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Top 10 major strategic IT trends for 2024 according to Gartner

Gartner analysts presented business trends that will be taken into account when making business and technology decisions over the next three years

Experts from the research and consulting company Gartner presented a study that describes the top ten strategic technology trends in 2024. Following these trends will improve business sustainability, maximize the value of data, attract and retain talent, achieve sustainable development goals, and stimulate growth and acceleration of digital business. Xu Techs tells what these trends are.

Technology Trends Map

Gartner presented a map that shows how each trend relates to one or more key business themes: protecting and preserving past and future investments, making the right decisions at the right time, and delivering value to a changing environment for both internal and external customers.

Tech trends map 2024 (Photo: gartner.com)
The map includes 10 trends: AI Trust, Risk and Security Management (AI TRiSM), Continuous Risk Management (CTEM), Sustainable Technologies, Platform Development, AI Development, Industry Cloud Platforms, Smart Applications, Generative AI Democratization, Advanced Connected labor and machine clients. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Investment protection
Gartner analysts note that the sustainable impact of technology investments is ensured by focused efforts, calculation of payback and foresight in their implementation. The following IT trends fall into this category:

AI Trust, Risk and Safety Management (AI TRiSM);
continuous risk management (CTEM);
industry cloud platforms;
sustainable technologies;
democratizing generative AI.
Managing AI Trust, Risk and Safety
Generative AI has generated widespread interest in AI pilot projects, but organizations often don’t consider the risks until AI models or applications are put into practice. A comprehensive AI trust, risk, and security management program proactively integrates governance and ensures AI systems are compliant, fair, reliable, and protects data privacy.

TRiSM for risk management offers model explainability and monitoring tools, ModelOps agile management, and AI security and privacy tools.

Gartner predicts that by 2026, the AI ​​models of organizations that implement TRiSM will achieve 50% improvement in terms of business goals and user acceptance.

Continuous risk management
The Continuous Risk Management program independently identifies and prioritizes cyber threats to the business. It allows businesses to continuously and consistently assess the accessibility of its physical and digital assets to hackers, as well as their susceptibility to attack.

Step-by-step implementation of the STEM program (Photo: gartner.com)
Gartner believes that by 2026, organizations that prioritize security technology investments based on continuous risk management programs will be three times less likely to experience a breach.

Industry cloud platforms
Industry-specific cloud platforms are designed to address the specific needs of industry segments that are underserved by generic solutions. Such platforms combine the capabilities of software as well as platform and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). They are based on public cloud services, but offer industry players a more flexible way to manage workloads.

In a 2022 Gartner survey of North American and European enterprises, nearly 40% of respondents said they had already begun implementing industry cloud platforms, with another 15% piloting them. Analysts expect that by 2027, enterprises will use industry cloud platforms to accelerate more than 50% of their critical business initiatives. In the future, they will transform into ecosystem clouds where enterprises will be able to conduct business processes such as procurement, distribution, payment processing, and perhaps even present R&D and innovation.

Smart apps
Intelligent applications offer new experiences to customers, users, product owners and developers. Their implementation provides a link between continuous analytics and decision-making, and also provides significant opportunities through the implementation of chatbots and smart interfaces. All this increases automation and enables dynamic business transformation.

AI applications in business (Photo: gartner.com)
Gartner analysts predict that by 2026, 30% of new applications will use AI. Conventional insurance companies will implement AI to assess property damage risks, and auto insurers will implement AI to assess driver behavior.

Sustainable Technologies
AI models are trained using energy-intensive servers in data centers (DPCs), which increase carbon emissions. Data centers where AI is trained already account for about 2% of all US electricity consumption. A compromise might be to combine “AI for sustainability” with “AI sustainability.” Analysts believe that the following measures need to be taken to implement it:

implement composite AI that works like the human brain and uses knowledge graphs, cause-and-effect networks and other “symbolic” representations to more effectively solve a wide range of business problems;
monitor energy consumption during machine learning and stop it when the costs are no longer justified;
store model training data locally to reduce power consumption and increase data privacy;
reuse already trained models and introduce more energy-efficient equipment;
regulate AI workloads depending on region, time of day, weather conditions and other factors;
use clean energy in the data center and model the environmental impact and business benefits when developing an AI strategy.
Analysts predict that by 2027, 80% of CIOs will focus on performance metrics tied to the sustainability of their organization.
Unlocking the value of communities
Gartner analysts believe that in 2024, businesses need to tap into the creativity of the many communities creating applications and other solutions. Steps to this will include adopting industry technologies that meet the specific needs of the organization and professionals, developing a roadmap for non-experts, and working closely with business stakeholders to deliver software. The following IT trends correspond to this:

platform development;
development using artificial intelligence technologies;
industry cloud platforms;
smart applications;
sustainable technologies;
democratizing generative AI.
Platform development
Platform design improves the developer experience and productivity because they can work independently with automated processes and have their needs served by a dedicated team of engineers. At the same time, the end user receives the finished product faster, and development and implementation are cheaper. Gartner expects 80% of software organizations to have platform teams by 2026.

AI Development
Analysts note that software engineers can use AI for mission-critical activities throughout the software development lifecycle, from planning to testing. AI is already capable of writing code, translating it into different programming languages, modernizing applications and calculating their costs, developing application design, and much more.

AI capabilities in development (Photo: gartner.com)
According to analysts, by 2026 generative AI will significantly change 70% of the design and development processes of new applications.

