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When will advance application become unnecessary under the revised Electronic Bookkeeping Act? Explanation of revised points and preservation requirements


The Electronic Bookkeeping Act is a law that establishes rules for saving books and other documents as data . It was revised in 2021, and the revised version has come into effect from January 1, 2022.

However, the mandatory storage of data is scheduled to be introduced in stages in the future. Therefore, some people may be worried about not knowing when advance application will no longer be necessary.

In this article, we will explain when the electronic book storage system was revised so that advance application is no longer necessary, and how it was revised.

Table of contents hidden ]

  • 1. When does advance application become unnecessary for the revised electronic ledger storage?
  • 2. Six amendments to the Electronic Bookkeeping Act that came into effect from January 2022
  • 3. Three ways to deal with the revision of the Electronic Bookkeeping Act
  • 4. Four points to note regarding the electronic bookkeeping method
  • 5. Follow the procedures correctly based on the Electronic Bookkeeping Act

1. When does advance application become unnecessary for the revised electronic ledger storage?

Woman typing on PC

Due to the revision of electronic ledger storage, advance application is no longer required for scanner storage after January 1, 2022 .

Until then, it was necessary to submit a notification to the director of the tax office and obtain approval. However, due to the revision of the Electronic Bookkeeping Act, the application procedure will no longer be necessary after January 1, 2022.

Data storage is now easy to incorporate, so you can start saving with a scanner or electronic data as soon as you are ready. It can be said that the new system has made many companies’ accounting operations more efficient and more flexible.

2. Six amendments to the Electronic Bookkeeping Act that came into effect from January 2022

Person viewing electronic ledger

We will explain the amendments to the Electronic Bookkeeping Act that came into effect in January 2022.

  1. Timestamp requirements for electronic transactions are relaxed
  2. Relaxation of electronic transaction and bookkeeping search requirements
  3. Electronic data storage of electronic transactions becomes mandatory
  4. Book correction/deletion history will be abolished
  5. Paper storage of electronic transactions will be abolished
  6. Penalties for fraud will be strengthened

2-1. Time stamp requirements for electronic transactions will be relaxed

Amendments to the Electronic Bookkeeping Act will ease timestamp requirements to prove that data in electronic transactions has not been tampered with .

Previously, when saving national tax documents in a scanner, the recipient’s signature and a timestamp within three business days were required. However, after the revision of the Electronic Bookkeeping Act, the period for time stamping has been extended to a maximum of two months, and signatures are no longer required.

Additionally, when using a system that stores the history of data deletions and modifications, there is no need to add timestamps. Complicated procedures will be simplified, and you will be able to carry out your work more efficiently.

2-2. Requirements for searching electronic transactions and ledgers will be relaxed.

Due to the revision of the Electronic Bookkeeping Act, the search requirements for national tax documents have changed . Previously, search requirements had to be set using multiple conditions, but after the revision, search requirements can be narrowed down to three items: transaction date, transaction amount, and business partner.

Additionally, when responding to download requests from tax officials, it is no longer necessary to specify ranges or combine items as in the past. It is expected to improve the efficiency of accounting operations by reducing complicated procedures.

2-3. Electronic data storage of electronic transactions will be mandatory

The revised Electronic Ledger Preservation Act has also changed the method of storing electronic data related to electronic transactions. Previously, it was permissible to print and save in paper format, but the new system requires saving in data format.

In particular, documents related to electronic transactions, such as EDI, cloud server, and PDF data invoices, must be stored as electronic data. However, please be aware that there are storage requirements that must be met when saving electronic data. Specific storage requirements will be explained later.

Storing data improves the reliability of transactions, enabling efficient accounting operations. Let’s move forward with the transition to new preservation methods while keeping in mind the key points of the law revision.

2-4. Book correction/deletion history will be abolished

An important point in the revision of the Electronic Bookkeeping Act is that the history of changes and deletions in books will be abolished . Previously, when making corrections or deletions to the contents of a ledger, it was necessary to add a reversal journal entry to clearly state the details of the correction or deletion.

However, with the new revision, it is possible to save just by adding a timestamp, so there is no need to specify the changes or deletions. As a result, complicated procedures will be simplified and you can expect efficient accounting operations.

In the future, ensuring accurate bookkeeping and record-keeping will be the key to smooth business operations. It is important to fully understand the key points of legal revisions and take appropriate measures.

2-5. Document storage of electronic transactions will be abolished

Due to the revision of the Electronic Bookkeeping Preservation Act, electronic data transactions made after January 1, 2022 are required to be saved as data. In other words , from now on, it will no longer be possible to store documents in paper form, as was the case with electronic transactions in the past .

However, there will be an “excuse period” until December 31, 2023. During the indulgence period, it is possible to print out and save it in writing if it meets the specified requirements. Use this period to put in place an appropriate data management system.

For details and requirements regarding changes to electronic bookkeeping laws, please check the tax-related information released by the government to ensure smooth business operations.

2-6. Penalties for fraud will be strengthened

Although the introduction of electronic bookkeeping has become easier due to the relaxation of the requirements of the Electronic Bookkeeping Act, the penalties for fraudulent activities have become stricter. If it is discovered that electronic data has been tampered with, an additional 10% tax will be imposed in addition to the normal heavy tax.

Also, please note that if you fail to meet the obligations regarding data storage after the grace period, your blue return approval will be revoked. Obey laws and conduct accurate and transparent accounting operations.

3. Three ways to deal with the revision of the Electronic Bookkeeping Act

Businessmen exchanging electronic signatures

From here, we will introduce carefully selected ways to deal with the revision of the Electronic Bookkeeping Law. There are three specific solutions:

  1. Understand your company’s electronic transaction status
  2. Be clear about where your data is stored
  3. Check approvals and work flow

3-1. Understand your company’s electronic transaction status

In order to take action to revise the Electronic Bookkeeping Act, it is important to first understand the status of your company’s document storage . Let’s understand the current situation by organizing the storage ratio and format of paper and data.

Also, be sure to check the details of each electronic transaction. Particular attention should be paid to the management of IC card payment data for advance expenses and transportation expenses.

By accurately understanding your company’s situation, you can build an appropriate data management system in preparation for the revision of the Electronic Bookkeeping Act. This will help improve the efficiency of accounting operations.

3-2. Clarify where to save data

Next, it is important to create a storage location where the saved electronic data can be easily referenced and printed when needed . Instead of storing data in different locations and methods in different departments, decide on a central location to organize your data.

It is also important to establish a regular backup system to prevent data corruption or loss. Data organization and backup are essential for accurate information management and smooth business operations. Develop guidelines within your organization and clarify standards for data management.

3-3. Check approval and work flow

In order to meet the necessary requirements and ensure data storage, it is essential to review approvals and work flows. Don’t just focus on data storage; also digitize approvals and business processes .

If merchants and business processes are not reviewed, it may become difficult to respond appropriately to the revised Electronic Bookkeeping Act. Digitalize your approvals and business processes to be ready to adapt to legal changes.

4. Four points to note regarding the electronic bookkeeping method

person double checking documents

There are four specific points to keep in mind when implementing the Electronic Bookkeeping Act:

  1. Check requirements for each storage method
  2. Keep records for at least 7 years
  3. Electronic storage will be mandatory from January 2024
  4. Check the revision points according to the FY2020 Tax Reform Outline

4-1. Check the requirements for each storage method

There are two types of preservation requirements under the Electronic Bookkeeping Act: “ensuring authenticity” and “ensuring visibility.” We will explain the storage requirements that must be met for each of the three storage methods: electronic ledger storage, scanner storage, and electronic data storage.

4-1-1. Electronic ledger storage

In order to effectively digitize bookkeeping documents, it is important to ensure authenticity and visibility . Please make sure to meet the following two storage requirements.

The first requirement is to clearly maintain a history of modifications, deletions, and additions. Ensure that data changes are tracked by using timestamps and implementing a history management system. In addition, it is necessary to consider ease of search and create an environment where documents can be quickly searched by date, transaction amount, etc.

The second requirement is to provide documentation for the system. In particular, be sure to clearly explain how to operate the electronic contract system and accounting software so that bookkeeping and document management can be done smoothly. It is also important to install high-performance color printers and displays to ensure visibility and print quality.

4-1-2. Scanner storage

When saving documents with a scanner, be sure to ensure visibility . This is because if the text is blurred or the image size is too small, it will be difficult to read.

