation, and during this competition, young people can acquire many skills that will strengthen their CVs in the future.

As TurkNet, we are with them in this competition where young people touch the technology of the future, new skills and break the rules! We know that game-changing technologies have developed with the internet and that the internet will carry us into the future.

How to Make Money from Tiktok?


TikTok, which offers users the opportunity to create and share 15-second videos, attracts great attention among young people. TikTok offers its users various ways to make money. In this article, we will focus on TikTok monetization methods and conditions.

What is TikTok?

TikTok is a social media platform that hosts fun and creative content where short videos are shared. Popular among young people, this app allows users to create and share 15-second videos. One of TikTok’s unique features is that users can create original content using a variety of tools such as music, effects, and filters.

The platform offers a wide range of content, from dance videos to funny skits, from creative art projects to entertaining shows. While sharing their videos, users can interact with other users, receive likes and comments, and follow content producers.

What are the TikTok Money Making Methods?

TikTok is a dynamic social media space that popularizes video content and creates a unique culture. There are various ways to make money from TikTok. Here are some of the ways TikTok makes money:

  • Advertising Partnerships: TikTok gives content creators the chance to create advertising content by collaborating with brands. Brands can pay popular content creators to promote their products or services.
  • TikTok Live: TikTok Live is a feature where users can directly interact with their audience. Viewers can support creators by sending them gifts. These gifts allow the content creator to generate income.
  • Receiving Donations: During TikTok Live broadcasts, viewers can donate directly to creators. Users can send money to support the content creators they like.
  • Brand Sponsorships: Popular TikTok users can make sponsorship deals with brands. Brands can reach their target audiences through content producers with large follower bases.
  • Product Placements: Content producers can naturally use brand products in their videos and earn income by collaborating with brands in this way.
  • Affiliate Marketing: TikTok users can earn income by promoting a particular product or service through commissions earned from the sale of that product or service.

These methods provide TikTok users with various sources of income and allow creative content producers to participate more actively on the platform. However, in order to make money successfully, it is important to produce quality and interesting content.

How Much Does TikTok Pay for Views?

The issue of how much money is paid to watch on TikTok does not have a clear answer as there is no specific standard or fixed pay table. TikTok does not pay its users a specific fee per view. Instead, earnings vary depending on a variety of factors.

The amount paid for viewing depends on a number of factors, including geographic location, audience, content quality and engagement. TikTok’s dynamic algorithm and advertising models are important factors that determine users’ earnings. Each content creator may have a different experience, so it is not known exactly how much money Tiktok pays for views.

Minimum Number of Followers Required to Make Money on TikTok?

There is no specific minimum number of followers to make money on TikTok. However, a larger following may be required to use brand sponsorships and some revenue-generating features. Sponsorships usually occur with content producers who have more interaction and reach.

To earn income by receiving gifts from viewers during TikTok live broadcasts, you must comply with certain conditions. These conditions include age, location, compliance with community and service rules.

As TikTok adds various features to enable its users to monetize their content, the requirements and terms may change. Users need to continue producing quality content to gain greater recognition and engagement within the platform.

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What impact will the development of large language models have on the economy and the world?


Companies compete to develop large language models. Is it possible to achieve the development of large language models to the level of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and how they will develop in the future, the expert explains

About the author: Vladimir Vasiliev, academic director of the online master’s program Skillfactory and TSU “Natural Language Analysis in Linguistics and IT.”

What is NLP

Natural Language Processing, or natural language processing, is one of the three main areas of knowledge in data science.

The other two areas are classical machine learning (Machine Learning) and computer vision (Computer Vision). Many people call these areas artificial intelligence, although experts prefer the term Data Science.

All the virtual assistants you know are built using NLP technologies: “Alice”, “Marusya”, “Sber”, “Athena”, “Joy” and many others. And also all the big language models like ChatGPT, Bard, LLaMa or GigaChat.

NLP algorithms process text data that has accumulated during the use of human language. Everything we say, write, type and hear can be converted into text format and processed using NLP algorithms.

Can we now delegate application tasks to large language models (LLMs)?

Modern GPT-like models are a class of Large Language Models based on transformer architecture, which are also called generative neural networks.

The main element of the transformer architecture is the attention mechanism, which allows the model to focus on the most important elements of the text sequence when processing it.

Modern LLMs (Large Language Models) have a large number of parameters. For example, GPT-3 (a model from the GPT family) contains 175 billion parameters, and T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer) contains more than 11 billion parameters. LLM parameters are weights that determine how the model processes input data and generates output data.

These parameters are trained on a large amount of text data so that the model can learn to predict the probability of the next word in a sentence.

The more parameters a model has, the more accurate its predictions will be, but the computing power requirements will also be higher.

Modern large language models will be able to “talk” to you in human language, help you find information from the Internet or write code, and also formulate a plausible answer.