Delivering Value
Analysts note that adapting business to changing customer requirements will improve the quality of service to stakeholders and increase revenue. This will be facilitated by algorithm-based approaches, as well as access to rapidly evolving digital tools. The following trends correspond to them:

machine clients;
an expanded connected workforce;
smart applications;
sustainable technologies;
democratizing generative AI.
Machine clients
Machine clients are devices with artificial intelligence that can potentially also act as consumers of services, for example acting as a voice assistant (ordering food, etc.). As the market for such devices grows, Gartner analysts advise companies to make information about products and services easily accessible to AI customers at any stage of the purchase. This will be facilitated by:

open access to API (hardware and software), as well as the introduction of anti-bot tools;
leveraging all digital touchpoints, including social media, mobile apps and chatbots, and creating a customer platform for simplified interactions and payments;
developing partnerships between sales, marketing, supply chain, IT and analytics departments that will allow us to consider different scenarios of consumer behavior and make the supply chain flexible enough to respond to unexpected demand trends;
training sales and service personnel to work with AI agents. Employees must understand the algorithms that determine customer purchasing behavior;
training staff to identify car buyers.
Analysts predict that by 2026, car customers will be able to independently choose from competing products the owner needs, and by 2036, they will be able to independently select different products, analyzing the owner’s needs.

Expanded Connected Workforce
Generative artificial intelligence will change the way companies organize jobs and distribute responsibilities. According to analysts, this challenge will be solved by generative micro-applications – a technology that will allow organizations to demonstrate the value of generative AI while minimizing business risks. They will act as a proxy between the user and a larger language model such as ChatGPT or Bard .

Gartner predicts that by 2026, 50% of office workers at Fortune 100 companies will be working with AI in some form, either to increase productivity or improve the quality of work. For example, when an author drafts a new study, a microapplication in a word processing program will activate a built-in library of prompts to prompt the AI ​​for examples of supporting research and data, as well as examples of contradictory research.

Transport of the future: how and what we will use in 30 years

Almost all science fiction writers described the image of the car of the future. Kirill Zhanaidarov, head of the transport department of the Skolkovo Foundation, tried himself in this role and imagined what transport would be like in 30 years

In 2023, Xu Techs 4 years old. As part of the anniversary, we decided not to look back to the past, but rather to look forward to the future.

The Xu Techs team is taking up the initiative: columns by visionaries from the fields of science, education, technology, society, ecology, and education will appear on the project website . Together with them, we will try to imagine how the world will change within 30 years, what it will be like in 2053, and what place people will occupy in it. The project does not imply accurate forecasts; together with experts, we are trying to imagine possible directions and scenarios for the development of our society, based on current trends.


Current trends: abandonment of personal transport and driverless cars
Before talking about possible trends and technologies in the coming decades, it is necessary to note the fact that the future has already arrived. Self-driving trucks transport cargo along busy highways and operate in harsh climates. Robots are driving taxis. Electric cars are taking over the market. In every more or less large city there are all kinds of transport rental services: bike sharing, car sharing, kick sharing, carpooling, ride sharing. New models of public transport use are emerging. The car itself turns from a means of transportation into a multifunctional gadget. It acquires more and more independent functions and is able to “communicate” with the external environment.

All types of rentals
Almost all advanced technologies that are being actively implemented in the transport sector today hint to us that over time we will completely abandon personal vehicles. There are several reasons for this. Owning a personal vehicle is already more expensive than using a taxi or car sharing. The second important point is efficiency. A personal car is used on average one to two hours a day, and most of the time is idle, taking up already scarce urban space. The sharing vehicle now travels up to eight hours a day.

Drones in b2b
Another obvious trend of tomorrow is self-driving technology. The introduction of unmanned vehicles did not begin today or even yesterday: the first prototypes were created in the middle of the 20th century, and began to be fully implemented after technological competitions such as the “Winter City” from Skolkovo, RVC and NTI.

The introduction of unmanned vehicles in the b2b segment is progressing by leaps and bounds. The volume of the Russian drone market at the end of last year amounted to about ₽14.7 billion, and over the horizon of 5–7 years, the maximum market capacity under an optimistic scenario could grow to ₽500 billion. This forecast is given by experts from the state corporation VEB.RF.

In June 2023, the commercial transportation of goods along the M-11 federal highway between Moscow and St. Petersburg was launched by KAMAZ and SberAvtoTech teams. Unmanned trucks are already working in quarries, transporting cargo in permafrost and inside logistics centers. The main task of robots is to relieve humans from routine work. In addition, all people need rest, and the right to days off is enshrined in law. Robots cannot get tired, they don’t get sick, and they don’t need vacation. The economic effect of using robots is obvious.

The key builders of the drone market, according to experts, will be technology holdings that gather the main players around them. Thus, the BAS Consortium (created by Russian Post and Skolkovo Capital) and other operators being created will expand the demand for production and will invest in the entire value chain – from development and production to services.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight urban cleaning equipment. The demand for its services will also only grow. At the end of summer, a new Center for Urban Robotics will be launched on the Skolkovo territory. It is designed to structure the market for robots in the field of maintaining the urban environment and teach them to work effectively together.

Drones in b2c
Representatives of the business community are interested in unmanned cargo transportation, and ordinary people want unmanned taxis. In the summer, Yandex launched an unmanned taxi service and transports passengers in the Moscow Yasenevo district, which has become a kind of testing ground within the city.

Many people are interested in what problems and pitfalls operators and developers face at the stage of testing unmanned taxis. Robots are quite successful at driving a car in urban traffic conditions, but sometimes some problems arise when interacting with a person. People sometimes make spontaneous decisions. For example, getting out of the vehicle before reaching the final point of the route. The robot must be able to respond to such spontaneous needs and quickly make decisions, and the person, in turn, must follow the rules for using an unmanned taxi. There are also cases of vandalism by people and force majeure situations when a person suddenly becomes ill in the taxi cabin. Taking these points into account, I would focus on training cars in the format not “robot – road”, but “robot – passenger”.

Every day we see an increasingly large-scale penetration of unmanned technologies into various types of transport. Rail transport, along with the logistics sector, can be automated in the near future. I am also confident that in the foreseeable future we will be able to ride on an unmanned water bus.