Use a high-quality scanner, digital camera, or smartphone to preserve clarity. It is recommended that the scanner has a resolution of 200 dpi or higher and can read each color of red, green, and blue with 256 or more gradations.

Also, timestamp your saved files to ensure authenticity. In order to save accurate data and retrieve information quickly, it is important to organize it so that it can be easily searched by date, transaction amount, etc.

4-1-3. Electronic data storage

When storing data electronically, particular attention must be paid to ensuring authenticity . Regarding visibility, there is no need to pay special attention to data transactions, as the contents have already been confirmed by each other. If you use email, etc., be sure to record the date and time when data is sent and received.

However, in order to increase data reliability and maintain accurate records, truthfulness measures are required. Add a timestamp to the electronic data to prove the date and time it was created and that it has not been tampered with.

4-2. Keep accounting records for at least 7 years

Although it varies depending on the type of document, accounting records are required to be kept for at least seven years. Taking this period into consideration, it is important to comprehensively consider the operational and budgetary aspects of your organization when storing electronic data .

Carefully plan for storing electronic data by considering the personnel and budget needed to store seven years’ worth of documents. The key to success is to compare multiple storage methods, select the appropriate method, and proceed with your accounting operations effectively.

4-3. Electronic storage will be mandatory from January 2024

Compliance with the mandatory electronic storage of electronic transactions will begin in January 2024. Starting from the 2025 tax return , you will need to electronically save the entire year.

Make effective use of the remaining period and take necessary measures. If you have any questions about implementing electronic storage, we recommend that you consider seeking professional advice.

4-4. Check the revision points according to the FY2020 tax reform outline

The “ Reiwa 5 Tax Reform Outline ” announced in December 2020 includes a permanent grace period for the mandatory electronic storage if certain conditions are met .

The following three items will be revised in the FY2020 Tax Reform Outline, and permanent grace measures have been included.

  • Clarification of the scope of excellent electronic ledgers
  • Relaxation of scanner storage requirements
  • Review of storage requirements for electronic transactions

Due to these changes in requirements, electronic storage obligations will be suspended under the following conditions:

  1. The director of the tax office recognizes that there is a reason why it cannot be stored in accordance with the storage requirements.
  2. Electronic data of transaction information can be downloaded smoothly for tax audits.
  3. Properly save output documents so that they can be presented immediately in the event of a tax audit

Please keep in mind that this is a grace period that will only be applied if the conditions are met.

5. Follow the procedures correctly based on the Electronic Bookkeeping Act

person who exchanges documents

If you want to save electronic transaction data, it is important to follow the correct procedures based on the Electronic Bookkeeping Preservation Act . Observe the two types of preservation requirements: “ensuring authenticity” and “ensuring visibility,” and take appropriate measures for each preservation method.

In preparation for mandatory electronic storage from January 2024, please review the storage status of data and clarify the storage location. Let’s make appropriate preparations for the evolution of accounting operations and take solid steps towards the future.

What is the deeming measure for the previous standard monthly remuneration during the parenting period? Explanation of application period and required documents


The deeming of the previous standard monthly remuneration during the childcare period is a system aimed at dispelling concerns about balancing childcare and work and expanding support for raising the next generation .

Of course, if you choose to work shorter hours to raise children, your salary will also be reduced. Many people may feel uneasy because if their salary decreases, the standard monthly remuneration used to calculate their future pension amount will also decrease.

If this measure is applied, even if your salary decreases while raising children, your future pension amount will not be affected.

Employers should inform employees who are raising children about the previous standard monthly remuneration during the child-rearing period and suggest that they actively utilize it.

In this article, we will introduce an overview of the previous standard monthly remuneration measures during the child rearing period, procedures, and points to note. If you are a business owner or someone in charge of labor affairs who has employees who are raising children, please use this as a reference.

Table of contents not indicated ]

  • 1. What is the “previous standard monthly remuneration deemed measure” during the parenting period?
  • 2. Subject to deeming measures for previous standard monthly remuneration during the parenting period
  • 3. Procedures for deeming the previous standard monthly remuneration during the parenting period
  • 4. Necessary documents for deeming the previous standard monthly remuneration during the parenting period
  • 5. Two points to note regarding the deeming of the previous standard monthly remuneration during the parenting period
  • 6. Appropriately inform employees about the previous standard monthly remuneration measures.

1. What is the “previous standard monthly remuneration deemed measure” during the parenting period?

A person who inputs the results of administrative processing into a PC

The “previous standard monthly remuneration measure” for the child-rearing period is a system that allows you to receive a pension amount calculated based on the standard monthly remuneration before raising your child .

Many employees choose to work shorter hours after childcare leave, and their standard monthly compensation tends to decrease. The amount of employee pension you will receive in the future is determined by your standard monthly remuneration, so if the standard remuneration decreases, the pension amount you will receive will also decrease.

The purpose of this measure is to allow employees to raise their children with peace of mind without reducing their future pension amount even if their standard monthly remuneration decreases due to childcare.

Employers are not obligated to make an announcement to employees, but they should proactively approach insured employees who are returning from childcare leave.

2. Subject to deeming measures for previous standard monthly remuneration during the parenting period

smiling woman

The previous standard monthly remuneration deeming measure during the child-rearing period applies to insured persons who are raising children up to the age of three . This applies not only to biological children but also adopted children up to the age of three .

Even if you quit your job before raising your child, you can still receive this measure if you re-employ the child before he or she turns 3 years old.

However, please note that if you have not been covered by the Employees’ Pension within one year from the month before you start raising your child, you will not be covered.

There are no restrictions on the gender of the insured person, so both men and women can apply.

Example of subject to deeming measures for previous standard monthly remuneration during child rearing period

  • Those who choose to work shorter hours after childcare leave
  • Those who have not taken childcare leave but whose standard monthly remuneration has decreased due to short working hours
  • Those who quit their job due to childbirth but started a new job (limited to those who were insured within one year)
  • If both husband and wife work, each person (not only the child’s mother but also the child’s father)
Example of subject to deeming measures for previous standard monthly remuneration during child rearing period
・Those who choose to work shorter hours after childcare leave

・Those who have not taken childcare leave but whose standard monthly remuneration has decreased due to short-time work

・Those who quit their job due to childbirth but started a new job (limited to those who were insured within the past year)

・If both husband and wife work, each person (not only the child’s mother but also the child’s father)

3. Procedures for deeming the previous standard monthly remuneration during the parenting period

A person who performs procedures on a PC

In order to receive the application of the previous standard monthly remuneration measure during the childcare period, the employer must complete the necessary procedures.

Employers who receive a request from an employee must submit the necessary documents to the pension office. If you are not insured at the time of filing due to retirement, etc., you will have to submit it directly.

Applications should be submitted to the administrative center operated by the Japan Pension Service or the relevant pension office, and can be submitted by bringing the application in person at the counter, electronically, or by mail.

Procedures for deeming the previous standard monthly remuneration during the parenting period
When to submit When an insured person makes a request
person submitting Employer (or himself if retired)
propose first ・Administration center

・Jurisdictional pension office

Suggest a way ・Bring to the counter (only available at the pension office)

・Electronic application (available 24 hours a day)


If you choose to bring your application to the counter, you can only submit it to the pension office, which is the pension office that has jurisdiction over the location of your business. Please check the Japan Pension Service’s official website for the jurisdiction of the pension office.

Electronic applications can be applied 24 hours a day in an internet environment, reducing time and costs . It would be a good idea to make active use of it.

4. Necessary documents for deeming the previous standard monthly remuneration during the parenting period

person turning over documents

We will introduce the necessary documents in order to qualify for the previous standard monthly remuneration for the childcare period.

Please make sure you have all the documents before submitting to avoid any omissions.

4-1. Required documents

The documents to be submitted are the ” Application form for special monthly standard remuneration for child rearing period/Notification of termination “.

You can download the “Application Form/Notification of Special Monthly Monthly Exception for Parenting Period” from the Japan Pension Service website. There are sample entries, so be sure to check to make sure there are no omissions or mistakes.

4-2. Attached documents

You will need to prepare several supporting documents in conjunction with the “Application Form/Notification of Special Monthly Remuneration for Childcare Period Standard Remuneration”.

Please note that the documents to be attached will differ depending on the circumstances and conditions of the insured person .

common to all ・Copy of family register (excerpt from family register) or certificate of matters listed in family register

・Copy of resident record

When submitting without going through the employer, and when submitting by writing your personal number [In case of counter submission]

・Show your My Number Card at the counter

・If you do not have a My Number card, present (A) + (B) below.