It is not surprising that such unprecedented capabilities of modern LLMs have impressed many users and fueled interest in AI around the world.

However, LLMs rely mainly on the knowledge they were “fed” during their training and use basic logical operations on the available information, so their answer will not always be complete or completely correct.

In addition, the model can answer the same question differently and hallucinate, that is, present information that simply does not correspond to reality as a fact.

For example, ChatGPT, in response to a request about a specific person, can invent a non-existent biography, embellishing it with various false facts.

This behavior of large language models increases the risks of their use in industries where the cost of error is especially high.

Large language models are not yet able to make complex logical conclusions, which an expert in his field can come to by comparing many factors and specific knowledge.

The potential impact of large language models (LLM) on economics and business

In general, the penetration of AI in certain industries where the cost of error is high – for example, in medicine when making a diagnosis or in law when making a decision on a case – is happening more slowly than in fintech or e-commerce.

Businesses from different sectors of the economy have yet to evaluate the potential of using large language models, and data scientists and NLP engineers have yet to answer the question of whether it is possible to achieve the development of large language models (LLM) to the level of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) – a general artificial intelligence that surpasses natural, biological.

In my opinion, since large language models are now rapidly evolving, we will be able to get answers to these questions within 2024-2025.

The technological arms race has already begun. If any country for some reason can be the only one in the world to switch to AGI, the economic balance of power in the world will change dramatically in its favor.

The transition to AGI, from the point of view of the potential for influence on this world, will be comparable to the creation of nuclear weapons.

Even the most conservative estimates indicate not only impending transformations in the labor market and the economy, but also serious social, demographic, political and psychological changes.

According to the World Economic Forum, by 2028, almost a quarter of all jobs will be transformed by AI, digitalization and other economic changes.

The Transition to General AI (AGI): How Large Language Models (LLMs) Will Evolve

The main barriers to the transition to AGI today are the lack of logical thinking and the still low level of domain expertise of large language models.

That is, current models have extensive knowledge about the world, but do not yet know how to use it effectively to solve complex problems that require analysis of facts and critical thinking.

Imagine a schoolchild who found the correct answers to a test and memorized them. He will be able to pass the test with a good grade, but he will not understand the subject. This student will not be able to analyze other information on the topic and will not answer new questions correctly.

It’s the same with a model: if you don’t teach it to understand, look for highly specialized sources of knowledge, double-check information and reason logically, then it won’t do it itself.

For example, a large language model in the field of law can be “fed” by all federal laws, orders, and clarifying letters from departments.

But to solve the problem of a client whose car a tree fell on, information about the laws that govern this situation will not be enough.

It is necessary to solve the final user problem – receiving compensation from the management company and reinstatement of rights.

In the process of working on a case, a lawyer looks not only at laws and regulations – he studies judicial practice, operates with the principles of law, and also analyzes the current social and political situation.

By comparing all the information he has, he can give more accurate recommendations on actions in a given situation based on his expertise and experience.

Expertise is not only acquired from textbooks and books; it often comes from experience in the industry and knowledge of related areas of life and business.

Domain expertise is practical knowledge in a specific area of ​​life or industry. To solve a practical legal problem and achieve financial benefits by reducing the time lawyers typically spend on such tasks, we need to offload a lawyer’s domain expertise to a comprehensive AI solution.

To do this, we will need to strengthen the capabilities of the main large language model by creating mechanisms for interaction with other models, services, systems and software.

To obtain synergy from such interaction in individual industries (domains), we will need to formalize and digitize specific domain knowledge by transferring domain expertise to databases.

Reach a high level of process automation and train AI models using domain data that will effectively solve specific domain problems, helping the main large language model make complex decisions.

Forming an effective approach to such interaction is an attempt to teach a large language model logical thinking.

When something similar is implemented in various areas of life, business sectors and industries, humanity will approach the so-called general AI, or AGI.

This is the challenge that NLP engineers and data scientists are currently facing.

Risks for humans from the transition to AGI and regulation of the AI ​​sector

The transition to AGI can not only have the serious economic and social consequences that we discussed above, but also provoke risks in terms of ethics, security and loss of control over such systems.

In particular, as a result of a paradigm shift in humanity’s attitude towards AI, there is a risk of people’s absolute trust in artificial intelligence and, as a result, people’s significant dependence on AI-based systems when making decisions.

For example, it will be more difficult for doctors, military officers or judges to make decisions independent of AI, since such “independent action” may in the future carry legal consequences for the specialist. It will be bureaucratically easier for individual field specialists to agree with AI.

If developed LLMs fall into the hands of attackers, they can be used for criminal purposes, including polarizing opinions and spreading fake information.

People who get used to believing in the correctness of neural networks’ answers can be influenced and controlled by their opinions.