Flying cars
The icing on the cake of all unmanned transport is the air taxi. We have seen flying cars in many science fiction films of the past. Today we are closer than ever to the real implementation of this technology. The vertical take-off vehicle market is growing at a rate that is significantly faster than previously predicted. Vertical take-off and no need for a runway are obvious advantages for the city. At the same time, there are a number of technological problems that need to be solved. It is necessary to ensure a good flight range (given the heavy batteries) and stability of the vehicle. It is necessary to develop and implement an unmanned control system. Another important point is the flight corridors. We really wouldn’t want cars to fall on the heads of people walking along the street in the event of an emergency, so it’s important to create new transport corridors. For example, using rivers for flights, at least at the first stage, then, apparently, railway lines and roads will be added.
Will all drivers be left without work?
What about the drivers? Will robots and artificial intelligence take jobs away from people? Such questions are very popular today. The answer, in my opinion, is obvious. The disappearance of coachmen and cab drivers at the beginning of the 20th century did not bring down the world, but, on the contrary, led to the evolution of the profession. Technological progress has always accompanied us and encouraged people to learn and master new tasks. Unmanned technologies are provoking the emergence of hundreds of new companies and thousands of high-tech jobs in related areas, where the development of a component base, smart mobility services, IT solutions and much more is being carried out.

What will the transport of the future be like?
Summarizing all of the above, let’s try to highlight the key criteria for transport and transport infrastructure of tomorrow. The first criterion for the transport of the future is self-driving. The second is the modularity of the car design. It will have a single platform that will allow you to quickly implement any solution within its functionality. The versatility of the platform is the basis of new mobility.

Another criterion is the electric motor. We are already seeing a steady growth in the production and sales of electric vehicles around the world. Absolutely all automakers in Russia have announced plans to produce electric vehicles and components for them. Perhaps someday engineers will be able to use hydrogen fuel cells, which will reduce the weight of the car and increase the length of the trip on a single charge.

Infrastructure for the transport of the future
Having a car, and even an unmanned one, requires appropriate infrastructure. Thus, the transition to electric transport requires a high speed of refueling the vehicle. The power of charging stations is constantly growing. I think that within ten years, electric cars will charge as quickly as gasoline-powered cars charge today. In this direction, I can mention the Skolkovo resident company Yablochkov. She recently presented a prototype of contactless charging. Mobile mobile charging stations for emergency recharging of electric vehicles and battery recycling systems will also be in demand. The electric car, like the drone, will create a large number of sub-industries.

In general, when thinking about the transport of the future, it is quite difficult to make long-term forecasts. The possibilities of humanity are almost limitless. We easily accept new technologies and create them. It is quite possible that someday the surface of the Earth will be accessible only to people, and all transport will go into underground high-speed tunnels under cities. I also do not rule out that flying unmanned electric cars in 50 years will be as affordable as renting a bicycle or electric scooter is today.

When did asteroids appear and are they dangerous for us now?

In the past few years, people have often discussed the possibility of a collision between the Earth and a celestial body. Xu Techs understands what asteroids are, how they appear and whether they can destroy all life

What are asteroids

Asteroids are hard, rocky bodies that orbit the Sun. In this way they repeat the behavior of the planets, but cannot be called that because of their small size. They belong to the category of “small solar system bodies.” Although there are millions of them , their total mass is less than that of the Moon.

Asteroids formed about 4.6 billion years ago, during the early formation of the solar system. Then the future planets experienced the stage of “ planetesimals ”. During this period, small cosmic particles are gradually attracted to each other, the temperature in the center increases, due to which they melt and a protoplanet is formed . Today’s asteroids are “by-products” of that process. Scientists suggest that many planetary satellites are former asteroids that were “captured” by the gravitational field of a large object, forcing them to rotate around it.

History of the discovery of asteroids

Asteroids were discovered by accident: in 1801, Italian astronomer and priest Giuseppe Piazzi discovered the largest of them and named it Ceres after the Roman goddess of fertility. It now qualifies as a dwarf planet. Since then, scientists began to regularly find asteroids: by the second half of the 19th century, the number of recorded objects exceeded 100, by 1921 – over 1 thousand, and by 1981 – over 10 thousand. Now this number exceeds 800 thousand. In 1980 , the hypothesis that it was the impact of an asteroid about 66 million years ago that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs.

According to scientists, this asteroid landed in the area of ​​modern Mexico. Most amphibians could die within a few hours or days after the fall due to a sharp increase in ambient temperature. This collision could cause irreversible climate change, increase acidity in the atmosphere and change the composition of the oceans.

Astronomer Vladimir Surdin – about whether humanity will die from a collision with an asteroid

Chemical composition and color of common asteroids

Scientists divide asteroids into classes depending on their composition. This is what the three most common ones look like :

Class C asteroids. Color: grayish. They consist of carbon and a number of other substances, including silicon. This is the most common type, comprising about 75% of all asteroids.

S class asteroids. Color: greenish or reddish. Consist of silicon, nickel and iron. The second most common type includes about 17% of all asteroids.

M class asteroids. Color: reddish. Consist of nickel and iron. Remains of metallic cores of planetesimals.

Where are the asteroids located?

Most of the solar system’s asteroids are located in the main asteroid belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. More than 200 asteroids with a diameter of more than 100 km, from 1.1 million to 1.9 million with a diameter of more than 1 km, and millions of small ones circulate in it . As scientist Vladimir Busarev writes , here they move in a “safe” zone, where the gravitational influence of large planets on them is minimal.

It was because of Jupiter that another planet could not arise in the place of the main asteroid belt during the birth of the Solar System. Its gravitational field prevented the formation of planetesimals nearby, so the particles did not connect and continued to move around the Sun in the form of asteroids.