[If submitting by mail]

Copies of both the front and back of your My Number card or the following (A) + (B)

(A) Documents that can confirm my number

・Copy of residence card showing individual number

・Notification card (limited to cases where name, address, etc. match what is written on the resident record)

(B) Identification documents

·driver’s license


・Residence card, etc.

At the time of special adoption Case pending certificate + copy of resident card
When a child in need of protection is entrusted to an adopted foster parent Notice of action decision

A case pending certificate is a document issued by the family court, and a notice of action decision is a document issued by an automatic counseling center.
All attached documents will take time to reach you. Documents issued by government offices are valid if issued within 90 days, so we encourage you to obtain them early.

When an employer carries out the procedures, it will be smoother if the employer not only provides an overview but also explains the required documents and attached documents to the employees.

5. Two points to note regarding the deeming of the previous standard monthly remuneration during the parenting period

Has a caution mark

There are two points to keep in mind when considering the previous standard monthly remuneration during the childcare period:

  1. If you have multiple workplaces, submit a tax return for each workplace.
  2. When the parenting period ends, submit a “Notification of Termination”

Employers should thoroughly understand each and explain them appropriately to their employees.

5-1. If you have multiple workplaces, submit a tax return for each workplace.

If you worked at multiple workplaces during the period this measure applies, you will need to submit an application form for each insured period at each workplace.

Even if you fail to apply, you can apply retroactively for two years. If you notice that an application has been omitted, suggest that the employee complete the procedure as soon as possible.

5-2. When the parenting period ends, submit a “termination notification”

If the parenting period ends for certain reasons, you will need to submit a “Notification of Special Termination of Standard Monthly Remuneration for the Parenting Period”. Please check the following for the necessary procedures.

Is there any procedure to be followed when the parenting period ends?
Cases that require submission ・When parental authority is lost due to divorce etc.

・When you put your child up for adoption

・When a child dies

Cases where submission is not required ・When the child turns 3 years old

・When you are no longer insured due to retirement

・When receiving special measures for a child other than the child who has declared the declaration.

・When the person making the declaration begins maternity leave before and after giving birth.

・When the person making the declaration starts childcare leave


Even in the case of terminating this measure, the employer who receives the request from the insured person basically submits the request to the pension office.

6. Appropriately inform employees about the previous standard monthly remuneration measures.

woman onboarding

The deeming of the previous standard monthly remuneration during the child-rearing period is a system that has benefits for those raising children.

In Japan, women are more likely to take childcare leave, so there are fewer requests from men. Informing employees who have given birth to a child about this measure, regardless of whether they are male or female, will help prevent failure to report.

When reporting this measure, it is necessary to attach documents issued by the government office. Please have your employer or labor affairs representative explain not only the outline of the system but also the required documents and request them to obtain them as soon as possible.

Let’s support employees in balancing work and child-rearing by providing appropriate guidance regarding the previous standard monthly remuneration during the child-rearing period .

What are the measures to prevent employee turnover? Detailed explanation of causes and success stories


In order to prevent employees from quitting their jobs, it is necessary to improve work-life balance and ask employees about their reasons for quitting.

There are many people who are worried about “I want to know the reasons why employees leave their jobs” or “I want to know how to prevent employees from leaving their jobs.”

In this article, we will explain the causes of employee turnover, measures to prevent turnover, and success stories. By reading to the end, you will be able to understand the reasons why employees leave their jobs and specific measures to prevent them from leaving their jobs.

Table of contents hidden ]

  • 1. What is turnover prevention?
  • 2. Five necessities to prevent job turnover
  • 3. 5 reasons why employees leave their jobs
  • 4. Seven specific measures to prevent job turnover
  • 5. 3 success stories for preventing job turnover
  • 6. Improve internal conditions and prevent employee turnover

1. What is turnover prevention?

woman calling for attention

Turnover prevention means preventing employees from leaving their jobs .

Efforts to prevent employee turnover are sometimes called “retention management.” “Retention” means “maintenance/retainment.”

The reasons for turnover vary depending on the employee, so in order to prevent turnover, it is necessary to understand the cause as early as possible and take measures.

2. Five necessities to prevent job turnover

talking in the conference room

There are four reasons why employees need to work to prevent employee turnover:

  1. Difficult to secure young human resources
  2. Increased burden on existing employees
  3. The costs associated with hiring and training human resources are large.
  4. affect the company’s image

2-1. Difficult to secure young human resources

Currently, Japanese companies are having difficulty securing young human resources. The following are probably the reasons why it is becoming difficult to secure young human resources.

  • Declining birthrate and aging population
  • Activation of job change market
  • Outflow of human resources from rural areas to urban areas

As the working-age population is decreasing due to the declining birthrate and aging population, the labor shortage is expected to become more serious in the future.

In addition, seniority and lifetime employment have collapsed, and changing jobs has become the norm. There is still an outflow of human resources from rural areas to urban areas, and small and medium-sized enterprises in rural areas continue to have difficulty securing human resources.

In order to avoid having to struggle to secure human resources, it is necessary to prevent turnover.

2-2. Increased burden on existing employees

When an employee leaves the company, the burden on existing employees increases. A temporary increase in work load is unavoidable as employees will be taking over the duties of departed employees in addition to the duties they are already responsible for.

In addition, burdens on existing employees arise in various ways, such as:

  • Leads to turnover of existing employees
  • cause a decrease in motivation
  • Loss of know-how and skills due to job separation

If an employee leaves the company and the workload of the existing employee increases, there is a high possibility that the existing employee will leave the company. When a talented employee leaves the company, it causes a decrease in the motivation of the employees around them.

Additionally, when a mid-level employee leaves the company, the know-how and skills that they have cultivated over a long period of time are lost, resulting in a significant loss for the company .

In order to avoid increasing the burden on existing employees, it is necessary to prevent them from leaving their jobs.

2-3. Costs related to recruiting and training human resources are large.

Recruiting human resources is costly, which places a large burden on companies. Specifically, the following costs will occur:

  • Job posting cost
  • Brochure creation fee for company information
  • Applicant’s transportation and accommodation expenses
  • Costs when requesting training to an external instructor
  • Venue costs when conducting training

The costs of transportation and accommodation will increase as more people are hired . If employee turnover is not prevented, the costs will only increase.

2-4. Affects company image

A high turnover rate due to frequent employee turnover will affect the company’s image. A high turnover rate is associated with a poor working environment , making it difficult to attract job seekers.

Once your image is down, it will take time to recover. In order to avoid damaging the company’s image, it is necessary to prevent employee turnover.

3. 5 reasons why employees leave their jobs

Think about why the problem occurs

There are five reasons why employees leave their jobs:

  1. Job content doesn’t match
  2. Not an environment where you can grow
  3. low salary
  4. poor work-life balance
  5. bad interpersonal relationships at work

3-1. Job content does not match

If the job content is not suitable, it will lead to stress and loss of motivation, which may lead to employees leaving the job. There are several reasons why employees feel a mismatch:

  • I don’t feel motivated
  • There are many difficult jobs
  • does not match the required ability
  • The company culture doesn’t suit me-

It’s easy to feel a mismatch if you don’t get a sense of fulfillment or accomplishment from your work, or if there are many tasks you’re not good at.

If the skills the company wants and the skills you have don’t match, you’ll make repeated mistakes and feel more tired, leading to you leaving your job.

Also, if the company culture doesn’t suit you, it’s easy to feel a mismatch in your compatibility with your boss and the way you approach your work .

3-2. Not an environment where you can grow

If the company does not provide an environment in which employees can grow, it may cause them to leave the company. This is because if you don’t feel like you’re improving your skills, you’ll feel anxious about your future career , and you’ll think about changing jobs to a company where you can grow.

The characteristics of an environment that does not allow for growth include:

  • no discretion
  • Lots of simple work
  • afraid of change

Even if employees are motivated, if the company does not give them discretionary authority and only assigns them simple tasks, it is not an environment in which they can grow.

Additionally, if a company sticks to existing rules, employees will lose their desire to take on challenges, and will likely decide that they cannot grow and leave the company.

3-3. Low salary

Low pay causes a decrease in motivation for work, leading to employees leaving their jobs.

Low pay due to the following reasons may also lead to employees leaving their jobs:

  • Not commensurate with workload and responsibility
  • Don’t give raises based on performance

Dissatisfaction can easily arise if the pay does not match the workload and responsibility. Additionally, if pay increases are not based on employee performance, such as seniority, this can lead to talented young employees leaving the company .

