HomeEducationFive Ways to Avoid Feeling Apathetic After Vacation

Five Ways to Avoid Feeling Apathetic After Vacation

Winter holidays are a great time to relax at home or abroad. But no matter where you spent the weekend, returning to the familiar world of traffic jams, meetings and deadlines is depressing. How to fight post-holiday apathy?

It can be hard to get back into the work mode in the first few days after a vacation, especially if you’re not particularly excited about your duties. Here are five ways  Forbes columnist Sally Percy can help you resist the urge to run away from work.

Plan your next vacation

This option will help to lift your spirits in anticipation of a new trip. It is important not to be afraid to fully use your annual vacation opportunities: fearing to fall behind in fulfilling work obligations, many do not have a full rest for years, which ultimately has a very bad effect on physical and mental health.

Set yourself positive non-work task

Often we are so focused on our careers that we neglect other life goals that are equally important: time spent with family and friends, hobbies, travel, and learning new skills or languages. Returning to the workplace after a break is a good opportunity to reprioritize and set new goals for the coming months. However, it is important that these are positive goals that will help bring joy back into your life.

Meet up with people you haven’t seen in a long time

This could be a colleague from a previous job or an old friend. The important thing is that it should be someone you enjoy spending time with. Part of the dread of returning to work is due to the routine that comes with it. Meeting up with someone you rarely see is a way to break that routine and feel like you’re doing something new.

Spend your free time more rationally

After a vacation, we quickly return to all the bad habits we had before, such as constantly checking messages on our smartphones and working 24/7. Turn off your phones, tablets, and laptops while you’re on vacation. A blinking email notification won’t help you “switch off” and relax.

Start looking for a new job

Feeling dread about returning to the office is a likely sign that you should do something different. You might want to consider going self-employed or changing your career path altogether.

Remember: It’s natural to go through an adjustment period when returning to work, especially if you’ve had a good rest. So take it easy, avoid long hours in the first few days, and be careful when making important decisions. However, this period can also be seen as a time to make changes that will have a positive impact on both your career and your life.



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