YouTube Monetization: Everything You Need to Know in 2024


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Did you know that 52% of Internet users watch YouTube videos at least once a month ? That’s just huge!

YouTube is therefore the ideal platform to transform your passion into income!

And we’ll explain to you how to monetize your YouTube channel, particularly through advertising, partnerships, merchandising, etc.

YouTube Monetization Basics 

What is YouTube Monetization? 

When we talk about YouTube monetization, we enter into one of the most important topics for content creators.

But what does that really mean?

YouTube monetization is the process of making money from your videos on the platform. 

  • Do you have a YouTube channel?
  • Do you produce content regularly?

So you can potentially turn your views into income.

How does it work in practice? YouTube offers several options:

  • Advertising revenue
  • Channel Subscriptions
  • Super Cat
  • Merchandising
  • Memberships

The YouTube Partner Program ( YPP ) is the main gateway. It gives you access to these different revenue streams.

⚠️ However, not all creators are eligible. 

YouTube has specific criteria in place to ensure that only serious and committed creators can monetize their content.

Here are the basic conditions:

  • 1000 subscribers minimum
  • 4000 hours of viewing
  • YouTube Rules Compliance
  • Original and quality content

Once you meet these criteria, you can apply for YPP. YouTube will review your channel and decide if it meets their standards.

Monetization is also a responsibility.

👉 You will need to create advertiser-friendly content, respect copyright, and maintain a healthy community.

How to enable monetization on your channel?

Now, let’s get down to business. How do you enable monetization on your channel?

  1. Go to YouTube Studio
  2. Click on “Monetization”
  3. Check your eligibility
  4. Accept the terms of use
  5. Connect an AdSense account

Once you submit your application: be patient. The review can take up to a month. YouTube will carefully review your content.

In the meantime, keep creating! The more you produce, the more likely you are to be accepted.

❌ You’re rejected? Don’t give up. Analyze the feedback, improve your content, and try again in 30 days.

👉 Focus on creating value for your audience. Money will follow naturally.

And don’t neglect other sources of income:

  • merchandising,
  • fan funding,
  • partnerships…

If this question particularly interests you, find out how to make money on YouTube .

The different sources of income on YouTube

The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) 

To turn your YouTube passion into a real business, the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) is your best ally.

But what exactly is this famous YPP?

This is the key that gives you access to multiple sources of income on the platform. 

It’s a bit like a VIP club for content creators.

Once you are a member of the YPP, you can monetize your videos in several ways:

  • Advertising revenue
  • Super Chat during live broadcasts
  • Memberships to your channel
  • YouTube Premium Revenue

👉 Ad revenue is the big part. YouTube places ads on your videos and you get a percentage.

⚠️ But stay vigilant, not all content is equal when it comes to advertisers.

👉 Super Chat is a form of tipping. Your fans can pay to have their messages highlighted during your lives.

👉 Your channel memberships ? It’s like a subscription. Your fans pay for exclusive content. It’s up to you to be creative and provide them with content!

👉 YouTube Premium is the cherry on the cake. You get a share of Premium subscriptions based on the time your videos are watched.

With over $22.31 billion in revenue in 2023, they can give you some 😉

But the YPP is not just about money, it is also:

  • A credibility boost
  • Advanced creation tools
  • Dedicated YouTube support

How to join this club? Remember the criteria:

  • 1000 subscribers minimum
  • 4000 hours of viewing/year
  • YouTube Rules Compliance

Once you’re in the YPP, everything changes. You go from being a simple creator to a real YouTube entrepreneur.

Remember, to succeed and make a living from YouTube, it’s about consistency and quality. Money will follow naturally if you stay true to your vision and your audience.

YouTube Premium: an additional source of income 

Do you know YouTube Premium? Basically it’s:

  • no ads,
  • background reading,
  • exclusive content.

But what does this have to do with you, the content creator?

Well, every Premium subscriber who watches your videos earns you money. How does it work?

  • YouTube shares premium revenue
  • Based on viewing time
  • More views = more revenue

It’s like a bonus on top of your regular ad revenue.

Sale of derivative products and merchandising 

Now let’s move on to something more tangible: merchandising. Have you ever thought about selling products with your channel’s logo?

Imagine your fans proudly wearing a t-shirt with your logo, or sipping their coffee from a mug with your image on it.

Merchandising is:

  • A direct source of income
  • A way to strengthen your brand
  • A way to involve your community

Where to start? Here are some ideas:

  • T-shirts with your favorite quotes
  • Mugs with your logo
  • Stickers of your best memes
  • Posters of your iconic thumbnails

YouTube even makes it easier with its “ Merchandising ” feature. It allows you to display your products directly below your videos.