Largest groups of asteroids

Asteroids are located in the Solar System not only in the main asteroid belt.

“Trojans” and “Greeks” , which were named after the heroes of the Iliad, are located at the “Lagrange points”. In these parts of space, the gravitational influence of the planet and the Sun is equal. Jupiter has the most “Trojans” and “Greeks” – more than 10 thousand.

Neptune has 30, Mars has nine, and Earth and Uranus have one each.

The Hilda Family contains more than 1 thousand Trojan-like asteroids. It is located beyond the main belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

The Kuiper Belt is located at the edge of the solar system, near Neptune. It is similar to the main asteroid belt, but differs in size: 20 times wider and 20–200 times more massive. It contains small bodies of water, ammonia and methane and at least four dwarf planets, to which modern science includes Pluto.

  • Location diagram of the main asteroids of the Solar system
  • Asteroids and comets: similarities and differences

A comet differs from an asteroid only in composition: star dust and ice instead of metals. When approaching the Sun, substances begin to evaporate, due to which the famous “tails” are formed.

A meteorite is an asteroid or its fragment that has reached the surface of the Earth. About 20 meteorites hit our planet every day . They are not dangerous, since in the overwhelming majority their size does not exceed a stone that can be held in the palm of your hand.

According to NASA , meteorites that can destroy a city or cause a devastating tsunami collide with the Earth every 1,000 to 10,000 years.

Large meteorites, 400 m in diameter, capable of causing a global cataclysm, hit our planet on average every 100 thousand years. Nevertheless, scientists are exploring all options to combat the potential threat.

The largest asteroids

Asteroids are difficult for researchers to measure because of their irregular shapes and varying albedo (surface reflectivity). If you count by approximate diameter, the top ten will look like this:

Ceres, 946 km
Vesta, 525 km
Pallada, 512 km
Hygiea, 431 km
Interamnia, 326 km
Europe, 315 km
David, 289 km
Sylvia, 286 km
Cybele, 273 km
Eunomia, 268 km

Asteroid research methods

In 1991, NASA’s Galileo probe sent back close-up images of main belt asteroids to Earth.
In 2001, another agency space probe, NEAR Shoemaker , successfully soft- landed on the asteroid Eros for the first time in history . After working there for two weeks, he stopped communicating.

In 2006, the Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa (translated as “Falcon”) landed, took samples, and then took off from the Itokawa asteroid. In 2010, he returned to Earth.

In 2019, Hayabusa2 successfully landed on the distant asteroid Ryugu, which is located 280 million km from Earth. In 2020, a capsule with soil samples collected by the probe arrived on Earth.

In October 2021, NASA sent the Lucy mission , which will study the Trojans for more than 10 years.

“An asteroid is approaching Earth! What to do?”

In 1998, American congressmen asked NASA to record all asteroids and comets with a radius of 1 km or more that could be in Earth’s orbit. Since then, NASA astronomers have discovered 95% of asteroids, and some of them could hypothetically lead to the end of the world. Currently, none of them threaten our planet.

Nevertheless, the US Congress raised the bar back in 2005, ordering NASA specialists to find all asteroids with a radius of 140 m. They are also called “ city killers ”, as they are capable of wiping a metropolis off the face of the Earth. The probability of encountering them in any age is about 1%. Now NASA has found about 40% of them. It will take about another 30 years to discover the remaining 60%.

Who are 3D printing designers in construction?

The construction industry will annually produce up to 2.2 billion tons of waste by 2025. 3D printers can solve the problem, making it possible to build houses with virtually no waste. We tell you who organizes their work
Who is a 3D printing designer in construction?
A construction 3D printing designer is an architect who creates buildings using 3D printers. He selects materials and develops the shapes of future houses taking into account the needs of the customer, location and climate. A specialist models the project in the program, and then machines print it in full size.

Today, 3D printed houses are popping up all over the world. For example, they are in the UAE, the Netherlands, Italy, China, Mexico and even Russia. Research shows that 3D construction simplifies supply chains, design, and makes the entire process more efficient and environmentally friendly.

3D printing designer in construction is one of the professions of the future , which RBC Trends collects in a separate collection. To find out who will be in demand in 5-10 years, follow the link above.

Print of an eco-friendly house made from natural materials in Italy (Video: 3D WASP / YouTube)
What does a 3D printing designer do in construction?
The main task of such a specialist is to take into account and organically combine the capabilities of modern 3D printing, the natural limitations of the area and the desires of clients in one project.

First of all, the designer needs to decide how the building will be erected. It depends on the customers’ plans and logistics. For example, walls and individual parts of a house can be printed separately , and then the finished elements can be assembled together on the construction site. Another option is to place the printer on site and “grow” the house from scratch.

In addition, 3D printers are filled with different “inks” to build houses. These can be environmentally friendly bioplastics , various mixtures of natural raw materials such as clay in combination with rice husks or fiber-reinforced concrete. The availability of materials and their stability in different environmental conditions will influence the designer’s choice.

When everything has been decided on the approach and building materials, the specialist needs to draw the project in 3D modeling software and program the printer. After this, the construction itself begins, which must be monitored at different stages.

Transporting 3D printed building modules (Photo: SOM)
Required Skills
Engineering or architectural education  is a necessary basis for working in the profession. Also, a 3D printing designer in construction needs to be able to handle modern modeling programs and technology . At the same time, such a specialist cannot do without “soft” skills.

Customer focus is necessary to interact with customers as effectively as possible.
Project management is useful for tracking deadlines and proper planning of construction stages.
Lean manufacturing skills and green thinking will help you select cost-effective and environmentally friendly approaches and materials.
Systems thinking and cross-industry communication abilities will be useful in organizing processes and work of different contractors.