3-4. Poor work-life balance

Poor work-life balance and lack of time for personal life can lead to employees leaving their jobs.

If you work long hours and have to work a lot of overtime , there will be no balance between your work and private life, and you will easily get tired, making it difficult to work efficiently .

Reasons for poor work-life balance include:

  • Personal wishes are not met
  • There is no flexibility in working style
  • Difficult to gain management’s understanding

If personal wishes, such as vacation time, are not met, people end up prioritizing work and not having time for their private lives.

The inability to change work styles flexibly, such as flextime or remote work, can also lead to inability to find time for things other than work.

Furthermore, even if employees actively work to improve their work-life balance, it will be difficult to improve unless management changes their mindset.

3-5. Poor interpersonal relationships at work

Poor interpersonal relationships at work, including compatibility with superiors, can lead to employees leaving their jobs. There are several reasons why interpersonal relationships at work deteriorate:

  • boss doesn’t accept opinions
  • A communication error has occurred
  • Unable to share information

If superiors do not accept the opinions of their subordinates or if communication is frequently disrupted, interpersonal relationships deteriorate.

Additionally, if employees are not able to share information on a daily basis, teamwork will be poor and a feeling of alienation will occur.

4. Seven specific measures to prevent job turnover

An exclamation mark is floating

There are seven specific measures to prevent employee turnover:

  1. give discretion
  2. Responding to diverse work styles
  3. Share company goals and vision
  4. Ask about the reason for resignation in a situation where you can speak your true feelings.
  5. Improve work-life balance
  6. Create opportunities for interviews and communication
  7. Improving the management skills of managers

4-1. Give discretionary authority

To prevent turnover, it is necessary to give employees discretion. Giving employees discretion will help them feel more motivated and improve their skills, giving them a sense of fulfillment in their work.

Specifically, discretionary powers include the following:

  • Entrusted with responsible work from a young age
  • ideas are put to use
  • opinions reflected

When considering measures to prevent employees from leaving the company, check whether the company has discretionary authority.

4-2. Respond to diverse work styles

In order to prevent employee turnover, it is necessary to accommodate diverse work styles. If work hours and work locations are limited, life events such as marriage or child rearing may make it difficult to work.

Examples of diverse working styles include:

  • Flextime system
  • remote work
  • Staggered work hours
  • short working hours
  • side job

Supporting a wide range of work styles makes it easier for employees to work, thereby preventing them from leaving their jobs.

4-3. Share company goals and vision

To prevent turnover, share your company’s goals and vision with your employees. Without a clear path to achieving the company’s goals and vision, employees will feel uncertain about the company’s future prospects.

Sharing your vision will be easier if you follow the steps below.

  • Understand your company’s current role and external environment
  • Predicting issues that may arise in the future 5 or 10 years from now
  • Predict your future role
  • Clarify the vision while incorporating employee opinions
  • Share and disseminate within the company

In order for the vision to permeate the company, it is necessary to gain understanding from employees, so incorporating opinions from people other than management will make things go smoothly.

4-4. Ask about the reason for resignation in a situation where you can tell the truth

To prevent employees from quitting their jobs, ask them about the reason for their resignation in a situation where they can talk about their true feelings. Interviewing employees who are retiring can lead to the discovery and resolution of issues.

The contents of the hearing are as follows.

  • Reason for wanting to retire
  • Company problems
  • What’s good about the company
  • Is there support from your supervisor?

Since interviews need to bring out the true feelings of employees, we recommend that you assign a senior employee or someone you can talk to to conduct the interviews.

4-5. Improve work-life balance

Having a good work-life balance will make your work more rewarding and enjoyable, which will prevent you from leaving your job and improve your productivity.

Here are some ways to improve your work-life balance:

  • Identifying the causes of poor work-life balance
  • Review existing operations and utilize new flows and tools
  • Gain management understanding

In recent years, there are many IT tools that can be expected to improve work efficiency, so if you have not yet implemented them, please take advantage of them.

4-6. Create opportunities for interviews and communication

In order to prevent employee turnover, it is necessary to provide opportunities for interviews and communication. By holding regular interviews and increasing opportunities for communication between employees, you will be able to prevent your employees from burdening themselves with their worries.

Specifically, we recommend the following method.

  • Have regular meetings to share concerns and issues
  • Introduce a mentor system
  • Increase opportunities to interact with peers such as training
  • Change to free address

In order to prevent early turnover, we must take time to follow up with young employees in particular and actively communicate with them.

4-7. Improving the management skills of managers

To prevent employee turnover, it is necessary to improve the management skills of managers.

If the management skills of managers improve, a good work environment will be created and human resources who can grow on their own will be developed. This will also improve the motivation of your subordinates.

In order to improve the management skills of managers, the following is necessary:

  • Improving problem-solving skills
  • Improving decision-making power
  • Improving communication skills

Efforts to improve the management skills of managers through regular guidance and training by management will help prevent turnover.

5. 3 success stories for preventing job turnover

A woman working with a smile

Below are three examples of success in preventing employee turnover.

  • Sharing opinions with employees
  • Strengthening the follow-up system for new employees
  • Improving productivity and working environment

5-1. Sharing opinions with employees

The success story of Company A, which operates a personal training studio, is as follows.

assignment There are few opportunities for conversations between representatives and employees, making it difficult to discover issues.
What was done Introduced turnover prevention tools
effect By sharing opinions with employees using questionnaires, we are now able to understand their concerns.

5-2. Strengthening the follow-up system for new employees

The success story of Company B, which operates a restaurant business, is as follows.

assignment ・Unable to secure human resources

・Many young employees leave the company

・Insufficient training and follow-up system

What was done ・Clarified human resources requirements for executives who follow store managers

・Revised personnel allocation

– Conducted individual interviews and training for new employees

effect Issues that reduced the turnover rate of new employees

5-3. Improving productivity and working environment

The following is a successful example of Company C, which operates a lodging business.

assignment ・There is a shortage of human resources

・Some people leave their jobs to raise children or care for family members.

What was done ・Aimed to visualize operations and improve productivity

・Increased public holidays

– Conducted training for new employees

effect ・Number of customer interactions per person increased

・Issues where the working environment has been improved

6. Improve internal conditions and prevent employee turnover

Two people checking documents

Employee turnover can occur for a variety of reasons. Since it is becoming difficult to secure young human resources, we must start taking measures to prevent them from leaving their jobs as soon as possible.

After understanding the reasons for employees leaving their jobs by interviewing them about their reasons for leaving their jobs, let’s take concrete actions to prevent them from leaving their jobs.

What is human resource retention? Explaining the benefits and measures to improve retention rate


Human resource retention is a state in which employees continue to work stably over a long period of time without leaving the company. If the human resource retention rate improves, you can achieve effects such as “improved productivity and efficiency” and “easier increase in the number of talented human resources.”

However, many people may be worried, saying, “I know it’s better to retain human resources, but I don’t know exactly what to do.”

In this article, we will explain the current situation, benefits, and specific measures for retaining human resources for those who are facing issues with retaining human resources .

Table of contents hidden ]

  • 1. What is human resource retention?
  • 2. Current status of human resource retention in Japan
  • 3. Three benefits to increase human resource retention rate
  • 4. Reasons why human resources are not retained
  • 5. Five measures to retain human resources
  • 6. Retain human resources and increase productivity

1. What is human resource retention?

Applying people's pieces

Human resource retention is a state in which employees continue to work stably over a long period of time without leaving the company . By retaining human resources, companies hope to prevent the loss of talented personnel and ensure that they remain active over the long term.

“Retention,” which is attracting attention in the human resources field, means “retention, maintenance, and retention,” and is a word that refers to efforts to retain human resources.

In recent years, resistance to changing jobs has decreased due to the diversification of work styles and the fact that it has become easier to start a business than before. Many companies recognize that retaining human resources is an important issue, as a loss of talented human resources leads to a decline in productivity and an increase in recruitment costs.

There are many job seekers who consider the staff retention rate as a deciding factor when choosing a company. A low staff retention rate can lead to a situation where new staff are not brought in.

In order to stop the outflow of talented human resources and continue to grow companies, efforts to retain human resources are essential regardless of company size or industry.

2. Current status of human resource retention in Japan

Checking graph data

We will explain the current state of human resource retention in Japan from the following perspectives.