At the same time, most LLMs are quite vulnerable to cyber attacks in terms of leaks of confidential information and personal data.

To control the development of AI, countries need to develop appropriate laws and regulations. For models to be used in specific industries, standards will be required to guide the development, testing and application of AI.

There will also be a need for codes of ethics and international agreements on the use of AI to ensure that it is consistent with societal values ​​and norms.

Generative networks with transformer architecture have already proven to us that AI can match the capabilities of human intelligence.

But experts are moving to the next level of deeper training of large language models in various areas of life (domains) so that networks can bring a significant economic effect.

If or when we approach AGI, artificial intelligence will not only be comparable to human intelligence, but will surpass it in its capabilities.

GPT-4 Forecast for 2024: AI Development and Economic Slowdown

The editors of xutechs set ChatGPT-4 a task: to make a forecast for 2024. The neural network went to the Internet, pulled out the most interesting things from there and succinctly formulated it


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: The growth and integration of AI into everyday life will continue.

Expect more advanced AI applications in medicine, finance and education. The global AI market, valued at $2.41 trillion in 2023, could reach $27.9 trillion by 2032.
Quantum computers: We may see significant breakthroughs in quantum technologies, which will accelerate research in materials science, pharmaceuticals and other fields.


Global Economy: The post-COVID-19 period could lead to a realignment of economic relationships, with a shift towards greater digitalization and automation. However, global economic growth is expected to slow to 2.7% .
Cryptocurrencies: The role of cryptocurrencies is expected to continue to grow, especially in the context of the development of decentralized finance.


International Relations: Tensions in international relations are likely to remain high, especially given geopolitical changes and the growing influence of India, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, South Africa and Brazil.

Environmental policy: Attention to climate change and sustainable development will increase, with the possible adoption of new international agreements.


Personalized learning: It is becoming more common in classrooms. Adaptive learning platforms and AI-powered tools will provide personalized content, pacing, and feedback to increase student engagement and success.

Healthcare: AI-based diagnostic tools will continue to improve in the accuracy of early disease identification. Personalized medicine will see a surge as AI analyzes patient data, genetics and lifestyle to tailor treatments, optimizing outcomes.

Science and space

Space Exploration: We are likely to see more manned missions to the Moon, as well as the development of a commercial space industry. India’s first manned mission into orbit and a flight around the moon by NASA astronauts is planned for 2024 as part of the Artemis II mission.

Biotechnology: This area is projected to grow rapidly, especially in the areas of synthetic biology, gene editing, and drug and treatment development. This could lead to significant breakthroughs, especially in personalized medicine.

The Power of Data Visualization: How Data Analysts Guide Product Teams

Data analysts aim to support product teams in making informed decisions by presenting research findings.

Among daily tasks, visualizations that reveal insights hidden in tables of numbers are crucial, and analysts must master data visualization to effectively bridge the gap between data and product teams.

Data analysts face the challenge of presenting data in a way that does not lead to misinterpretation and erroneous conclusions.

A well-known example that highlights the importance of visualization is Anscombe’s quartet; Four data sets with the same summary statistics show quite different structures when plotted.

This shows that manifestations need to be visualized for accurate data representation and that visualizations are essential in conveying research results.

Data visualizations are used for two main purposes: exploratory and explanatory analyses.

Exploratory visualizations are more informal, representing the analyst’s “private conversation” with the data, and often lack design details.

In contrast, explanatory visualizations are targeted to a specific audience and focus on context and detail to convey information effectively.

Advantages and disadvantages of introducing no-overtime days and tips for continuation


A no-overtime day, in which employees leave work on time without working overtime, is a system introduced by approximately 60% of companies.
If used properly, it can lead to a reduction in overtime costs, but there are also cases where it is introduced only for token purposes or causes work to be delayed.

In this article, we will explain the advantages and disadvantages of introducing a no-overtime day, as well as tips on how to take advantage of it.

Table of contents hidden ]

  • 1. What is No Overtime Day?
  • 2. Benefits of no overtime day
  • 3. Disadvantages of adopting no-overtime days
  • 4. 4 tips to maintain a no-overtime day
  • 5. Aim to improve efficiency and productivity by making the no-overtime day a reality.

1. What is No Overtime Day?


First, let’s check what kind of system is called a no-overtime day. We will also explain the background behind the introduction of the no-overtime day and why many companies designate Wednesday as the day.

1-1. Day when you leave work on time without working overtime

A no-overtime day (a day when employees leave work on time or a day when they leave work early) is a day when employees do not work overtime and leave work on time.
According to a survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, 60.3% of companies use no-overtime days as an initiative to reduce working hours.

Introducing a no-overtime day can not only reduce overtime pay, but also improve productivity by allowing employees to have more private time and get enough rest.