👉 Merchandising is more than just a business. It’s an extension of your content, your personality.

Crowdfunding and fan donations 

Are you dreaming of making that crazy YouTube project that’s been on your mind for so long come true?

Crowdfunding can be your solution! It’s like your fans become your producers.

Platforms like Patreon or Tipeee allow your community to support you financially. In exchange, you can offer:

  • Exclusive content
  • Early Access
  • Privileged interactions

Licenses and rights to use your content 

But have you thought about the value of your content beyond YouTube? Your videos can have a second life!

Selling licenses means allowing others to use your content for a fee. Imagine:

  • A TV channel replaying your report
  • A website integrating your video
  • A company using your tutorial

In a way, it’s like renting out your content. You keep ownership, but you allow its use for a ” rent .”

Brand Partnerships and Influencer Marketing 

Now let’s talk partnerships and influence. It’s time to play in the big leagues!

Brands are looking for creators like you to reach their audience. How does it work?

  • Product placement in your videos
  • Sponsored Videos
  • Campaigns on your social networks

⚠️ Transparency is essential here if you want to last. Always clearly indicate sponsored content to your audience.

Influencer marketing is a delicate balance. How do you stay authentic while monetizing your channel?

👉 Choose partners who match your values. Your fans will feel it and appreciate it.

Affiliate Marketing

Have you ever heard of affiliate marketing ? It’s like being a sales rep for products you love. You talk about products you already love and endorse but…

The best in history? You can do it directly from your YouTube channel!

How does it work? It’s simple:

  • You recommend a product
  • You provide a special link
  • You earn a commission on sales

Imagine you’re making a video about your filming equipment. You could include affiliate links for each item.

Your viewers buy, you get a share. 

⚠️ Keep in mind: your audience trusts you, don’t betray them for a few dollars.

Where to find these affiliate programs?

  • Amazon Associates
  • Brand Specific Programs
  • Affiliate Networks like CJ Affiliate
amazon associates affiliation

Remember to always choose products that are relevant to your content.

Do you do travel vlogs? Talk about the gear you actually use.

We recommend that you clearly mention that you are using affiliate links. Transparency is the basis of a lasting relationship with your audience.

Wondering how much you can make? It varies wildly. Some YouTubers make more with affiliate marketing than with advertising!

But as with everything, you have to find the balance.

❌ Too much promotion and you risk boring your viewers.

❌ Not enough, and you miss out on opportunities.

✅ The right balance? Everyone wins (especially you)!

Understanding YouTube Compensation

How does YouTube calculate your earnings? 

How does YouTube convert your views into euros? It’s a bit mysterious… but we’ll try to analyze all that!

YouTube uses a system called CPM ( Cost Per Thousand Views ). 

⚠️ Warning! It’s not as simple as “1000 views = X euros”.

Several factors come into play:

  • Advertising type ( skippable, non-skippable )
  • Ad viewing time
  • Audience engagement ( clicks, likes )
  • Theme of your video
  • Time of year ( holidays bring in more )

Basically, YouTube calculates how much advertisers pay and then gives you a cut. It’s like a pie and you get a slice.

How much does 1000 views on YouTube cost? 

But let’s talk numbers. How much can 1000 views earn you?

The answer will surprise you: it depends!

Why such a difference? It is linked to several factors:

  • Your audience ( age, country, purchasing power )
  • Your niche ( finance vs humor for example )
  • The season ( Christmas = jackpot )

Thinking this is unfair? Remember that views are only part of the equation.

👉 Quality content attracts more advertisers and better deals.

How many views do you need to make money? 

Let’s talk numbers!

How many views to start making money?

The answer may surprise you: it’s not just a question of views!

To join the YouTube Partner Program, you need:

  • 1000 subscribers
  • 4000 hours of viewing over 12 months

It’s like an entry ticket to the paid YouTubers club. But once you’re in, every view counts!

In the long run, quality trumps quantity. Better 10,000 engaged views than 100,000 passive views.

How and when do you get paid by YouTube?

Now, let’s move on to the fun part: getting your money!

YouTube is pretty cool as a payer.

He pays you every month, provided you reach the payment threshold.

This threshold is €100 (or equivalent in local currency). You reach it, YouTube pays you. Simple.