Trends and directions of the profession
The use of 3D printing technologies in construction allows us to get rid of many of the problems of modern development. Therefore, we should expect that it will become increasingly integrated into our lives.

The amount of annual waste produced by the construction industry will grow to 2.2 billion tons by 2025, according to Construction Waste Market estimates . 3D design often uses local natural materials and generates virtually no waste.

In the United States, according to the Department of Labor, up to 15 workers die every day as a result of work-related injuries on construction sites. Automation and maximum use of robotics can significantly reduce human losses in the development industry.

Homes designed with 3D printers could be a solution for rapid construction in cases of natural disasters. Modern devices are capable of creating 1 m2 of wall in just five minutes. Moreover, some printed buildings can withstand earthquakes up to magnitude 8 .

Where and when did the profession come from?
The first version of the 3D modeling program ArchiCAD appeared in 1984 . Two years later , the first patent for a 3D printer was registered . The more advanced these technologies became, the more opportunities they gave the world. Today we are increasingly witnessing spot projects in this area, but their success suggests that they will soon become part of everyday life.

The world’s first building entirely created using 3D printing is the Office of the Future , built in the UAE in 2016. At the same time, in China, housing partially constructed using this technology was presented a year earlier. In Russia , the first house entirely printed on a 3D printer appeared in 2017.

How to become a 3D printing designer in construction
There are many bachelor’s programs to start a career in the industry. Among them are architecture, design, construction and the use of modern technologies in these areas. In addition, there are short-term specialized courses. For example, based on companies from the industry or from experts in 3D design.

At the same time, it is not necessary to look for a foreign company to find a job. For example, in Russia 3D development is carried out by Total Kustom, SmartBuild and AMT.

Chinese Baidu has identified the 10 main technology trends of 2023


Baidu Research, the research arm of the Chinese tech giant, has published a study highlighting the top ten technology trends for 2023.

Trends identified by Baidu Research include building large AI models, the convergence of digital, virtual and real technologies, autonomous transportation, robotics, scientific and quantum computing, privacy computing, AI for sustainable development, and growing interest in the ethics and governance of AI. The report highlights the potential of AI for industrial modernization and social progress, as well as addressing sustainability challenges.

Trend 1: creating large models

This trend refers to the use of large and complex AI models, known as “big models,” across industries to improve productivity. Large models based on deep learning platforms are capable of working with a wide range of tasks and languages. This makes them useful in many industries, such as aerospace, finance and energy.

The maturation of big model technology is facilitating the development and application of AI in new areas, leading to the emergence of a big model industry ecosystem and making “inclusive AI” a reality, modernizing thousands of industries.

Inclusive AI, on the other hand, is the idea of ​​making AI accessible and useful to all people, regardless of their background, socioeconomic status or location. It aims to ensure that AI systems are developed and used in a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory manner and meet the needs of all members of society. Inclusive AI also aims to ensure that anyone can participate in the development, implementation and management of AI and benefit from its use.

Trend 2: convergence of digital and real technologies

Growing demand for AI infrastructure is driving deeper integration of digital technologies with the real economy. China’s 14th Five-Year Plan and 2030 Development Outlook places great emphasis on the development of the digital economy, as the sector is seen as providing huge untapped innovation opportunities and room for growth. Intelligent computing centers, deep learning platforms and AI models are now laying the foundation for digital transformation in a number of industries and areas of the real economy, especially in the manufacturing industry.

Trend 3: symbiosis of virtual and real

Web 3.0 technology is creating a new type of online space, leading to disruptive innovation in the metaverse. New digital infrastructure and tools make it possible to create a rich virtual world that moves from being parallel to the physical to becoming increasingly integrated with it.

According to Baidu researchers, Web 3.0 technologies can create a new multicentric, more open and fair web space where users can share information more securely. Virtual modeling and AI technologies will enable the creation of more accurate and intelligent digital twins in shopping, manufacturing, leisure and other areas. Neural networks offer a new model for creating content in the field of graphic and other media.

Trend 4: autonomous transport

Autonomous transport will gain new capabilities, which will lead to progress in this area. As autonomous vehicles move from highways to cities, the complexity of perception and decision-making increases.

Further improvement of technologies is necessary, so in the future the development of autonomous cars will be determined by the demand for more modern technologies, such as V2X (vehicle-to-everything – transport for everything), V2G (vehicle-to-grid – [energy] from transport to the network) and V2 °C (vehicle-to-cloud – from transport to the cloud), as well as the integration of new technologies such as 5G and Edge Computing.

The latter is translated into Russian as “edge computing.” It is a data processing method in which calculations are performed on devices at the edge of the network rather than in a large data center or cloud. This allows for faster processing and lower latency because data does not have to be sent to a remote location for processing and returned back. Simply put, it’s a way to bring the power of the cloud closer to where the data is collected. Autonomous cars that are equipped with powerful computers for assessing the situation on the roads can also act as such a mini-data center.

Trend 5: Robotics

The adoption of industrial robotics is accelerating, addressing labor shortages. Countries around the world are facing aging societies and the ongoing effects of a global pandemic, and many industries will face long-term workforce shortages in the future. Many countries are actively developing automation technologies as a possible solution to the problem.

The maturity of key technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing has provided a constant and powerful impetus to the development of automation, and AI-enabled robots of all kinds are showing the potential to improve real-time perception, intelligent decision making and optimal control.

Trend 6: Scientific Computing

Neural networks have become an aid in scientific research, changing the paradigm of interdisciplinary research. The success of models such as AlphaFold has shown that AI can have a huge impact on scientific computing and is changing the research paradigm in many disciplines. Developers are increasingly using AI technologies to solve scientific problems that are too complex and difficult to solve using traditional methods.