  • Human resource retention rate in Japan
  • Human resources retention rate by industry

I will explain each in detail.

2-1. Human resource retention rate in Japan

According to the “Summary of the 2020 Employment Trend Survey” released by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the turnover rate for companies as a whole in 2020 was 15.0%. On the other hand, the retention rate is 85.0%.

The following table shows the results of a survey conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 2021 on the reasons why new employees quit their previous jobs.


Reason for leaving my previous job male(%) woman(%)
I wasn’t interested in the content of the job. 5.0 3.8
I was unable to make use of my abilities, personality, and qualifications. 4.3 4.8
Human relations at work were not good. 8.1 9.6
I was worried about the future of the company. 6.3 4.5
I had little income such as salary. 7.7 7.1
Working conditions such as working hours and holidays were poor. 8.0 10.1
marriage 0.5 2.2
Childbirth/Childcare 0.1 2.1
Nursing care/Nursing 0.7 1.5
Other personal reasons 19.1 24.6
Retirement age/expiration of contract period 16.5 12.3
Company circumstances 7.3 7.8
Other reasons (including secondment, etc.) 15.0 8.0

Approximately 40% of all employees leave their jobs due to dissatisfaction with the company’s work content, evaluation, or working environment.

2-2. Human resources retention rate by industry

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the retention rates by industry for FY2020 are as follows.

industry Retention rate (%)
Mining, quarrying, gravel extraction 93.7
Construction industry 89.5
manufacturing industry 89.8
Electricity, gas, heat supply, water industry 89.3
Information and communication industry 88.1
Transportation/postal industry 87.7
Wholesale/Retail 85.4
Financial industry/Insurance industry 91.7
Real estate business/goods rental business 86.2
Academic research/professional/technical services industry 90.0
Accommodation/Food service industry 73.2
Life-related service industry/entertainment industry 81.3
Education/learning support industry 84.8
Medical/welfare 84.7
Complex service business 89.0
Service industry (not classified elsewhere) 80.6

In FY2020, while the retention rate is high in the financial industry and mining/quarrying industry, the retention rate in the service industry is low .

In particular, the “accommodation/food service industry” is the only industry with a retention rate of over 70%, and it can be said that it is an industry where efforts to retain human resources are important.

3. Three benefits to increase human resource retention rate

touching the block

There are three benefits to increasing staff retention rates:

  1. Reduce recruitment and training costs
  2. Improve productivity and efficiency
  3. It becomes easier to increase the number of talented human resources

I will explain in detail.

3-1. Recruitment and training costs can be reduced

By increasing the retention rate of human resources, it is possible to reduce costs related to recruitment and training.

If human resources are left behind, new employees will have to be hired and trained, which will require a lot of cost and time to complete the training.

On the other hand, if we can prevent the outflow of human resources, it will lead to a decrease in recruitment opportunities, and as a result, we will be able to reduce recruitment and training costs .

3-2.Improve productivity and efficiency

The second advantage is that increasing the retention rate of human resources also leads to improvements in productivity and efficiency.

Even within the same person, new employees and veterans have different work skills. Therefore, companies with many employees who continue working for a long time are more likely to improve productivity .

In addition, teamwork among employees who have worked together for a long period of time improves, so you can expect to improve work efficiency even without special measures.

On the other hand, in companies with a high turnover of personnel, there are many cases where employees are unable to carry out their original duties due to the large number of handovers. As a result, it becomes difficult to work on the original work, leading to a decline in productivity.

3-3. It becomes easier to increase the number of talented human resources

The third benefit is that it will be easier to increase the number of talented human resources.

A high staff retention rate gives the impression that the company is a rewarding company and a company that is easy to work in, which is a strong appeal to job seekers.

If you promote your work with specific data on your company’s website or employment site, you will increase the chances that talented people will apply .

In addition, there are cases in which employees who feel that their company’s environment is good will introduce people from outside the company.

4. Reasons why human resources are not retained

I am retiring and moving my belongings.

Reasons why companies do not retain human resources include:

Reasons for not taking root
There is a discrepancy in the work content There is a disconnect between the work that companies want and the work that employees want to do.
working environment is not good The environment is difficult for employees to work in, such as “long working hours” and “difficult to take paid/childcare leave.”
interpersonal relationships are not good There are many problems between employees. There is no one or place to go to when a problem occurs
Evaluation is not appropriate I have received an unfair evaluation for the work I have done. I don’t understand the evaluation criteria
I don’t feel like there’s a future I feel anxious because I can’t see what I can gain by staying at this company for a long time.

Companies that are struggling with low staff retention rates are likely to be giving their employees the same feeling as above.

No matter how many measures are taken to increase human resource retention, unless the root cause is eliminated, the retention rate will not improve.

Therefore, before implementing measures to retain human resources, it is important to reflect on the current situation and clarify what kind of existence the company represents for its employees.

5. Five measures to retain human resources

Moving blocks representing employees

Here are five measures to help retain human resources.

  1. Prevention of mismatch
  2. Improving the working environment
  3. Introduction of a flexible working system
  4. Introduction of a system that allows for appropriate evaluation
  5. Implementation of training and skill development

If you are facing challenges in retaining human resources, please refer to this guide.

5-1. Prevention of mismatch

The first is to prevent mismatches.

If the company and the job seeker are hired without a mismatch in their perceptions, the difference between the image and the reality will reduce motivation , making it more likely that the employee will leave the job.

As an example, you may want to take the following measures:

  • Disseminate internal information and work details to the outside world
  • Create an environment where you can speak honestly during the interview

Specifically, we will communicate information through our official website and social media, and conduct interviews with as few people as possible.

5-2.Improving the working environment

The second is to improve the working environment.

Many people leave their jobs due to poor working conditions , such as long working hours, frequent holidays , and difficulty in taking paid or childcare leave.

If you have an environment like the one above, you need to understand your company’s situation and make improvements. Specifically, the following are effective.

  • Introduction of a complete five-day weekend system
  • Establishment of a consultation desk

However, there is no point in introducing a system just for the sake of it. There is always a cause for a bad working environment, and even if you introduce a system without solving it, there is a high possibility that it will fade away in the near future.

When working on improvements, it is a good idea to understand the root cause and improve the problem, and introduce systems as necessary.

5-3. Introduction of a flexible working system

The third is the introduction of a system that allows for flexible working.

In recent years, more and more people are placing importance on balancing work and life, or so-called “work-life balance.”

Therefore, introducing telework and flextime to accommodate diverse lifestyles will lead to improved human resource retention rates.

It is also important to create an atmosphere in which supervisors actively encourage employees so that they can use the systems provided without hesitation.

5-4.Introduction of a system that allows for appropriate evaluation

The fourth measure is to introduce a system that allows for appropriate evaluation.

If employees feel that their accomplishments are not being properly evaluated, they will lose motivation to work, and in some cases, this may lead to them leaving the company.

In order to prevent the loss of human resources due to evaluation methods, it is effective to introduce a system that allows for appropriate evaluation. For example, there is the following evaluation system.

360 degree evaluation Receive evaluation from employees other than superiors
incentive system Give special rewards for performance

Additionally, cases where evaluation criteria are not well understood can easily lead to employee dissatisfaction. Therefore, it is important not only to introduce a system but also to clarify and disseminate evaluation criteria.

5-5.Implementation of training and skill development

Creating opportunities for in-house training and skill development is also effective in improving staff retention.

Young employees in particular tend to have a strong desire to improve their skills. Having plenty of opportunities to grow will increase your motivation .

Additionally, if there is more training and skill development, there will be a better follow-up system, which can be expected to have the effect of preventing early resignation.

6. Retain human resources and increase productivity

holding a meeting

Human resource retention refers to measures to prevent the outflow of human resources and create an environment where talented human resources can continue working for a long period of time.

This is an important issue in today’s world of high mobility of human resources, and many companies are working to improve retention rates.

There is always a reason for low retention rates. If you review your company’s situation, clarify the issues, and take the necessary measures, your retention rate will improve.

Use this article as a reference to retain many talented people and grow your company significantly.

[April 2024] What is the content of the revised rules for clarifying working conditions? Explanation of company responses and precautions


In April 2024, the “clarification of working conditions” will be revised. Clarification of working conditions is required by the Labor Standards Act, and it is important to understand them accurately as violations may result in penalties.

Companies will be required to respond appropriately to revisions to explicit labor conditions. However, there are probably many people who are worried that they don’t know what the revision will change or what they should do.