The process goes like this:

  • End of the month: YouTube calculates your earnings
  • Between the 10th and the 14th: Payment sent
  • Banking delay: 5 to 7 working days

You get paid through AdSense, Google’s system. Make sure your account is set up correctly!

👉 A word of advice: don’t stare at your balance every day.

Focus on creating awesome content instead!

Optimize your YouTube revenue

Analyze and understand your audience 

Want to maximize your YouTube revenue?

 Start by understanding your audience! 

YouTube Analytics will give you all the data you need. It tells you who your viewers are, what they like, and how they interact with your content.

What should you watch out for?

  • Demographic data (age, gender, location)
  • Viewing time
  • Retention rate
  • Traffic sources
  • Peak viewing times

This information is essential, a real gold mine to exploit! It allows you to adapt your content and increase your engagement.

👉 You discover that your audience is predominantly female and aged 25-34? Adjust your content accordingly!

👉 Retention rate drops after 5 minutes? Consider shortening your videos or adding hooks.

👉 Are your viewers most active in the evening? Post at that time to increase your initial views.

If you don’t know how to do it, don’t hesitate to take a look at the best YouTube training courses .

Create quality and regular content 

Want to turn your YouTube channel into a money-making machine?

Focus on quality and regular content. 

It’s like running a good restaurant: you need delicious food and consistent service! Otherwise, you’re disappointed and get bad ratings on Google…

But what is quality content on YouTube?

  • Relevant to your audience
  • Well produced ( sound, image, editing )
  • Engaging from start to finish
  • Providing value ( entertainment or information )

Bet everything on regularity! 

Why? It builds loyalty among your audience and boosts the YouTube algorithm . So much so that 86% of consumers are demanding more video content from the brands they follow.

How to maintain a rhythm without losing quality?

  • Plan your content in advance
  • Create a publishing schedule
  • Prepare videos in advance
  • Varies the formats ( short, long, live )

Quality over quantity. Better one great video a week than mediocre content every day.

Also, think about recycling your content. A long video can become several shorts. Currently, YouTube Shorts has 30 billion views per day

Finally, consistency pays off. Look at the big YouTubers: they all have a regular posting schedule.

⚠️ But beware of burnout! Find a balance between creation and rest. An exhausted creator does not produce good content.

YouTube is a marathon, not a sprint.

Using YouTube Tools to Increase Engagement 

To increase engagement on your YouTube channel, rely on integrated tools!

Let’s start with the end screens . This is your last shot to keep your viewers hooked. What to put in it?

  • Link to another video
  • Invitation to subscribe
  • Thematic playlist

YouTube Cards: Smart pop-ups in your video. Use them to:

  • Suggest related videos
  • Promote your merchandising
  • Make interactive surveys

Shorts ! YouTube loves them and they promote them. They can:

  • Attracting a new audience
  • Testing new ideas
  • Promote your long videos

Playlists : group your videos by:

  • Theme
  • Series
  • Best-of

Live streaming is real-time engagement. Use it to:

  • Q&A with your audience
  • Special Events
  • Exclusive content

Diversify your sources of income

Do you really want to increase your YouTube revenue? Don’t put all your eggs in one basket!

Diversification is the best solution to transform your passion into a real business.

YouTube is a stepping stone to a content empire. What are your options?

  • Merchandising: T-shirts, mugs, stickers with your image
  • Sponsoring: Partnerships with brands that suit you
  • Affiliation: Recommend products, earn a commission
  • Crowdfunding: Let your fans finance your crazy projects
  • Training: Sell your expertise in online courses
  • Live Events: Meet Your Audience, Charge Admission
  • Consulting: Offer your services to companies in your field

Think about what your audience would like. A gaming YouTuber could sell merchandise, a fitness coach could sell workout programs.

Don’t forget the additional platforms:

  • Twitch for live streaming
  • Instagram for exclusive visual content
  • TikTok to reach a younger audience


Quiz: Take our challenge!

What is YouTube Monetization?

What you need to remember:

  • Advertisements: Revenue through the YouTube Partner Program (YPP)
  • Subscriptions: Offer paid memberships to your channel
  • Super Chat: Monetize messages highlighted during live broadcasts
  • Merchandising: Sell products with the image of your channel
  • YouTube Premium: Earn based on watch time of Premium subscribers
  • Crowdfunding: Use platforms like Patreon or Tipeee
  • Licenses: Selling the rights to use your content
  • Partnerships: Collaborate with brands for product placements
  • Affiliation: Recommend products through special links
  • Training: Create and sell online courses
  • Exclusive Content: Offer premium content to your most engaged supporters


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