However, this does not mean that there are no disadvantages. When implementing it, it is important to understand and consider the advantages and disadvantages described below.

Reference: Collection of good examples of reducing overtime work | Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

1-2. Background of the introduction of no overtime day

The no-overtime system is not a recent system; it was introduced in 1970, during the period of high economic growth.
It is believed that this system was started as an effort to reduce overtime, as Japanese people were working longer hours than the rest of the world at the time.
Additionally, in the 1980s and 1990s, when death from overwork began to become a social issue, there was a movement to introduce a no-overtime day once a week.
In recent years, with the promotion of work style reform, the no-overtime day initiative is being reconsidered as a good example of reducing overtime work.

1-3. No overtime days are generally held on Wednesdays, but the key is to be flexible.

Since the day for leaving the office on time in government offices is Wednesday, private companies often also set a no-overtime day on Wednesday. However, there are no rules or recommended days of the week, so it doesn’t matter which day of the week you choose as a no-overtime day.
In fact, a good example of a no-overtime day introduced by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare includes the following:

  • Employees themselves decide on no-overtime days.
  • Set it on a busy day of the week (such as Monday)

The key is to consider where you can set a no-overtime day to reduce overtime and improve employee work efficiency.

Incorporate your business content, legal holidays, employee wishes, etc., and choose a day of the week that will be most effective and have few disadvantages.

2. Benefits of no overtime day


No-overtime days have benefits for both companies and workers.
Introducing a no-overtime day will not only reduce overtime pay and improve productivity, but will also lead to higher employee satisfaction.

We will explain the benefits of each from the perspectives of companies and workers.

2-1. Benefits for companies ① Reduction in personnel costs

Overtime work exceeding 60 hours per month requires payment of 50% overtime.
Therefore, if overtime hours can be reduced, premium wage payments will be reduced, reducing personnel costs.

In addition, if all employees leave work early, it is possible to reduce utility costs, including electricity bills, which can lead to unexpected cost savings.

2-2. Benefits for companies ② Improved productivity

In order to avoid overtime, more efficient work is required. For this reason, employees may start trying to improve their time performance on their own.
Additionally, if you can identify employees who do not finish on time each time, it will be an opportunity to allocate work or review work content.

2-3. Benefits for companies ③ Increased employee satisfaction

Days without overtime lead to a better work-life balance for employees.
A workplace that is easy to work in and where privacy is valued will make it easier for employees to stay and retain talented people.
When employee satisfaction increases, engagement increases and the number of employees who are motivated to work increases.

2-4. Benefits for workers ① Reduce fatigue and stress

If you come home on time and have days where you can get some rest, fatigue and stress can be greatly reduced.
It helps maintain mental and physical health by resolving lack of exercise, enriching your diet, and ensuring you get enough sleep.

If you have a day like this even once a week, it will be easier to stay motivated to work the next day.

2-5. Benefits for workers ② Leads to enriching leisure time

On days when you can go home early, you can enjoy more time with your hobbies, spend more time with family and friends, and feel more mentally fulfilled.
Also, if you can improve your skills by studying hard and self-improving yourself, you will likely see a variety of positive changes, such as better pay and more confidence in your work.

2-6. Benefits for workers ③ Gain the ability to streamline work

If overtime is prohibited, you will have to change the way you work to make your work more efficient.
Processes such as being aware of priorities and identifying unnecessary tasks are also useful in everyday work, which in turn leads to a reduction in overall overtime.

3. Disadvantages of adopting no-overtime days


No-overtime days can have great benefits if utilized, but there may be disadvantages if introduced just for token purposes.
Let’s learn about the disadvantages that may arise on both the company side and the worker side, and make good use of the no-overtime day.

3-1. Disadvantages for companies ① Defects in customer service are more likely to occur

If you have been dealing with customers after regular hours, introducing a no-overtime day without sufficient awareness may have a negative impact on your business partners. If the communication that was previously possible is delayed, stress and dissatisfaction will inevitably occur.

Sufficient preparation and dissemination are required before implementation, such as explaining the circumstances to the other party and obtaining their approval.

3-2. Disadvantages for companies ② Collaboration between departments becomes slow

If different departments have different no-overtime days, this can make it difficult to coordinate, which can lead to work delays and dissatisfaction between departments. If it is difficult to implement a no-overtime day for the entire company, it is necessary to take measures such as assigning emergency responders on a weekly basis.

3-3. Disadvantages for workers ① Income decreases

Overtime pay has become an important source of income for employees who previously worked as if they had overtime. With the introduction of no-overtime days, the fewer days you can work overtime, the less your income will be.

Additionally, if the introduction of no-overtime days increases the momentum across companies to reduce overtime, some employees may find themselves suffering from a significant reduction in overtime hours and a loss of income. This point is an unavoidable disadvantage, but please make sure you are fully aware of it and seek understanding before introducing it.