In this article, we will introduce specific details regarding the revision of labor conditions specification. Please use this as a reference as we will explain the measures that companies should take and precautions to take.

1. What is the April 2024 amendment to rules clarifying working conditions?

explain the law


Labor conditions will be revised on April 1, 2024 (Reiwa 6). The purpose of clarifying working conditions is to prevent labor-management troubles and protect workers after an employment contract is concluded.

According to Article 15, Paragraph 1 of the Labor Standards Act, “Clarification of working conditions,” companies are required to clearly state the working conditions when hiring employees. When hiring, a “Notice of Working Conditions” must be issued.

If the stated working conditions differ from the facts, the worker will be asked to cancel the labor contract. Items can be categorized into items that require written documentation and items that require verbal documentation.

Clarifications that require delivery of documents Matters that may be specified orally
Term of labor contract

Work location/work content

Start/end time

Whether there is work that exceeds the prescribed working hours

Break time


Matters regarding changes in work hours during shift work

Wage determination, calculation and payment methods

Matters regarding wage deadlines and payment timings

Matters related to retirement, including reasons for dismissal

Matters regarding salary increases

Matters regarding the scope of application of retirement allowance

Matters regarding payment method and timing of retirement allowance

Matters regarding temporary wages and bonuses

Matters related to worker burden

Matters related to health and safety

Matters related to vocational training

Matters regarding accident compensation and work-related injuries and illness assistance

Matters regarding sanctions and awards

Matters regarding leave of absence

Four new items will be added as a result of the amendment to the labor conditions specification. Companies will be required to accurately understand the new clarification items and respond appropriately.

2. Four items added and revised content under the rules clarifying working conditions

Check the list with markers

The following items will be added in the revision of the labor conditions specification.

  1. Clarify the scope of changes in work location and duties
  2. Clarification of update limit
  3. Clarification of application opportunities for indefinite conversion
  4. Clarification of working conditions after indefinite conversion

We have summarized the target audience, specific content, and when to clarify.

2-1.Clarify the scope of changes in work location and duties

All workers will be required to clearly state the scope of changes to their workplace and duties. It will be easier to understand if you consider that the scope will be added to the “place of work” and “contents of work” that were required before the revision.

It is required to indicate this at the time of concluding a labor contract or renewing a fixed-term employment contract. The scope of change refers to the scope of work locations and duties that are expected to change due to future reassignment.

On the other hand, in the case of full-time employees whose employment is assumed to be long-term, it may be difficult to clarify the scope of changes at the time of signing the labor contract. Care must be taken as there may be discrepancies between the facts and the facts after employment.

In cases where it is difficult to predict, please describe the scope of the change in work location and duties as broadly as possible. In addition, please clearly state the clauses regarding reassignment in the work regulations and the right to give orders based on personnel rights.

2-2. Clarification of update limit

After the revision of the clearly stated working conditions, it is necessary to “clarify the upper limit for renewal” for fixed-term contract workers. The renewal limit refers to the total contract period or the maximum number of renewals for a fixed-term contract.

When concluding and renewing a fixed-term labor contract, it is important to clearly state whether there is a renewal limit and the details. Furthermore, in the following cases, explanations to fixed-term contract workers are required.

  • When establishing a new renewal limit after the initial contract is concluded
  • When shortening the renewal limit set at the time of the initial contract conclusion

When establishing or shortening the renewal limit, it is important to carefully explain the detailed reasons in advance. Prepare in advance so that you can explain your reasons smoothly.

2-3.Clarification of the opportunity to apply for indefinite conversion

After the revision of the labor conditions specification, it is necessary to clearly state to fixed-term contract workers that it is possible to apply for conversion to an indefinite term contract. In accordance with the “Indefinite Conversion Rules,” this indicates the timing at which the “Indefinite Conversion Application Right” occurs.

Indefinite-term conversion rules are rules that allow fixed-term workers to convert their contracts into indefinite-term labor contracts (labor contracts with no fixed period) upon application. When a fixed-term labor contract is renewed for more than five years, the right to apply for indefinite-term conversion arises.

For example, if the contract period is one year, you can apply for one year after the fifth renewal, and if the contract period is three years, you can apply for three years after the first renewal. If you apply, an indefinite labor contract will be established.

2-4.Clarification of working conditions after indefinite conversion

The amendment to the specification of working conditions will require the “working conditions after indefinite conversion” to be clearly specified. Just as clearly indicating the opportunity to apply for indefinite conversion, it is important to indicate the timing when the right to apply for indefinite conversion occurs.

We decide on working conditions after considering the balance with regular employees, and provide explanations to fixed-term contract workers. When determining working conditions, take into account the principle of “equal pay for equal work,” which prohibits unreasonable differences in treatment between regular and non-regular workers.

3. Three actions companies should take when revising rules to clarify working conditions


We have summarized three measures that companies should take before the revision of the labor conditions specification.

  1. Review of working conditions notice
  2. Reconfirmation of renewal limit for fixed-term contract workers
  3. Understanding fixed-term contract workers to whom the indefinite conversion rule applies

Check out what you need to do and be prepared.

3-1.Review of working conditions notice

In order to respond to amendments to clearly stated working conditions, it is necessary to review the working conditions notice. You will need to create a new one with four additional items in mind.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has released an image of the revised working conditions notice, so please refer to it. For clauses that are difficult to include in the notice of working conditions, consider stating them clearly in the employment regulations.

3-2.Reconfirmation of renewal limit for fixed-term contract workers

In order to respond to the explicit renewal limit, we will confirm the number of contract renewals and total period for fixed-term contract workers. It is important to check the current working conditions.

When concluding and renewing a fixed-term labor contract, be prepared to clearly state whether there is a renewal limit and the details. When establishing or shortening the update limit, it is important to summarize the detailed reasons for explanation.

3-3.Understanding fixed-term contract workers to whom the indefinite conversion rule applies

We will list fixed-term contract workers to whom the indefinite conversion rule applies. Please clarify the timing of each indefinite conversion application right.

At the same time, it is important to organize the work within the company and consider the working conditions after the indefinite-term conversion. The working conditions after indefinite-term conversion must be clearly stated in writing, so be prepared.

4. Two points to note regarding amending rules for clarifying working conditions

caution mark on white wall

There are two points to keep in mind in order to respond to the revised rules clarifying working conditions:

  1. Companies cannot refuse applications for indefinite conversion.
  2. You will not become a full-time employee even after converting to an indefinite period.

Please check in advance to avoid trouble with your workers.

4-1.Companies cannot refuse applications for indefinite conversion.

If a fixed-term contract worker is offered a permanent contract, the company cannot refuse. An indefinite labor contract will be established once the application is submitted.

Termination of employment (refusal to renew the employment period) after an application has been made is prohibited. It is also undesirable to terminate employment before the right to apply for indefinite conversion occurs in order to avoid the indefinite conversion rule.

Furthermore, the amendment to the Employment Termination Notice will no longer allow companies to unilaterally establish or shorten the renewal limit. It will be necessary to give an explanation in advance, and you will be asked to respond carefully.

Legally speaking, it is valid to make an application verbally, but there is a risk that a dispute will arise later as to whether the application was made or not. When you receive an application, it is recommended that you provide a written document to the worker.

4-2. You will not become a full-time employee even after converting to an indefinite period.

Even if an indefinite-term labor contract is established, a fixed-term contract worker does not become a permanent employee. This simply changes the fixed-term labor contract to an indefinite-term labor contract, allowing you to work without a fixed contract period until retirement.

Therefore, there is no need to apply the same working conditions as regular employees. There is no problem if you simply change the employment period to indefinite term while maintaining the same working conditions as before the conversion to indefinite term.

Since there is no upper limit to the working period for indefinite-term convertible employees, the retirement age is determined by the employment regulations. It is also recommended to set a second retirement age in case an employee becomes an indefinite-term convertible employee beyond the retirement age.

5. Understand the details of the explicit amendments to working conditions

HR woman

The April 2024 amendment to the Labor Conditions Explanation will add four clarifications. In case of violation, a fine of up to 300,000 yen may be imposed, so companies will be required to take appropriate measures.

In order to avoid trouble with workers, it is important to understand three actions that companies should take and two points to be careful of. Please be prepared to strictly comply with the revised working conditions.