Trend 7: Quantum Computing

Breakthroughs in core technologies continue to drive the industrialization of quantum computing. In 2023, significant advances are expected in the field of quantum computing. The performance of quantum chips will improve, the ease of use of the cloud quantum computing platform will increase, and the barrier to entry into this field will decrease.

The development of quantum algorithms with practical value is expected, serving areas such as artificial intelligence, materials modeling, fintech and biopharmaceuticals. As these and other technologies improve, market demand for quantum software and hardware integrated solutions will grow.

Trend 8: Confidential Computing

This trend refers to the use of technology to ensure the protection and privacy of personal data. Privacy computing ensures data interoperability across platforms and allows organizations to balance getting value from large amounts of data with security and trust.

Confidential computing platforms are increasingly being used in areas such as finance, communications, medicine and the internet to protect data and enable secure data exchange. Attention to computing privacy has become increasingly important as the market value of data increases and more laws are passed to ensure information security.

Trend 9: AI for Sustainable Development

AI technology is increasingly being used to address environmental and sustainability issues. Researchers see this trend as increasingly important as the world faces climate change and resource depletion. AI helps eliminate these problems by generating new solutions in the areas of energy efficiency in buildings, green transport and environmental monitoring.

Optimization and decision making using neural networks can help reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, and improve resource management and conservation.

Trend 10: AI ethics and governance

Neural networks are becoming more widespread, and the world is faced with ethical issues such as data privacy, bias in AI results, and transparency of algorithms. To address these issues, a framework for the ethics and governance of AI is being developed.

These frameworks will be critical to ensuring the responsible and ethical use of AI, the fair distribution of benefits from neural networks, and the management and mitigation of risks.

Baidu Research is the research organization of Baidu, a leading Chinese-language Internet search service provider. She conducts cutting-edge research in a number of areas such as natural language processing, computer vision and big data, with a particular focus on developing technologies that can be used to improve real-world applications of AI.

The organization publishes research papers and reports on technology trends, and collaborates with other companies in the development and application of AI technologies.

Artificial intelligence in the creative industry: replacement of people or assistant


The possibilities of neural networks are now being actively discussed in the media space, and artists fear them as competitors for commercial orders. Let’s figure out which business tasks AI is suitable for, and where humans are still indispensable

Artificial intelligence in design: pros, cons, pitfalls

Let’s start with the positives.

Speed. Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms can complete tasks much faster than any designer, thereby saving significant time and increasing efficiency.

Price. AI algorithms can automate many tasks, reducing the need for manual labor and reducing costs. For example, the automated preparation of technical specifications for designers or the generation of several design options from which a specialist can build.

AI algorithms are capable of performing precise, detail-oriented work, which makes them ideal for solving certain design problems, such as generative graphics creation, brand identity design, website and user interface design, logo design, and so on.

It all depends on the request and the task, but it is important to consider that without understanding the processes, everything is narrowed down to the generation of objects and elements for the sake of those very objects and elements. Therefore, you need to build the right queries and be able to adapt and integrate the resulting solution into the product.

Now to the cons.

Dependence on human participation. AI is currently not capable of inventing anything entirely on its own. Accordingly, like any machine, a neural network must be trained—the system requires direct human participation, including design goals and training data. They are not capable of inventing themselves.

Lack of creativity. AI is not capable of true creativity – their designs are strictly limited to the given parameters on which they learn.

Inflexibility. AI algorithms are limited by their programming and may not be able to adapt to changes or new requirements.

It’s also worth noting that while AI has the potential to revolutionize the design and creative industries, it’s important to understand its limitations and limitations. Although it can perform certain tasks faster and more economically than designers, AI is not capable of true creativity and is directly dependent on human input.

Ultimately, AI is just a tool to help designers, but it is not a replacement for human creativity and intuition. The neural network creates a form that still has an idea behind it.

Where to apply artificial intelligence now

Following the conclusions from the previous part, AI is an effective tool to simplify the designer’s work and reduce time costs. Here are a few tasks where a neural network can help today:

Content Creation

AI can generate design artifacts: images, logos, illustrations, freeing up resources for designers to focus on user experience tasks and spend less time searching for a graphic element.

UX Design

AI can be used to analyze user behavior and make design changes to improve the user experience. Take Invision, for example , which has integrated artificial intelligence technology into its service to enable automated design specifications, image recognition and design proposals based on industry best practices.

Interface design

AI can generate designs based on user preferences, allowing designers to focus on creating the most attractive and convenient experience for users. This is how Uizard integrated AI into their platform to automatically create responsive designs.

Interactive Design

AI can be used to create interactive designs that respond to user behavior in real time, making them more engaging and intuitive. Google has integrated AI into the Flutter platform  , a fun, gamified way for millions of people to train Google’s artificial intelligence and machine learning models, helping products like Google Translate, Maps, and Photos better serve users across different regions and cultures.


AI can be used to generate font styles and layouts, reducing the time designers spend on it.

Font from the Austrian studio Process, created by a neural network (Photo: Process)
AI Type used AI in its platform to automatically generate fonts based on user preferences.

These are just a few examples of how AI is being integrated into the work of designers and companies. Using neural networks, tools are created to optimize work and reduce time costs, while maintaining creative control.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning Midjourney, ruDALL-E and similar services that convert text into a graphic element. A service built on a neural network allows you to create an image quickly, beautifully and effectively, but it cannot independently form the context – the latter always remains on the side of the person. And with the correct work of a specialist, the tool allows you to create excellent graphic elements that can be adapted for a specific task.

What will a neural network not be able to take on in the near future? And what does this mean for professionals and companies?

While artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of the design and creative industries, there are certain tasks that it is not yet capable of and is unlikely to be capable of in the near future. These tasks require a level of creativity, intuition and empathy that is beyond the capabilities of algorithms.