3-4. Disadvantages for workers ② You may be forced to work on another day

If work efficiency does not progress as expected, work left over from a no-overtime day will be carried over to the next day, or the day after. Even if you don’t work overtime on a no-overtime day, there’s no point in working overtime on another day.

If there are employees who have a backlog of work, they need to take measures to reduce overtime by rethinking work procedures and eliminating unnecessary work.

4. 4 tips to maintain a no-overtime day

man showing his index finger

Even if you introduce a no-overtime day, it will be meaningless if it is introduced in name only. To ensure that it works and produces results, be aware of the following four points.

4-1. Thoroughly disseminate information and ensure that it takes root.

When no overtime days are introduced, it is easy to forget about their existence. In addition to announcing the day before and on the day of no-overtime day, make sure to display posters in the company to raise employee awareness.
Ideally, employees would naturally be able to finish work early on no-overtime days without any instructions or announcements from their superiors.

4-2. Introduce a system that prevents overtime work

“Do not work overtime on no-overtime days.” Only this awareness can lead to employees working in secret.

In addition to turning off lights in the office earlier, we should also create systems to prevent unpaid overtime, such as keeping computer logs and creating systems that prevent employees from taking work home.
This creates a mindset of “If I can’t do it, it can’t be helped,” and you can even let employees who have been working hard without even realizing it be able to take a break.

Related article: Explanation of specific methods and measures to reduce overtime and expected effects | jinjerBlog

4-3. Be flexible about overtime work on no-overtime days

Even if you have introduced a no-overtime day, banning all overtime will make it difficult to work.
Employees will be able to work with less stress if they can be flexible to some extent, such as allowing them to stay a little longer to work in case of an emergency or moving the no-overtime day to another day.

The purpose of No Overtime Day is not to “not work overtime,” but to “reduce overtime, reduce expenses, and improve work-life balance.” It is important to keep this point in mind.

4-4. Proceed top-down

Immediately after the introduction of no-overtime days, many employees wonder if they can really go home. Some employees may feel that they cannot go home while their boss remains.

Therefore, until the habit of no-overtime days becomes established, it is important to proceed from the top down. For departments that work a lot of overtime, it is effective to ask employees to go home in the morning without working overtime, or for people in higher positions to take the initiative and cut off their work.

5. Aim to improve efficiency and productivity by making the no-overtime day a reality.

Enjoying working

A no-overtime day, in which employees leave work on time without working overtime, is a work style introduced by many companies.
While it can reduce overtime and improve employee motivation, there may be disadvantages if it is introduced only for the sake of appearance. The key to implementing this system is to adapt it flexibly to suit the company and change the habit of working overtime.

Let’s continue the no-overtime day without turning it into a mere formality, improving productivity and leading to company development.

What is the difference between agentless and agent monitoring tools? Which system will make installation and operation easier?


Agentless monitoring tools are characterized by a lower operational load for initial installation and subsequent monitoring tasks than agent-based monitoring tools. As the number of areas to be monitored continues to increase due to the spread of the cloud and remote work, agentless monitoring tools are attracting attention these days. In this article, we will explain in detail the differences between agentless and agent-based monitoring tools.

What is LogicMonitor, an IT integrated monitoring service that has been implemented by over 2,000 companies including Japan ?

table of contents

  1. What is agentless?
  2. Difference between agent type and agentless type
    1. ① Initial installation effort
    2. ②Man-hours for maintenance/operation management
    3. ③Load on the monitored environment
  3. What is LogicMonitor, an agentless monitoring tool?
    1. ① Agentless monitoring using Collector
    2. ②More than 3,000 types of monitoring templates
    3. ③ Robust security measures
  4. summary

What is agentless?

Generally, mechanisms for collecting data such as metrics and logs from monitored targets can be broadly divided into agent-type and agent-less types.

In the agent type, an application (agent) that collects data is installed for each monitoring target, and the data is sent to the monitoring tool’s management server or cloud side.

With the agent type, the application (agent) installed inside the monitored target resides and operates, so it is possible to understand the detailed status of the monitored target, and even if the network is interrupted, the data will be maintained as long as the monitored target and agent are running. Collection will continue.

However, since the agent operates using the resources to be monitored (CPU, memory, etc.), there is always a load on the resources to be monitored. As a result, performance issues can easily occur and problem isolation can be difficult.

On the other hand, with the agentless type, there is no need to install an application (agent) for each monitored target.

Agentless systems typically use standard protocols such as SNMP, ICMP, and WMI to collect data from monitored targets. Compared to the agent type, it requires less man-hours for initial installation and update work, and does not place a load on the monitored resources, so it has the advantage of being able to respond flexibly to expansion of the monitored area.

