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What will we eat: how nutrition will change by 2050

By 2050, 9.7 billion people will live on Earth. The population will concentrate in megacities, learn to live longer and, perhaps, gain digital immortality....

Top 10 major strategic IT trends for 2024 according to Gartner

Gartner analysts presented business trends that will be taken into account when making business and technology decisions over the next three years Experts from the...

Transport of the future: how and what we will use in 30 years

Almost all science fiction writers described the image of the car of the future. Kirill Zhanaidarov, head of the transport department of the Skolkovo...

When did asteroids appear and are they dangerous for us now?

In the past few years, people have often discussed the possibility of a collision between the Earth and a celestial body. Xu Techs understands...

Who are 3D printing designers in construction?

The construction industry will annually produce up to 2.2 billion tons of waste by 2025. 3D printers can solve the problem, making it possible...

Chinese Baidu has identified the 10 main technology trends of 2023

Baidu Research, the research arm of the Chinese tech giant, has published a study highlighting the top ten technology trends for 2023. Trends identified by...

Artificial intelligence in the creative industry: replacement of people or assistant

The possibilities of neural networks are now being actively discussed in the media space, and artists fear them as competitors for commercial orders. Let's...

Strategic technology: prospects and risks of generative AI

The Roscongress Foundation published a study on the development of generative neural networks. We talk about the opportunities, risks and future of AI that...

Why is WHO updating its ranking of the most dangerous pathogens?

WHO specialists are preparing a new list of microorganisms that potentially cause diseases, as well as a draft interstate agreement on a pandemic. Let's...

Don’t go to a fortune teller: what is the profession of a futurologist?

The answers were prepared by Kirill Ignatiev, coordinator of the project “Technical Progress and the Economy of the Future”, Chairman of the Board of...

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