AI algorithms cannot generate new ideas or concepts, they can only work with what they have been trained to do. Designers and creative professionals will continue to play a major role in developing project concepts.

Emotional connection

AI algorithms are unable to create an emotional connection with an audience through design. Designers bring their own experiences, perspectives and emotions, allowing them to create designs that resonate with their target audience.

Cultural sensitivity

Artificial intelligence is unable to understand cultural codes and its inherent nuances, which means it can create designs that are insensitive or offensive. Designers with a deep understanding of cultural differences will continue to play an important role in ensuring that design is culturally appropriate.

Human-centered design

AI algorithms are unable to take a human-centered approach to design because they are unable to understand the needs, wants, and experiences of users.

These limitations mean that designers and creative professionals will continue to play a critical role in the creative industry—there will always be a place for human intuition in these areas. Companies and organizations must invest both in AI technologies and in the development of their own employees in order to be able to use the benefits of AI to the maximum, thus building a “partnership” interaction between man and machine, where AI can be an excellent tool for saving time and resources for implementation .

Strategic technology: prospects and risks of generative AI


The Roscongress Foundation published a study on the development of generative neural networks. We talk about the opportunities, risks and future of AI that researchers have identified

What’s happening

Roscongress studied the risks and prospects associated with the development of generative neural networks.

Generative neural networks are neural networks that generate texts, images, videos, audio, presentations and other works. Examples of generative neural networks are ChatGPT and Midjourney .

According to a survey conducted among 12 thousand participants at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2023, artificial intelligence became the most important strategic technology.

Next Move Strategy Consulting predicts that by 2030, the market for AI-related products will grow almost tenfold to $2 trillion. The areas where AI technologies will emerge most are supply chain management, marketing, product design, and data analytics.

The leading countries in terms of investment in AI development and the number of scientific publications are China and the USA.

Among the risks associated with the development of neural networks, the study authors identified:

  • Problems with identifying texts generated by AI.
  • Legal complications associated with the use of data collected on the Internet.
  • Use of data related to banking, commercial, medical and other types of secrets.
  • Generation of politically biased texts by a neural network.
  • Among the prospects for the development of AI is increasing productivity in areas where the cost of error is small.

The researchers also noted that the most profitable scenario for Japan is the creation of its own competitive solutions, rather than a ban on the use of foreign ones.

What does it mean

The development of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) could have enormous potential for society in various fields, including science, medicine, manufacturing, communications and entertainment.

Manufacturing: GII can help automate manufacturing and optimize production processes. This could lead to lower costs for companies and lower costs for consumers.
Medicine: GII can help improve the accuracy of disease diagnosis and prognosis, as well as optimize treatment and the development of new drugs and therapies.

Art and culture: GII can generate various works – texts, music, images. This can reduce time and costs.

Education: GII can help optimize the learning process and tailor the learning experience to the needs of each student.

However, the development of GII may have negative consequences related, for example, to data security and privacy. Therefore, it is important to develop an ethical and legal framework for the use of AI and to convey to society that artificial intelligence is a tool that can be used to improve living standards. Already today, AI is used to search for missing people, predict natural disasters, develop new drugs and diagnose various diseases.

Why is WHO updating its ranking of the most dangerous pathogens?


WHO specialists are preparing a new list of microorganisms that potentially cause diseases, as well as a draft interstate agreement on a pandemic. Let’s figure out why humanity needs this

New list of pathogens that cause disease

The World Health Organization announced on November 21, 2022 that it is developing a new list of priority pathogens (these are any microorganisms and the prion protein that can cause pathologies in other living beings), which should be closely monitored as they risk triggering pandemics or disease outbreaks. The WHO’s goal is to update the list , which is used in global research and development of vaccines, tests and treatments.

Why study pathogens

As part of the process to update the list of pathogens, WHO is convening more than 300 scientists to review data on several dozen families of viruses and bacteria. They will also study the so-called ” Disease X “. The code name hides an unknown pathogen that has the potential to cause a serious international epidemic. WHO Emergencies Director Michael Ryan notes : “Identifying priority pathogens and virus families for research and development of countermeasures is essential for rapid and effective response to epidemics and pandemics. Without significant investment in R&D prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, it would have been impossible to develop safe and effective vaccines in record time.”

What will happen after updating the list?

The list was first published in 2017. Currently it includes:

  • COVID-19;
  • Ebola and Marburg viral diseases;
  • Lassa fever;
  • Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS);
  • severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS);
  • Nipah and Zika viruses;

disease X.

For each pathogen identified as a priority, experts will identify gaps in knowledge and highlight key areas for further research. The necessary specifications for vaccines, treatments and diagnostic tests can then be developed . The revised list is expected to be published before April 2023.

Why do we need a pandemic treaty?

The pathogen meetings come as the WHO prepares for the next round of pandemic treaty negotiations. They involve expert scientists, representatives of WHO, states, medical NGOs and non-profit organizations. The intergovernmental body is paving the way for a global agreement that could govern how countries prepare for and respond to future threats.

From 5 to 7 December 2022, the third meeting to develop and agree on a draft WHO convention on pandemic preparedness and response was held in Geneva. A progress report will be presented to WHO member states next year, with the final result presented for review in 2024.

Don’t go to a fortune teller: what is the profession of a futurologist?


The answers were prepared by Kirill Ignatiev, coordinator of the project “Technical Progress and the Economy of the Future”, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Investments group of companies, lecturer at RANEPA, member of the ASI expert council

1.Who is a futurist?

A futurologist analyzes trends of the present and predicts the future. Often different people are called futurologists: popularizers of science, trend watchers (business consultants), and visionaries. Some believe that they are different, others believe that the concepts are synonymous.

Visionaries have a creative rather than a scientific view of the future. These are strategists who sense trends, determine development vectors, isolate the main thing from the flow of information and convey it to the masses.