There are two types of agentless systems: on-premises, where a management server is built in the monitoring system environment and data is collected, and SaaS, where data is collected on the cloud side.

The table below summarizes the characteristics of agentless type and agent type.

agentless type agent type
How to install Build a management server within the system environment or SaaS initial settings
*For LogicMonitor, it is not necessary to build a management server, but it is necessary to install a relay application (collector).
・It is necessary to build a management server within the system environment, or
install SaaS initial settings ・A data collection application (agent) for each monitoring target
Update work Management server updates and upgrades are required, but with SaaS, no maintenance is required – Update or upgrade of the management server is required, but maintenance is not required in the case of SaaS
– In addition to the above, it is necessary to update the same number of agents as the number of monitored targets
Load on monitoring target Basically, no load is placed on the monitored resources. Load is generated due to the use of monitored resources (CPU, memory, etc.)
BCP measures (redundancy function) Possible
*In the case of LogicMonitor, redundant configuration and load balancing are possible by placing multiple relay applications (collectors).
basically not possible
Coexist with other tools Easy to use as it can be used in parallel with other tools or during migration work without affecting the monitoring target or existing environment Although they can be used together, multiple agents are constantly running for each monitoring target, which increases load issues and maintenance efforts. It also increases the likelihood of interference issues and negative performance impacts.
Scalability Easily expandable. If it is a SaaS type, it is even more scalable (no maintenance required) There is no problem if the number of monitored targets is small or the monitoring area/range is narrow, but scalability is difficult (maintenance required)

As you can see from the table above, agentless systems have excellent scalability.

Additionally, the agentless type eliminates the risk of affecting or interfering with other endpoint-type tools such as backup tools and security tools.

While maintaining other agent-based tools, you can gradually introduce agentless monitoring tools while operating them in parallel. Agentless monitoring tools are also suitable for companies considering a lift-and-shift from an on-premises environment to a cloud environment or a gradual migration.

Difference between agent type and agentless type

There is a big difference between agentless and agent types in how they collect data. Below, we will compare agent-type and agentless-type monitoring tools in more detail from three perspectives.

① Initial installation effort

Compared to the agent type, the agentless type can significantly reduce initial implementation costs. As mentioned above, with the agentless type, there is no need to install agents on each monitoring target.

A monitoring environment can be set up for a single system environment by simply constructing a single management server or relay server, or performing initial settings to collect data in the cloud. When there are a large number of targets to be monitored, the initial installation work required for the agentless type can be significantly reduced compared to the agent type.

②Man-hours for maintenance/operation management

Software is not guaranteed to work permanently at the same version. With the discovery of unknown and known vulnerabilities, it is also necessary to regularly apply patch programs, update the operating environment (OS and programming language), and perform upgrades.

With the agent type, the data collection application (agent) installed for each monitoring target must be updated. If it is agentless, the management time can be greatly reduced.

From the perspective of stable operation of the entire IT infrastructure, it is necessary to monitor the data collection application (agent) itself and perform backup operations in case the agent stops.

With the agent type, an agent is installed for each monitoring target, which requires time and effort to update and manage operations.

On the other hand, with the agentless type, the operations manager only needs to maintain the management manager or relay server, maintain the cloud, and add resources and change settings as necessary.

Compared to the agent type, where the number of agents increases proportionally as the number of monitored objects continues to increase, the difference in the amount of management time required to operate and maintain the monitoring tool itself is immediately obvious.

③Load on the monitored environment

Agent-type applications (agents) run on the monitored target, which places some load on the monitored target and affects performance.

Additionally, when considering load balancing and redundancy, the application itself is installed on the monitored target, making it difficult to solve the problem.

On the other hand, with the agentless type, the load on the monitored target due to data collection is close to zero and limited. Settings on the monitoring target side include only communication settings to enable the use of communication protocols and selection of necessary monitoring items. Since there is no need to worry about putting a load on the monitoring target itself, operation verification during initial installation is smooth.

What is LogicMonitor, an agentless monitoring tool?

LogicMonitor is an agentless integrated operation monitoring tool. It is provided in SaaS format and has been implemented by over 2,000 companies (10,000 end-user customers). A lightweight Java application called Collector is responsible for data collection and realizes efficient operational management of monitoring operations.

① Agentless monitoring using Collector

Collector, the data collection intermediary application, is a lightweight Java application that runs on a Linux or Windows server. It communicates with the network or server to be monitored and automatically collects data regarding the set monitoring items.

Unlike agent-type mechanisms, Collector does not require installation for each monitoring target. A single Collector can monitor hundreds or thousands of hosts and nodes.

All communications between the monitored target and the Collector, and between the Collector and the LogicMonitor platform (cloud) are encrypted to ensure robust security.