Okta Suffered a Security Breach: Important Customer Information Affected

Identity and session management provider Okta experienced a security breach affecting 134 of its customers. In this breach, which took place between September 28 and October 17, 2023, session hijacking attacks became possible thanks to unauthorized access through HAR files.

This breach resulted in the misuse of legitimate logins of five Okta customers, including well-known companies like 1Password, BeyondTrust, and Cloudflare. 1Password reported the anomaly shortly after the breach window opened. Okta’s Chief Security Officer David Bradbury acknowledged the breach on October 20, explaining that the stolen credentials provided access to Okta’s support management system.

Further investigation of this breach revealed that a service account belonging to Okta’s customer support system had been misused. This account, which had the authority to modify customer support cases, was linked to an employee’s personal Google account. This link suggests that the employee’s personal account is the likely source of the breach.

In response to the incidents, Okta invalidated the affected session tokens and closed the compromised service account. The company also blocked personal Google profile use in corporate versions of Chrome to restrict employees’ access to personal accounts on Okta-managed devices.


To make its platform more secure against similar threats, Okta introduced a session token binding feature that prompts administrators to re-authenticate when a network change is detected. This feature is available to customers through the Okta admin portal. This incident followed an unrelated breach by Okta’s healthcare provider that exposed sensitive information of thousands of Okta employees. This combination of security issues has led Okta to strengthen its defense mechanisms and take stringent measures to protect against sophisticated cyber threats.



Meta Takes Steps to Protect Elections from Misleading Information


To protect the upcoming elections from the impact of misleading information , Meta has banned the use of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) advertising tools for political campaigns and organizations related to regulated industries. This preventative measure aims to limit digital media’s dissemination of misleading content while combating a widespread problem that has affected previous election cycles.

As digital platforms become arenas for information warfare, Meta’s strategy emphasizes a cautious approach across the industry. The company’s decision is in line with other companies such as TikTok and Snap, which have steered clear of political ads. In contrast, Google prefers to use a more fine-grained “keyword blacklist” to prevent its AI tools from inadvertently entering the political arena.

The restriction on AI tools is not limited to paid content, but also includes all organic posts, with the exception of joke content, which is currently being evaluated by Meta’s Oversight Board. Meta promised the White House to implement stringent technical and policy safeguards in AI system development. The agenda includes intensifying red teaming efforts, encouraging industry and government collaboration on security protocols, and exploring the use of digital watermarks to verify authentic content.

As the AI ​​space expands, Meta is in the race to launch rapidly evolving AI advertising products. This enthusiasm was triggered by the birth of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which set a new benchmark for human-like interactive AI. However, the industry had remained secretive about the details of the security measures to be implemented, so Meta’s latest policy decision was a notable announcement.


Meta’s senior executives acknowledged the need to adapt to the evolving capabilities of generative AI regarding political advertising. As elections loom on the horizon, emphasis is placed on the cross-platform dynamics of election-related content and a clear call for vigilance is made.


Reality is very important in content produced by AI. Meta’s commitment to watermarking AI-generated content emerges as a critical step in distinguishing what is real and what is artificial. The watermark initiative is a demonstration of Meta’s commitment to transparency in the tangled waters of digital content.

Cleaning in Big Data: what does a digital waste recycler do?


Cleaning files and searching for duplicates – this is what the digital waste recycler does. The volume of data is growing every year, as is the need for such specialists.

We tell you what skills recyclers need and how to get them

Who is a digital waste recycler?

A digital waste recycler in the field of Big Data  is a specialist who sorts, organizes and destroys unnecessary data both on physical media and on cloud servers.

Every year the volume of unnecessary information grows due to the development of Big Data. In 2023, the world will generate 120 zettabytes of data, or 328.77 million terabytes per day, and by 2025 this volume will be more than 180 zettabytes. Big Data can overwhelm systems, so there is a growing need for professionals who can clear media of excess information, copies and broken data to avoid overflowing.

What does a digital waste recycler do?

A specialist in this profession will analyze data on the network using Big Data tools and develop special algorithms that automatically remove unnecessary information. Individual specialists will also work on new ways to compress files to reduce their weight.

The recycler can work not only with company systems, but also with the data that any Internet user produces when he visits websites, sends letters, or performs other actions online. Such a specialist is able to identify duplicate information, spam mailings, old correspondence and broken or malicious files that are located on the network and transferred from one server to another.

Basic skills of a digital waste recycler

Since the work of a digital waste recycler is essentially related to the professions of a data engineer and partly  a data analyst , such an employee will need knowledge:

  • data structures and mathematical algorithms. This will allow you to understand exactly how data is stored in order to correctly retrieve and process it;
  • programming languages. Algorithms for data processing are written in Python, and tools for data processing are written in Java and Scala;
  • SQL (Structured Query Language, structured query language) and databases. Such
  • queries allow you to retrieve data from databases;
  • tools for working with big data ;
  • cloud technologies. Many companies work with data in the clouds;

basics of machine learning. AI skills will help in data modeling and statistical analysis, and the introduction of new tools will automate many processes.

Profession trends

According to ReportLinker analysts, the Big Data processing industry is expected to experience significant growth in the coming years due to the demand for analytical data in various sectors. The global data science market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 15.6% from 2023 to 2027. Its rise will be driven by several key factors, including the rapid development of artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as the growing volume of structured and unstructured data generated by enterprises.

The global data platform market is expected to grow from the current $189.5 billion to $1.1 trillion by 2030, at a CAGR of 25%. This is due to several trends.

The rise of big data. With the development of the Internet of Things, social networks and other data sources, companies need more specialists in processing and filtering information.

Focus on data-driven decision making. To analyze arrays of information, it must first be filtered and visualized.

The advent of advanced analytics. Machine learning and other advanced analytics require advanced support, including managing data storage and retrieval.

Demand for real-time data processing .

Since there are no vacancies for digital waste disposers on the Russian market yet, it is also premature to talk about salaries. However, you can roughly estimate them if you look at how much specialists in related fields receive. Salaries of data engineers on HeadHunter start from 200 thousand rubles. According to the Rabota.ru portal, the average salary of a data engineer is 230 thousand rubles.

Where did the profession come from?

The work of a recycler can be called adjacent to the work of a data engineer, who collects data, cleans it and structures it, as well as configures the loading and movement of data between tools. However, about 45% of the working time of such specialists is spent on loading (19%) and cleaning data (26%). With the growing volume of information, digital waste recyclers will begin to fulfill these responsibilities.

LinkedIn included data engineer in its 2020 New Jobs Report, which showed that the growth rate of hiring professionals for this role has increased by almost 35% since 2015. According to Zippia analysts, the number of data engineer vacancies will increase by 21% by 2028 compared to 2018.

How to become a digital waste recycler

Russian universities and online schools do not yet have training programs in this area. To prepare yourself for future work as a digital waste recycler, you can undergo training as a data engineer. This will give you an idea of ​​how to work with big data and machine learning technologies. Software engineers are trained by universities such as MSTU. Bauman, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, RTU MIREA and National Research University Higher School of Economics.

You can also take online training to become a data engineer. They are offered by Skillbox , Skill Factory , Yandex.Practicum , Netology and other educational platforms.

If you have experience working in IT, you can also take separate courses that will allow you to gain basic skills that are important for your specialty, for example, a free course on the basics of programming in Python or SQL from Codecademy. Courses on algorithms and tools for working with databases can be found on the Stepik resource. In addition, there are many collections of free resources, books and video tutorials on the profession.

Who are corporate anthropologists and how to get into this profession


To operate effectively, a business needs to think about its employees. Experts in corporate anthropology study the behavior of employees in order to build competent interactions between them.

We tell you how they do it

What is a Corporate Anthropologist?

A corporate anthropologist is a professional who studies company culture, informal relationships, and team behavior to learn business lessons from them. His conclusions are based not on formal arguments in favor of efficiency or dry analytics, but on the everyday state of affairs.

For example, managers may invite workers to a plant who regularly exceed targets in the hope that others will follow a good example. But, as practice shows , productivity will not increase. Other employees will ask newcomers to work like everyone else, so that management does not raise the established bar for receiving a bonus. Such informal connections are monitored by corporate anthropologists.

What does a corporate anthropologist do?

These specialists use different methods from anthropology, ethnography and sociology. One of the key tools in their arsenal is participant observation. This is a qualitative study that involves varying degrees of involvement, from simple observation to direct participation.

Participant observation techniques are used when they want to learn more about the lives of different groups of people. For example, a scientist might infiltrate a closed religious community or establish contact with an isolated tribe of natives to understand how things work from the inside. Corporate anthropologists perceive a company as an equally isolated community with its own informal laws.