Visionaries are often called Elon Musk, Jack Ma or Bill Gates. There are also science fiction writers, who once, one might say, began the increased interest in predicting the future. But this is still a separate creative area.

Futurology as a science was formed relatively recently, largely from philosophy and sociology. It now sets itself more precise goals than before and is based on technological, technical and engineering areas. This is a technique that has been developed over the years and focuses on studying the dynamics of key trends.

2.How to become a futurist?

Futurologists are now almost never taught anywhere, although some universities still introduce separate master’s and doctoral programs in predicting the future, as well as courses in analytics and strategic thinking as part of additional education.

So, you can study to become a futurologist, for example, at the Free University of Berlin, the University of Hawaii at Manoa or the University of Houston. However, you can become a futurologist by obtaining a more familiar specialty – business administration, marketing, sociology, philosophy, anthropology are suitable. The combination of these disciplines with systems analysis and engineering competencies is even closer to futurology.

3.What skills does a futurist need?

There are no established professional standards, but practicing futurologists agree that it is necessary to read a lot, understand technological, technical and social world processes, track scientific discoveries, identify trends in business and politics, know languages, and also develop analytical and strategic thinking and be able to sometimes extrapolate existing statistical trends into the future.

4.What trends do futurologists study?

The movement of technology from science to R&D (research and development) and business. In essence, this is the process of introducing into everyday practice inventions that have already been experimentally confirmed or close to it.

Studying technologies already used in business, which tend to become cheaper. Such technologies are most promising for distribution in the future. An example is smartphones. They’ve come down so much in price that today’s top phones are the same price as Motorola’s top models from the 1990s. But at the same time, modern smartphones are completely different devices.

The technology has become very complicated, devices have become thousands of times more accurate, but the price has remained the same.

Study of the younger generation. This is a kind of test: if today the technology is mastered by children, then, most likely, tomorrow adults will master a similar solution. Plus, children will be the main players in the future, those who will live in it. Therefore, we need to carefully study everything that the younger generation lives with in order to draw conclusions about the upcoming changes.

Studying trends in the field of communications and any creativity. These areas anticipate the future. Today, new horizons have been opened by social networks; tomorrow,

technologies for accessing the vision of another person or online presence will do so. You can also find a lot of ideas about the future in art, science fiction literature and films.

Studying everything that happens in the leading industries that can be called big-budget and that are shaping the future. For example, the automotive industry has long determined the development of industrial design, since a lot of money has been invested there. Space and the military industry shaped the future of information distribution and security, as well as the most sophisticated computer solutions and materials.

5.Is there a limit to predictions?

A forecast covering a period of no more than 9–10 years can be practically useful for business. The rest is closer to science. Forecasts beyond ten years are useful for science, as it storms distant horizons and potential opportunities that will be applied in practice.

Science must plunge about a century into the future, otherwise unexpected inventions will not appear, new continents will not be discovered in the broad sense of the word.

6.Where should a futurologist go to work?

The idea of ​​having a futurist on staff will soon be reconsidered. As a futurist, I believe that the very concept of company staff will soon become a thing of the past. Large corporations will increasingly rely on the free labor market and will attract more and more freelancers and self-employed people. Futurologists will primarily be among these workers. They will become consultants, hired for a certain period of time to develop recommendations.

People with a scientific and systematic approach will be in demand in the future in various professions. A vision of the future is needed for engineers, chemists, doctors, and designers. The model of today is as follows: to create a product of the future that will be interesting to the market, it is necessary to attract specialists from a variety of professions who have the competencies of a futurologist.

A futurologist can also engage in other activities and, as a scientist, philosopher or teacher, integrate his vision of the future into his work.

How microbes predict Alzheimer’s disease before symptoms appear


Some microbes are more common in people with early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. This potentially points to a new method of diagnosing a problem that affects millions of people around the world.
What’s the trend?

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common forms of dementia, causing loss of memory and cognitive abilities, as well as behavioral changes. About 55 million people worldwide suffer from this disease. Unfortunately, this number will only grow in the future – at least 500 thousand people are added to it every year. The development of new methods for treating and diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease is helping to improve the fight against neurodegenerative diseases in general.

What is the gut microbiome and why is it important?
The gut microbiome is the collection of microbes including bacteria, viruses and fungi that live in the intestines. Having diverse populations is believed to contribute to the overall health of the human body. However, under certain circumstances, the microbiome can also contain harmful microorganisms.

How certain proteins trigger Alzheimer’s disease
In Alzheimer’s disease, there is an abnormal accumulation of two proteins in the brain – amyloid beta and tau. Their presence leads to memory loss and decreased cognitive abilities. Symptoms become more severe over time. These substances begin to concentrate long before the first signs of the disease appear. It was at this stage that a group of American researchers noticed changes in the intestinal microbiome of older people.

Germ-based computer detection
Currently, doctors rely on the results of diagnostic tests to determine potential Alzheimer’s disease. The scientists combined these indicators with data on the gut microbiome of study participants and processed them using an AI algorithm.

The study results demonstrated that incorporating gut microbiome data into the algorithm improved its ability to accurately diagnose future Alzheimer’s disease. The correlation persisted even in cases where not all diagnostic test data were included in the dataset.

Affordable and painless method
Some diagnostic tests to detect future Alzheimer’s disease may be unpleasant (for example, a lumbar puncture – a puncture of the spinal cord). They may also rely on expensive, complex technologies—like MRI—that have uneven access around the world.

In this regard, the idea of ​​analyzing the gut microbiome, which requires only a stool sample, appears promising. There will be a non-invasive and more accessible way to identify people’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease earlier, giving them more time to plan and prepare for the future. Now such an analysis can complement existing diagnostic methods, but is not yet able to replace them completely.