(1) Supports over 20 types of communication protocols

Collector supports over 20 different communication protocols and can monitor most of a company’s IT resources. Communication between the Collector and the LogicMonitor platform (cloud) is secure using HTTP/TLS protocol port 443 for outbound communication only. In addition, use cases regarding protocols and ports are published on the web so that the Collector can establish communication with the monitored target while taking into account network firewall rules.

(2) Redundancy and load distribution

If the Collector stops working, you will no longer be able to monitor the status of your company’s IT resources.

LogicMonitor can automatically assign a failover (backup) collector to a Collector when the Collector stops or goes down, in order to guarantee continuity of monitoring operations.

If Collector A goes down, it will automatically fail over and switch to Collector B (for backup). After that, when Collector A returns, it has a mechanism to prevent data loss by transmitting the data held before it went down.

Even if the performance of a running Collector deteriorates, by setting up load balancing in advance, it will automatically switch to another Collector depending on the load situation.

This function is used by large-scale customers with a large number of monitored targets. For example, a customer with tens of thousands of monitored targets may run four Collectors at the same time with processing priorities. It has a mechanism that automatically allocates processing to each Collector according to the processing status of each Collector and enables distributed processing.

In addition, the capacity (resources) used by the Collector can be selected according to the number of monitoring targets and monitoring requirements of the customer.

②More than 3,000 types of monitoring templates

A feature of LogicMonitor is the preconfigured standard monitoring template “LogicModules”.

There are over 3,000 templates that include the types of metrics data to be acquired, collection methods, display methods, alert thresholds, etc.

When you add or register a device or host to be monitored to Collector, a data collection app, the device or host is automatically identified and determined, and a template is automatically applied, making it easy to add, register, and expand monitoring targets. It’s smooth. This standard template greatly reduces the man-hours required for initial setup and operational design.

③ Robust security measures

The metrics data collected by LogicMonitor’s Collector is not important company information, but property information and meta information of monitored hosts and nodes, but incidents due to cyber attacks must be avoided at all costs.

In order to continue secure monitoring operations, LogicMonitor takes thorough security measures such as encrypted communication using the latest communication protocol (TLS1.3), application of multi-factor authentication, and regular penetration tests.

In addition, when sending the collected monitoring metrics data, all that is required is to encrypt the collected metrics data with the Collector and then send outbound communication to the cloud using the encrypted communication protocol.

Additionally, all data handled by the Collector is stored in memory and is never written to disk.

Regarding authentication, it also supports multi-factor authentication and SSO, and has several thorough security measures in place.


As the number of corporate resources to be monitored, such as the cloud and IoT, continues to increase, agentless monitoring tools reduce initial installation and operation management costs and realize efficient monitoring.

LogicMonitor is an agentless comprehensive IT operation monitoring service that helps solve increasingly complex IT operation issues.

It is a tool that can provide one-stop support for operational operations from detecting anomalies to solving the root cause of problems, such as realizing early anomaly detection using AI and machine learning using the latest AIOps functions. We encourage you to consider comparing them in order to implement monitoring operations that are efficient and premised on automation.

Not just a photo: who and how creates panoramas in online maps


One of the main tools of modern online maps is panoramas. Ten years ago we could not imagine that they would help us both in everyday life and in business. We talk about who creates them and how

Who uses panoramas and how?

Panoramas are not just pictures and photographs of the area, but a multifunctional tool. It helps businesses, city services and ordinary people. For example, to find a suitable property for a cafe, store, auto repair shop or office, there is no longer any need to travel around half the city – just look at the panoramas.

Users themselves can see in advance what the place they want looks like, and in the interactive format of panoramas it is possible to build a walking route. Including virtually walking through new cities and seeing sights, natural beauty and unusual places without leaving home: for example, a glacier in the Andes, the Krenitsyn volcano, the Vitim River in Yakutia, or the almost abandoned village of Karamken in the Magadan region, where only three people live.
Panoramas are also useful for architects or city services. For example, architects can conduct an initial assessment of the site for the construction of facilities and landscaping. The panoramas also show the condition of asphalt and sidewalks, which helps city services plan road work.

History of the issue: how panoramas have changed in recent years

Until recently, digital city maps were not much different from paper maps. The turning point was 2009. Then the first panoramas of Moscow and St. Petersburg were published, and later – of all regional centers. As a result of the first shooting in the capital, only the main streets appeared in the panoramas. Since then, the service has been constantly improved – coverage has grown, images have become more and more detailed.
About five years ago, users themselves began uploading panoramas, which resulted in images of hard-to-reach locations: for example, mountains, caves or the Far North. And over the past couple of years, panoramas have stepped forward. Filming began to take place en masse in courtyards and much more densely in the private sector.

Now in Moscow and St. Petersburg, panoramas are updated every year, in regional centers – once every 2-3 years.