Corporate anthropologists also conduct in-depth interviews and informal conversations with employees and management, studying office environment, nonverbal behavior, schedules, processes and activities, and employee attitudes towards them. From the information received, insights are extracted that help improve internal communications and establish interaction between individuals or departments of the company.

Skills Required by a Corporate Anthropologist

The profession will require basic knowledge of anthropology, which includes the social and cultural sections of this science. They are the ones who focus on researching different communities. However, additional skills will be useful for successful career growth:

  • multilingual and multicultural to communicate and understand different people;
  • critical and analytical thinking to correctly collect, evaluate and interpret information;
  • knowledge of corporate law, which will help you navigate the restrictions and responsibilities of different parties in the company;
  • communication and presentation skills to convey your ideas and give thoughtful feedback.

Trends and directions of the profession

As corporate culture experts, corporate anthropologists can be useful contributors to the creation of EVPs—employer value propositions. This is a set of benefits specific to a particular organization. They can greatly influence the decisions of job seekers when choosing a job.

A well-designed EVP can increase overall job applications by 39%, reduce job fill time by 24%, and increase the number of resumes received from high-potential candidates by 18%. Research by a corporate anthropologist will help identify and correctly convey the values ​​that a company can offer to employees.

Developing employer branding—the company’s image in the eyes of job seekers—is another important area in which corporate anthropologists can come in handy. According to workplace assessment company Great Place To Work, organizations that focus on their brand experience higher productivity, profitability and resilience during crises than their competitors.

Where and when will the profession come from?

Corporate anthropology comes to us from the classical science of different human societies. The first experiments on monitoring employees of specific industries as separate groups began in the 20s of the last century.

With the development of managerial approaches and the emergence of new business structures, companies increasingly began to need specialists in corporate anthropology. In 1996, the term “employer brand” was first coined , which marked the beginning of numerous studies in this area.

Today, corporate anthropologists are hired by giants like Intel and Nokia. Experts in this area publish books for top managers, where they compare corporate teams with tribes that have their own customs, foundations and rituals.

How to become a corporate anthropologist

Cultural and social anthropology in universities is studied in anthropology and ethnology programs , but basic knowledge for starting a profession is also obtained in other educational areas. Education in the field of psychology and sociology provides the necessary skills .

After training, you can find a job in this field in a specialized organization that is specifically engaged in anthropological research of corporations. Among them, for example, is the “ Academy of Social Technologies ”.

How and why to create a career development plan


A career plan can help you stay afloat even in turbulent times. We tell you what you need to create it

About the expert: Maxim Desyatykh, founder of the service for selecting mentors for designers Duo Sapiens and co-founder of the technology company red_mad_robot.

First of all, it is important to clarify that a development plan in a profession is fundamentally different from a “career wishlist.” No one forbids dreaming of a coveted position in a company on the Forbes list, but you definitely shouldn’t plan your own development around this goal.

A career plan should be based not on what positions and companies a person moves to, but on what professional skills, qualities and experience he accumulates – they cannot be taken away, no matter how the world around him changes and no matter what happens in it .

Companies often participate in creating a specialist’s career track. Many of them have set up algorithms for development in different positions, and there are mentor programs.

This is logical: employers are interested in their employees developing – but developing precisely in this company and in exactly the way that is accepted in this particular company. Therefore, the development and career of a specialist is an area of ​​his personal responsibility, which is unreasonable to shift to the current employer.

It is worth saying that a career plan is not a prerequisite for moving up the career ladder, but it definitely speeds up this process, making it more meaningful and orderly. So where to start?

Anchor points

Visualize your career track and skill set

In order to draw up a development plan, you need to understand what the career ladder looks like in your area of ​​expertise. It’s worth visualizing what a specialist’s path looks like: from junior level, through middle and senior – to manager. You can also consider neighboring “branches” in which it is potentially interesting to develop or interact with them: development, marketing, design, etc.

The next step is to understand how the grades differ from each other in your case. For example, in the field of design, junior, middle and senior specialists differ in their level of qualifications in the work they do, and, for example, a design lead no longer draws a design, but manages people – this is a completely different skill. Consequently, at this stage it will be necessary to pay special attention to management issues.

Also, before creating a plan, it is worth understanding the necessary skill set in the profession: a map of skills, knowledge, qualities and experience. Understand how the skill set changes from one level to another and what requirements are placed on a specialist at each of them.

Set realistic deadlines

For digital specialists, the “gold standard” of growth looks like this: a step higher once every nine months. Of course, there are cases when growth in a position can take longer or less time – for example, when a person initially underestimated or overestimated the current grade.

However, this cannot be said to be an average: many specialists do not take any steps in their career for years, do not learn new things, and do not develop skills. Largely because they do not understand their path: they have no career plan and no movement along this plan. At the same time, their salary may, albeit slightly, grow due to annual indexation.

One way or another, the deadlines should be realistic and individual. You shouldn’t strictly limit yourself to nine months: this is just a convenient period of time during which, with the right approach, qualitative changes in professional development can occur.

Find a mentor

Of course, everyone makes a career plan, first of all, for themselves, and other people’s advice can only confuse you. However, it is still worth showing the plan to someone senior in the profession in order to think together about its content and feasibility.

These could be work colleagues – senior specialists or a manager, if the company has adopted the practice of investing in the professional development of people. You can also turn to external consultants – for example, a mentor who will tell you how it works not in a specific company, but in the market in general.

It is advisable that this is not a coach who talks about careers in general, but a person who has traveled a similar path to you and understands how it works.

Whoever you decide to turn to, the value of such a mentor is that he will help you set the right priorities, suggest missed points that the specialist himself may not see simply due to “unconscious incompetence” – when a person does not yet know what he does not know .

So, let’s move on to the structure of a career plan.

Career plan: what’s inside


This block includes obtaining theoretical information that will help grow your expertise – reading specialized articles, watching videos on YouTube, taking courses, listening to podcasts, attending conferences, etc.

In fact, acquiring knowledge is a process that for a modern specialist never stops. But if a person sets career goals and wants to achieve them in the near future, then acquiring new knowledge should be systematic and regularly present in the work schedule.


Unlike acquiring knowledge, skills are their repeated practice. Obviously, knowing how something is done and being able to do it are two different things. A simple example: if you are about to have an operation, it is better to go to the operating table with a surgeon who knows how to perform operations, and not with someone who knows how to do them.

Obtaining a skill presupposes that a person has repeatedly performed some action and reinforced it with the help of feedback from a mentor – this could be a colleague, a manager, or a mentor. Skills include mastering special working tools, programs, programming languages, etc.


We are talking about well-known soft skills, which traditionally include negotiation skills, logical and critical thinking, emotional intelligence and much more. You need to understand what qualities are needed at this or that stage of your career.

For example, for a freelancer who works from home, it is not so important to immediately learn coordinated teamwork as the ability to negotiate with customers, but he can always return to this later – for example, if he goes to work in an office.

It is important to set realistic goals for yourself and develop qualities that can be trained. That is, do not set yourself the impossible goal of “becoming a charismatic leader,” but divide it into components: learn to communicate more environmentally, be more persuasive, and so on.


This point involves the intentional immersion of a specialist in situations and areas that are new to him. Gaining experience means facing a particular task, remembering mistakes, and drawing conclusions.

For example, a person may set a goal to work with fintech projects in order to have them in their portfolio, or use a new tool, such as A/B testing. Thus, gaining new experience does not occur chaotically, but purposefully: a person specifically begins to look for opportunities to try new things.


In your career plan, it is also important to reflect changes in salary that will occur as you grow, to maintain motivation. Here you can rely on your own feelings, average market figures, and communicate with colleagues.

Assessing changes: how to understand that you have grown?

If a system of career tracks and mentoring is introduced at the company level, then the deadlines for assessing the current grade are most likely determined there. But often companies, especially small startups, have no time for this. It is especially important here that a specialist takes responsibility for his career and does not wait until his growth is noticed.

You can come to your manager at the beginning of your career plan to check with him, and then return to this conversation after the same nine months to share results and achievements, talk about increasing your salary.

There is a good “360 degree” assessment method, when a specialist discusses his professional development not only with his supervisor, but also with his colleagues, friends, and subordinates. After evaluating them, a certain “arithmetic mean” is displayed and an understanding emerges of what still needs to be worked on.