How panoramic photography works

The panorama car is the most common shooting method used by professional cameramen. This is a machine on which four cameras are installed, directed in different directions: three on the side and one upward. This allows you to get a spherical view.
The panoramic car must be equipped with GPS. Camera resolution according to Yandex standards must be at least 10 megapixels. Such a car moves along the intended route at a speed of no more than 60 km/h, and every 15–30 m all cameras simultaneously take pictures – so you can look in any direction in panoramas. For the best picture, the operator has to leave early in the morning – there are fewer cars and other visual noise. It is logical that only daylight hours and days without precipitation are suitable, so the weather in city panoramas is always good.

Pedestrian photography is used in cases where a panoramic vehicle cannot drive into the desired location – sidewalks, pedestrian streets, small courtyards, parks and public gardens are inaccessible to it. Therefore, when filming such areas, pedestrian operators are involved in the work. These are employees whom Yandex specifically hires in cities where they plan to film pedestrian areas. For work, they are given an action camera with a 360° view. It is attached to a tripod, and the tripod is attached to a special belt.
Each operator has a mobile application “People’s Maps”, in which he receives a task for bypassing. Usually this is one polygon with 200–600 points: a pedestrian needs to walk to each of them and take panoramic pictures there. These walks help collect information for cartographers, who update the map and make it more detailed.

In large pedestrian areas, photography on a bicycle is sometimes used: these are parks, estates, forest paths and embankments. The equipment and the shooting process are similar to the operating mechanism of a panorama car.

Panoramas are taken by an employee on a special tricycle with a camera attached to its body. The operator can travel up to 15 km per day, so such filming requires good physical preparation. For example, in 2021, we filmed about 100 km of bicycle panoramas in the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, Tsaritsyno, Academic Park, Muzeon, VDNKh and many other places.

Shooting on water is a separate block of work. Here a boat is used, equipped with a device with cameras in the upper part. It is extremely important to choose the right day. After all, you need to avoid rain – it can damage equipment, strong wind – the pictures turn out blurry due to the motion. It is also important to monitor the density of other vessels on the water. On the one hand, ships passing by are visual noise, and on the other, another reason for rocking.

Despite the difficulties of the work, last year we updated the water panoramas in Moscow, filming more than 200 km of the Moscow River and Yauza, as well as the Kozhukhovsky backwater, the Bolshoy Stroginsky backwater and the Khimki reservoir.

Not only company employees have the opportunity to take a panorama for Yandex Maps. Anyone can take a panoramic photo with a good camera on their phone or a personal 360 camera according to the instructions . If the photo meets the technical requirements and passes moderation, it will be included on the map.

How panoramas help update online maps
Panoramas are an important source of information that allows maps to be updated. Thanks to car panoramas, you can improve navigation for drivers. Road signs, markings, traffic lights, and house numbers are read from the images using computer vision. The latest data helps update tips on where to turn, how fast to drive, when to slow down for a speed bump, and more.
Pedestrian panoramas make it possible to add even more details to the map and adapt it for walking routes around the city. With their help, it is possible to determine where the pedestrian paths, benches, garbage cans, entrances and entrances to buildings are located, and even adjust the organization’s operating hours, if they are indicated on the facade.

Finally, panoramas are actively used to create new, highly detailed city maps. In them, buildings and other objects are displayed in three-dimensional format, and road markings are visible. To digitize several thousand kilometers of road surface, the Yandex Maps team came up with the technology of so-called reprojected panoramas. It generates a picture from a panoramic image that looks like a satellite image. The resulting image makes it possible to look at the roads in good quality in a “top” projection. This way the cartographer immediately understands all the features of current road markings.

Microsoft Fixes Critical Security Vulnerabilities

Microsoft released an update that fixed a total of 49 vulnerabilities in its products in January 2024.

This update also addressed issues in five non-Microsoft products, including two critical vulnerabilities.

Among the most serious vulnerabilities fixed by Microsoft were two critical vulnerabilities that could bypass security features.

These vulnerabilities are identified as CVE-2024-20674 and CVE-2024-20700 and require immediate attention due to their serious consequences.

The vulnerabilities spanned various categories, including remote code execution, security feature circumvention, and privilege escalation.

The updated issues affected a number of products across Microsoft’s product line, including Microsoft Server, Visual Studio and the .NET framework. Of particular concern was a critical vulnerability and security feature bypass affecting the .NET Framework and Visual Studio.

Microsoft emphasized that nine of the vulnerabilities considered had a higher risk of exploitation, with severity levels ranging from 7.5 to 9.

The update also fixed additional vulnerabilities in five non-Microsoft products, none of which were publicly exploited.

Microsoft urges users to install the latest updates to protect against possible exploits by cyber attackers.

The company provided a comprehensive list of fixed vulnerabilities, providing exploitation techniques and detailed descriptions.